Facism Flashcards
A bundle of rods bound together with an axe head at the top. A symbol of social unity and political leadership in ancient Rome.
Total control from the top down of all aspects of society. Every group is subject to the power of the ruler, and total loyalty is demanded of the people. Feature of:
One party rule, that generally incorporates violence against anyone who disagrees. State terror is often used, and private life disappears. Feature of:
Feature of totalitarianism: against enlightenment political ideas about freedom and equality, liberalism and valuing individuals, socialism and class identity.
Feature of totalitarianism: quazi-religious following.
Cult of leadership
Feature of totalitarianism: no place for individuals to express their views.
Mass mobilization through a monopolistic political party
Feature of totalitarianism: destruction of these, such as trade unions. The introduction of the party’s own interpretations, inability to pursue own interests.
Intermediate organizations
Feature of totalitarianism: Everything should be reported to the state. There are no family ties.
The abolition of privacy
Feature of totalitarianism: this is replaced with arbitrary violence and the regime is based on terrorism.
Rule of law
Movement: against the role of reason, science, equality, freedom, citizenship, respect, universality and equal consideration.
True or false: fascists think that what divides us is most important.
True. Race, culture, nationality, sex, etc.
A unified, national community of belief. We are the chosen people.
A romantic idea of a self governing autonomous community. What makes us distinctive: our connection a particular national culture.
Rule by a small group. No matter how you organize a society this group will prevail.
The enemy of elitism.
Parliamentary liberal democracy
The behaviour of crowds. Mob mentality has a personality of its own, reason is set against emotion.
Providing reason using symbols and appealing to sentiment.
According to Mussolini the nation is the agent to this.
National unity
According to Mussolini, a nation has to be free from these to realize its power and glory as a state, and to expand its influence and dominance.
Internal divisions
Mussolini was against liberalism and for this. Subjects should follow blindly. The leader alone is the focus of loyalty.
What Mussolini defined as the bases of a fascist state.
Force and consent, there is no serious distinction between the two
Mussolini believed fascist states should celebrate this. The pursuit of peace is mistaken.
Mussolini believed the nobility of humanity is expressed only through this.
Mussolini believed the economy should always be centered around this.
An anti-political ideology, against consensus building and cooperation.
Mussolini advocated these two ways to show willingness to die for the nation/leader.
Individual sacrifice and state worship
Mussolini: everything for, nothing against this:
The state
What are the 2 reasons for Hitler’s rise to power?
- economic - the world was in the midst of a depression, poverty, mass unemployment
- charisma
The German people, otherwise known as:
Jews, communists, liberals (universality and brotherhood).
Enemies of the German people that must be defeated
A strong, dominant ruler:
Absolute authority downwards, unrestricted obedience upwards. Emotional not national.
Fuhrer principle
According to Schmidtt this exists in every regime
Dictatorial element
Living space. Germans have the right to move into their national space, occupy, and enslave.
Lebensraum, bread basket
Connected to this theory. Survival of the fittest asserted with races. The weak deserve to die.
Social Darwinism
De sade:
He advocated the distinctiveness of the German language, membership and meaning, that all nations have value and deserve respect.
He advocated the distinctiveness of the German language, membership and meaning, that all nations have value and deserve respect.
He argued that Italy needed a common government or could not be free.
He argued that Italy needed a common government or could not be free.
Movement to the established homeland.
Movement to the established homeland.
Michel: concentration of power in groups is needed for the organization to be effective. What law is this?
Iron Law of Oligarchy
Michel: concentration of power in groups is needed for the organization to be effective. What law is this?
Iron Law of Oligarchy
Le Bon: human conduct en mass, otherwise known as:
Herd instinct
Le Bon: human conduct en mass, otherwise known as:
Herd instinct
Praeto: sentiments are more important than these factors:
Material and economic
Praeto: sentiments are more important than these factors:
Material and economic
Sorel: people are moved by these, to organize like in general strikes:
Political myths
Sorel: people are moved by these, to organize like in general strikes:
Political myths
Mosca: people are moved by this type of formulae:
Mosca: people are moved by this type of formulae:
To fasten/bind
To fasten/bind
Freedom in the fascist sense is:
Freedom of the nation
Freedom in the fascist sense is:
Freedom of the nation
Seen to fascists as an obstacle.
Individual freedom
Seen to fascists as an obstacle.
Individual freedom
Who is the agent in fascism (Mussolini)?
The nation-state
Who is the agent in fascism (Mussolini)?
The nation-state
What are the obstacles to freedom in fascism?
Individualism, class divisions, independent groups
What are the obstacles to freedom in fascism?
Individualism, class divisions, independent groups
What is the goal of fascism (Mussolini)?
Power and glory
What is the goal of fascism (Mussolini)?
Power and glory
“_________ is always right”
“_________ is always right”
A failed coup d’etat led by Hitler.
Beer Hall Putsch
A failed coup d’etat led by Hitler.
Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler wrote this in prison:
Mein Kampf
Hitler wrote this in prison:
Mein Kampf
This was intended to make Germany the political and cultural leader of Europe.
Third Reich
This was intended to make Germany the political and cultural leader of Europe.
Third Reich
Economic system in which large corporations and the private state control concentration camps and slave labour.
German economic state assisted capitalism
Economic system in which large corporations and the private state control concentration camps and slave labour.
German economic state assisted capitalism
This race was destined to subordinate inferiors.
This race was destined to subordinate inferiors.
Mix of races:
Mix of races:
He was awarded for meritorious service by Hitler.
Henry Ford
He was awarded for meritorious service by Hitler.
Henry Ford
This movement included mass sterilization and racial engineering.
Eugenics movement
This movement included mass sterilization and racial engineering.
Eugenics movement
Who is the agent in fascism (Hitler)?
The Aryan Race
Who is the agent in fascism (Hitler)?
The Aryan Race
What is the goal in fascism (Hitler)?
Racial supremacy
What is the goal in fascism (Hitler)?
Racial supremacy
What is the explanation function of fascism?
Scapegoats that are inferior/foreign.
What is the explanation function of fascism?
Scapegoats that are inferior/foreign.
What is the evaluation function of fascism?
Volk’s unity and strength.
What is the evaluation function of fascism?
Volk’s unity and strength.
What is the orientation function of fascism?
To the nation or the nation in racial terms.
What is the orientation function of fascism?
To the nation or the nation in racial terms.
What is the program for fascism?
Give everything, hide nothing, do nothing against the state.
What is the program for fascism?
Give everything, hide nothing, do nothing against the state.