Facet Flashcards
What Spinal muscle’s main role is as a stabilizer and acts as a series of extensible ligaments adjusting their length to stabilize adjacent vertebrae irrespective of its position?
What is known as an abrupt onset after a sudden misjudged movement or pain upon rising from a flexed position with pain being localized?
Facet Syndrome
Does extension make Facet syndrome better or worse?
Does flexion make facet syndrome better or worse?
Is the Lumbar intervertebral disc angle increased or decreased with Facet syndrome?
What is known as a parallel line that is drawn through each inferior vertebral endplate. The line should lie above the tip of the SAP below?
McNab’s Line
What is a normal Lumbosacral disc angle?
10-15 degrees
What is it called when the above vertebra is behind the bottom vertebra?
What is synonymous with Retrolisthesis?
Which dysfunction has Hyperextension subluxation?
Facet Dysfunction
Which dysfunction has Posterior subluxation (indicative of gross disc degeneration)?
Instability dysfunction
What consists of painful trigger points (TrPs) that when palpated create local twitch responses and refer pain in predictable patterns?
Myofascial Pain syndrome
What type of trigger points have referred symptoms in a typical pain distribution and are constantly painful?
Active trigger points
What type of trigger points only have pain when palpated and can have a referral in a typical pain distribution?
Passive trigger points
What is Pain and spasm localized over the posterior lumbar spinal muscle bellies lateral to the spinous process or at the insertion of the muscle at the iliac crest are typical symptoms
Lumbosacral Strain/Sprain
Does extension make Lumbosacral Strain/Sprain better or worse?
Does flexion make Lumbosacral Strain/Sprain better or worse?
What is the crossing point between superior and inferior line of a disc; The distance between this point and the posterior vertebral line?
Van Akkerrveeken distance
What should the Van Akkerveeken distance be?
If the Van Akkerveeken distance >3mm, then what is the conclusion?