FOUR reasons for fall of the USSR
1) Endemic economic weakness, and failure of reforms
2) failure to reform the government and party - Gorbachev
3) nationalist resurgence
4) role of Yeltsin
How many republics was the USSR comprised of?
15 => supranational organisation rather than a country governed by the Communist Party
Why did centralisation weaken the Soviet Union? (LT economic issues)
- in efficiency was rife
- central control too general, not precise so lack of coordination (fertiliser arrive at wrong time/factories receive wrong grade materials)
Long term problems in industry weakening the Soviet Union:
- soviet economy didn’t have incentives for workers = lower productivity than west
- GOSPLAN set targets for QUANTITY not QUALITY = useless goods and wasted materials
Long term issues in agriculture weakening the Soviet Union:
- needed a greater proportion of the population working on it than USA
- USA farms were 6 times more effective
Long term infrastructure issues that weakened the Soviet Union (economy)?
- consistently inadequate
- transport system never modernised (food transportation awful)
- lack of modern storage facilities (food wasted - grain rot)
How did excessive military expenditure weaken the Soviet Union (economy)?
- 1965 - 1985 GDP on defence 12% -> 17%
- greater burden on economy than US military expenditure (6%)
- starved other areas of the economy (no investment in modernising infrastructure/farming)
Was long term economic problems significant to decline of the USSR?
- 1985 = Soviet economy stops growing
- some historians argue there’s no real crisis with this as the soviet economy had been declining/stagnating for years
- USSR economy therefore could have continued for decades, they undermined the USSR but were not the long term cause of the fall
Reasons gorbachevs economic reforms made the fall of the USSR more likely?
- Gorbachev reforms failed because they undermined the existing (working but stagnant) system
- Gorbachevs reforms didn’t have time to develop, because he kept changing his approach
- the failure of Gorbachevs economy was inevitable because the soviet economy couldn’t be saved
The three stages of Gorbachevs economic policy:
1) Rationalisation (trying to improve existing command economy) 85-86
2) Reform (introducing some market measures into the command economy - socialist - capitalist coalition economy) 86-90
3) Transformation (abandonment of the command economy, introduce full market economy) 90-91
Rationalisation 1985-86
- didn’t fundamentally alter the economy
- continued Andropovs anti-alcohol campaign
- state production of alcohol cut by half!
- introduced USKORENIE (acceleration) - modernising the economy
Acceleration - introduced in Rationalisation 1985-86
- investments in modernising the economy
- funded by Western Loans
- investments in energy production - not investing in high tech machines
Early failures of Gorbachevs economic reform:
- Anti alcohol campaign fails - Russians but alcohol off black markets - still turn up to work drunk AND govt makes less out of alcohol sales
- alcohol revenue drops by 67 billion roubles (9%GDP) - abandoned campaign in 1988
- Acceleration USKORENIE fails die to being funded by western govts
- ignored experts and invested in energy production
Issues why USKORENIE failed:
- funded by western governments - debt rose from 18.1 billion to 27.2 billion in 7 years
- debt caused inflation
- Gorbachev ignored expert advice and invested in energy production, not high tech machines - no growth of economy
Reform 1987-90
- experiments with market reforms to play bigger role in economy
- law on individual economic activity
- law on state enterprises
- law on cooperatives
Law on individual economic activity
Nov 1986:
Individuals can now make money on small scale jobs:
Law on state enterprises
June 1987
- factory management gets more power
- can set prices on goods they produce
Law on cooperatives
May 1988
- able to set up large scale cooperatives
- functioned like large companies
Why did market reform fail?
- created growing economic chaos
- undermined central planning (what little good it was doing - regulation)(
- failed to create market alternative
- increased shortages ad no effective way of distributing goods
Political consequences of Gorbachevs (economic) Reform period:
- economic issues lead to political issues
- GDP shrinks by 4% in 4 years ending in 1990
- prices rising
- communist party members becoming rich as they seize economic assets being privatised
- decline in support for communist party
When did Gorbachev abandon attempts to save the command economy?
1990, after ‘Restructuring’ period
Why did Gorbachev have political issues abandoning the command economy, and replacing it with a market economy?
- hardliners in the party wanted to preserve the command economy and soviet political system
- radicals wanted to speed up reform
When was gorbachevs ‘transformation period’?
- 1990-91
- transformation of the command economy into a market economy in less than 2 years
Details of the transformation period:
- Gorbachev and Yeltsin commissioned Shatalin and Yavlinsky to create a plan (leading economists)
- 500 day programme in 1990
- widespread privatisation complete marketisation
Gorbachev backed down from the 500 day program after pressure from hardliners - Transformation would happen at slower race