F_Useful Mnemonics Flashcards
sounder tractors : Factors affecting investment strategy
size absolute or relative size of assets objectives uncertainty of the liabilities nature of the liabilities diversification existing portfolio return expected long term return
tax treatment of assets and investor, e.g. high income tax vs low CGT tax
restrictions statutory, legal or voluntary restrictions
accrual of future liabilities
currency of the existing liabilities
term of the existing liabilities
other strategies adopted by other funds or competitors
risk appetite
solvency requirements
tech scam : regulatory influences on assets held
dr doneq : Problems with industry data
details insufficient
risk risk factors are coded in different ways
differences difference in target market, administration systems, underwriting, geographical areas, distribution channels, data recording
not not everyone contributes
quality the quality is only as good as the contributors
variable crisps card : Requirements of a good model
valid adequately rigorous inputs arbitrage behaviour length easy
communicable reflects independent sensible parameters simple
mtv caterpillar : Problems with overseas investments
mismatching domestic liabilities
volatility of currency
custodian needed
accounting differences
time delays
expenses expenses incurred and expertise needed
regulation poor
political problems and instability
information asymmetries, information is scarce and harder to obtain
language difficulties
liquidity problems
administration additional administration required
repatriation repatriation problems and restrictions on asset ownership
mtv caterpillar : Problems with overseas investments
mismatching domestic liabilities
volatility of currency
mtv caterpillar : Problems with overseas investments
custodian needed
accounting differences
time delays
expenses expenses incurred and expertise needed
regulation poor
political problems and instability
information asymmetries, information is scarce and harder to obtain
language difficulties
liquidity problems
administration additional administration required
repatriation repatriation problems and restrictions on asset ownership
dr doneq : Problems with industry data
details insufficient
risk risk factors are coded in different ways
dr doneq : Problems with industry data
differences difference in target market, administration systems, underwriting, geographical areas, distribution channels, data recording
not not everyone contributes
quality the quality is only as good as the contributors
sounder tractors : Factors affecting investment strategy
size absolute or relative size of assets objectives uncertainty of the liabilities nature of the liabilities diversification existing portfolio return expected long term return
Risk vs reward
- Is the loan an acceptable risk, given risk tolerance, other exposure etc?
- Are repayment terms (eg interest rate charged) acceptable?
Ability to repay
- Is the borrower able to service and repay the debt when due?
- How certain is the source of repayment?
- What margin of safety has been built into the projections and assumptions
- To what use will the monies be put?
- Is the borrower in a sector where there are concerns, or where the total exposure is already sufficient?
- Is the project acceptable on ethical/moral grounds?
- Will the lending be subject to country, currency, environmental, resource, technological or other inherent risk?
- Are there controls to ensure that the monies are correctly applied?
Is there any security in place should the borrower fail?
- Is the amount borrowed reasonable, taking into account the stated purpose?
- How much does the borrower contribute? Who stands to lose most if the project fails?
Character and ability
- Is the borrower (and/or its principals) known, competent and trustworthy?
- Do key personnel have the required depth and spread of skills and experience?
- If someone is found to have lied/intentionally mislead, do not lend
- Who introduced them? Can references be obtained?