Facebook Final Expenses Phone Script Flashcards


Facebook Final Expense Phone Script


Hello (name) I’m Theresa Klingenberg getting back to you in regards to the Facebook request you sent in for the state-regulated life insurance program for burial and final expense. Remember it was the one that asked you about your favorite hobby and you said (favorite hobby)?

-No Pause-

the purpose of this call is to just confirm some of the information you gave us, make sure I’m reading it right, so I can prepare. You listed your birth date as (birthdate/age) is this correct?


You listed that you are at (Address) is that correct? Perfect! I don’t see that you listed it here, but are you a smoker or a non-smoker? Okay, awesome!

okay let me ask you this, when you took the time to fill out that form on Facebook, what was your primary focus, was it just to make sure you didn’t burden your family with those expenses or be real and final expense, or were you looking to leave something extra to a spouse or adult children or someone? Okay perfect!

So my job is pretty simple. I’m just a medical field underwriter in your area. There’s no physical exams, needles, or urine samples required instead they just send me out to give you your information that you had requested, make sure you are who you say you are, and review it with you and then we’ll find a program that you qualify for based off of your health. Are you pretty healthy for the most part? Awesome.

So looking at my schedule here they have me in your area at both tomorrow as well as (day), what day works better for you?

Awesome. I have morning or afternoon, (time 9 am Or time 2 pm)

Okay, I have you down for that slot.

So just to confirm your address is (address ) . (Yep) awesome..

Is there any big dogs or gate codes that I should be aware of? (Yes/no)

So I have you down, Do you have a pen and paper, nearby?
I want you to write down a few things for me, write down my name, Theresa, do you have that down?

Awesome, and then our our appointment time at (0:00 am) and that this is regarding your request for life insurance for burial and final expense.

All right and is there any reason you wouldn’t be there at (appointment time)?

Okay, great. I will see you then! (appointment time) (location)

How well did you know this?
Not at all