Factors affecting attraction (Relationships) Flashcards
Self Disclosure
• involves revealing personal information about yourself
• romantic partners reveal more about their true selves as the relationship develops
• these revelations strengthen the relationship if used appropriately
Altman and Taylor (1973)
Social Penetration theory
• relationships are a gradual process of revealing your inner self to someone
• in romantic relationships it involves reciprocal exchange of information between partners. This leads to a deep understanding of each others lives. There are two elements to this idea - breadth and depth
• Altman and Taylor use the onion metaphor (layers) to explain this
• low risk information is revealed early on in a relationship and high risk information comes out as the relationship progresses.
Altman and Taylor’s onion metaphor
- (outermost) Biographical data (Age, Gender, Name)
- Preference in clothes, food and music
- Goals, aspirations
- Religious convictions
- Deeply held fears and fantasies
- (innermost) Concept of self
Reciprocity of self-disclosure
Reis and Shaver (1988)
• there tends to be a balance of self disclosure in successful romantic relationships as well as breadth and depth
• after disclosing information, you want your partner to respond in a rewarding way, with understanding and empathy
• increases intimacy and deepens the relationship
Factors influencing the relationship between disclosure and attraction
• Appropriateness of the disclosure: sometimes disclosing personal information is inappropriate, e.g. on a first date - suggests that the individual is lacking in social skills. More attractive people could be sensitive to these norms
• Attributions for the disclosure: the reasons we believe a person is self-disclosing to us are important. Less attraction occurs if an individual is seen as the kind of person who discloses personal information to everyone. However, more attraction occurs if we believe an individual sees us as someone they especially want to disclose intimate information to.
• Sex differences: females are generally seen as better communicators of and more interested in intimate information, therefore intimate self-disclosures by males may be seen as less appropriate than those by females. Alternatively, self-disclosure by a male may be seen as very regarding by a female. Meanwhile, males may feel threatened by females self-disclosing intimate details to them.
• Content for disclosure: disclosure of highly intimate information may be seen as inappropriate and as violating social norms, especially if a relationship is in its early stages. This could decrease attraction. Attraction is strongest when self-disclosure is of moderate intimacy and weaker when too high or low.