Extras 10 Flashcards
What is EAS-SV(pricing)
SV(pricing)-SV(actual surrender assumps used)
Profit made to date
Value of profit that would arise in future due to prem rate and surrender value assumption differences
How do you choose assumptions for SV?
Somewhere between best estimate from now (profit that would be made is policy continues) and pricing assumptions (profit made to date)
What basis on assumptions would be used for the prospective assumptions? Why?
Blended, pricing near start, best estimate near end
Depends on how early want to claim profit as if not surrendered
How can you avoid lapse and re-entry to do with surrender values?
Make sure SV not above EAS
What actual experience is used in retrospective SV calcs?
Investment earnings
Why won’t actual investment earnings be used in regular premium Retro SV’s?
Smooth the value
What assumptions will be used to find prospective SV’s. What is the most important?
Interest (most important) Expenses Inflation Mortality Tax
How to pick interest rate assumption in Prospective SV?
Premium basis if using those assumptions
Weighted average redemptions yield of FI liabs that it holds to back liabs
How to pick expense assumptions in Pros SV?
What allowance needs to be made?
Recent expense investigation
Those used in recent pricing
Renewal commission
How to pick inflation rate assumption in Pros SV?
Consistent with investment return
Use real return - investment return on FI to get inflation
How is mort assumption different from past experience in Pros SV?
Is it important?
Expected future mortality of those surrendering
Which is LIGHTER than those not
Will not have much effect on results
What happens when make a policy PUP, what stays the same?
Stop paying premiums, SA reduces
T’s and C’s stay same
What is making a policy paid up, equivalent of doing?
Using value of the original policy to purchase a single premium policy for new SA at PUP date
Give 2 reasons why PUP basis would be different than SV basis?
Alteration cost is different
Mortality selection reduces as policy still in force (mortality for those left won’t be as bad as in surrenders)
Why might a policy be altered?
Mismatch between policy and risks ph faces changes
How can P/H match current risks?
Purchase additional policy/alter current one
3 alteration examples
SA change
Premium change
Term change
How do you change term of a WOL
Convert to EA
Equivalent of reducing term to 0?
Equivalent of reduce SA so no premiums needed?
Equivalent of increasing SA?
Paid up SA
Purchase new policy for increment at current rates
Principles on calculating PUP SA
What is the key one for all alterations?
Should be:
Supported by EAS at date of conversion and expected future experience (key)
Consistent with Mat Vals at later duration, reduced for just premiums not recieved
Surrender values before and after conversion approximately equal