Facial Trauma Flashcards
Signs and symptoms
Asymmetry, crepitus, dental malocclusion, displacement of nasal septum, ecchymosis, lacerations and bleeding, limited movement of jaw, limited ocular movement, numbness, pain, swelling, visual disturbances
Mandibular Fractures
usually through blow to chin
Misaligned bite
Unable to open mouth
Mid-Face Fractures
when the face is struck with force from the front the bones collapse
Le Fort 1
fracture runs across lower face including hard palate and alveolus
Le Fort 2
pyramidal, extending variably upwards in the midline to involve the ethmoids
Le Fort 3
more transverse but uniformly higher than le fort 1
separates the face from skull
Management of middle face fracture
Mobilise front of face Marked swelling and bruising Marked bleeding Often CSF leak Normally assoc with spinal injuries Requires constant suctioning of airways NPA contraindicated
Zygoma (Malar) Fractures
strong bone transmits force to: orbit, zygomaticofrontal suture, may present with subcutaneous emphysema due to fracture of air sinus
Nose Fractures signs and symptoms
epistaxis, swelling, deformity, often accompanied by ecchymosis
Dental Trauma
assoc with facial and mandibular trauma
Get pt to run tongue around teeth
Broken or jagged teeth may cause excessive bleeding
Ear Trauma treatment
direct pressue to control bleeding
cold compress to reduce swelling
avulsed pinna can be kept in moistened gauze
Orbit Fractures and Blunt Trauma signs and symptoms
contusion injury - black eye
traumatic hyphaema - bleeding
globe or scleral rupture
Penetrating Eye injuries signs and symptoms
dispacement of pupil prolapse of intraocular content evidence of intraocular foreign body or infection reduced visual activity hyphaema
Chemical burns to eye
alkali: reacts with proteins in the eyes to produce destruction of cells and softening of tissue, penetrates eye
acids: immediate and severe pain, destruction of surface tissue
Burns to eyes
arc eye from welders or skiers:
may affect both eyes, painful, weeping, red, sensation of foreign body, dye reveals tiny corneal abrasions