Factors Affecting Wound Healing (Reappear from Exam #1) Flashcards
Infection is…
1. wound complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- wound complication
- infection results when the immune system fails to control the growth of microorganisms.
- a contaminated wound is more likely to be infected.
Hemorrhage is…
1. wound complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- wound complication
dehiscence is…
1. wound complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- wound complication
- the wound is separated but everything is inside still
evisceration is…
1. wound complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- wound complication
- dehiscence and protruding bowel
fistula is…
1. wound complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- wound complication
- an abnormal passage.
- can be intentional or from an abscess.
local factor
occurring directly in the wound
systemic factor
factors not related to the wound iteself
pressure is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- pressure disrupts the blood supply to the wound area.
- persistent or excessive pressure interferes with blood flow to the tissues & delays healing
desiccation is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- desiccation is the process of drying up.
- cells dehydrate and die in a dry environment.
- this cell death causes a crust to form over the wound site & delays healing.
- wounds that are kept moist (not wet) and hydrated experience enhances epidermal migration, which supports epithelialization.
maceration is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- softening and breakdown of the skin results from prolonged moisture exposure.
trauma is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- repeated trauma to a wound area results in delayed healing or the inability to heal.
edema is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- edema at the wound site interferes with the blood supply to the area, decreasing oxygen and nutrients to the tissue
infection directly in the wound is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- body energy is spent on fighting infection instead of wound healing.
- toxins released when bacteria die interfere with wound healing and cause cell death.
excessive bleeding is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- results in large clots, this large clot increases amount of space that must be filled during healing and interferes with oxygen diffusion in tissues.
- promotes bacteria growth and infection (pooled blood & drainage makes a good reservoir for this).
necrosis is…
1. complication
2. local factor
3. systemic factor
- local factor
- dead tissue present in the wound delays healing.
- dry, black leathery tissue.
- the wound cannot heal with necrotic tissue in the wound and must be removed for healing to begin.