F9: Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations Flashcards
Operational Accountability
Governmental Accounting
focus of government-wide FS
- report the extent the gov. has met its operating objectives efficiently and effectively*, using all resources available for that purpose, and the extent to which it can continue to meet its objectives for the future
Fiscal Accountability
Governmental Accounting
focus of Fund FS
- to demonstrate the gov entity’s action in the current period have complied* w public decisions concerning the raising and spending of public funds in the short-term (one budgetary cycle or year)
Required Reporting GASB 34
Governmental Accounting
- before the FS
- narrative analysis
Gov-Wide FS
- statement of Net Position
- statement of Activities
- basically BS and IS
Fund FS
- reconcile to gov-wide
a) Governmental Funds - BS
- Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
b) Proprietary Funds - Statement of Net Position (or BS)
- Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position (or Fund Equity)
- Statement of Cash Flows
c) Fiduciary Funds - Statement of Fiduciary Net Position
- Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position
Notes to FS
Required Supplementary Info (RSI) Other Than Management’s Discussion and Analysis
a) Pension
- sources of changes in net pension liability (last 10 years)
- info about components of net pension liability and related ratios (last 10 yeras)
b) Budget
- budgetary comparison schedules
- ? can be cash or accrual, but must provide add. info to GAAP
c) Infrastructure
- info about infrastructure
- assets for entities using modified approach
Other Supplementary Info (optional)
- combining statements for nonmajor funds
- variance b/w originally adopted and final amended budget
- variance b/w final amended budget and actual
Optional Reporting
Governmental Accounting
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
- not a GAAP requirement
- GFOA designed presentation that adds an intro section and statistical section to beginning and end of GASP 34
Introductory Section (unaudited)
- letter of transmittal
- organizational chart
- list of principal officers
Basic FS and Req. Supplementary Info (audited
- required reporting GASB 34
Statistical Section (unaudited)
- 10 years of selected financial data
- 10 years of economic data
- other data
General Purpose Governmental Units
Governmental Accounting
focus of gov-wide FS should be on primary government
- primary gov: consists of all organizations that make up legal gov. entity, primary gov. is considered nucleus of the financial reporting entity
Primary Gov. Entities*
- State Govs
- General Purpose Local Govs (e.g. city or county)
- Special Purpose Local Govs that meet all criteria “SELF”
a) Separately-Elected governing body
b) Legally separate and
c) Fiscally independent of other state and local govs
Primary Gov Reports by itSELF
Special Purpose Governmental Units
Governmental Accounting
that are not primary governments are organizations that are financially accountable to a primary gov.
typically entities that engage in
- governmental activities
- business-type activities
- fiduciary activities
- governmental and business-type activities
Component Unit
Governmental Accounting
organization for which elected officials of primary gov. are financially accountable*
- may also be an org that by nature and sig. relationship w primary gov. cannot be excluded from the primary gov’s FS w/o making the primary gov’s FS misleading or incomplete
Blended Presentation
- used when any is present:
a) board of the component unit is substantially the same as that of the primary gov.
b) component unit serves primary gov. exclusively or almost exclusively
c) component unit is not a separate legal entity* - includes following features:
a) combines financial info w primary gov
b) financial info of component units not presented in separate columns
Discrete Presentation (or separate presentation)
- default used when criteria for blended presentation are not met
- displays component units in separate columns
- most component units should use discrete
- FS of reporting entity should provide an overview of the entity based on financial accountability
- e.g. board of education, rescue squad
Reporting Not-for-Profit Entities as a Component Unit of Government
Governmental Accounting
NFP orgs that provide ongoing support to a primary gov or to a component unit of that primary gov may also be a component unit of the primary gov
- private foundations associated w state universities
- private foundations associated w public health care facilities
Criteria for Discrete Presentation
- if all are met:
a) resources held by the tax-exempt org are for the near-exclusive benefit of the primary gov (benefit standard)
b) primary gov has access to majority of resources held by tax-exempt org (access standard)
c) resources held by tax-exempt org are sig. to primary gov (significance standard)
Criteria for Other Component Unit Presentation
- legally separate, tax-exempt orgs meeting the criteria of financially integrated entity should be classified as a component unit of the primary gov. if their relationship is so sig. as to make the FS misleading w/o component unit treatment
Management’s Discussion and Analysis
(required supplementary info)
Governmental Accounting
narrative providing analysis of gov’s financial activities based upon currently known facts, decisions, and conditions
- ST and LT analysis of activities
- before the FSs
- Description of the Financial Statements
- easily readable analysis based on currently known
- condensed FS info (3 yrs of data req. of basic FS are comparative)
- analysis of overall financial position and results of operations
- analysis of balances and transactions of individual funds
- analysis of sig. variations b/w original and final budget (no variance analysis here)
- description of sig. assumptions of use of modified approach for accting for infrastructure - Identity of Primary Gov and Discrete Component Units
- Economic Conditions and Outlook
- impact of economy on FSs - Major Initiatives
- capital asset and LT debt activity during the year
Government-Wide FS
Governmental Accounting
- economic resources measurement focus
- full accrual basis of accounting for both statements
- include all assets and liabilities which gov has control or responsibility; thus, fiduciary funds are excluded and component units are included
2 statements included:
1) Statement of Net Position
2) Statement of Activities
Statement of Net Position
Government-Wide FS
Governmental Accounting
this is a consolidated statement
- like BS
Net Position Format
- assets - liabilities = Net Position
3 components of Net Position “RUN”
- Restricted: imposed by external (not internal) activity
- restricted assets reduced by liabilities and def. inflows related to those assets - Unrestricted
- Net Investment in Capital Assets: all capital assets, net of depr, reduced by o/s balances of borrowings attributable to acquisition of those assets
- deferred outflows and inflows attributable to these transactions are included
On Other Cards
- Capital Assets
- Impairment
- Artwork and Historical Treasures
- Treatment of Interfund Receivables and Payables
Capital Assets
Statement of Net Position
Government-Wide FS
Governmental Accounting
- Capitalization of Assets
a) Valuation: cost includes al ancillary charges
b) Construction Period Interest: cap. of interest not required for capital assets used in gov. activities
c) Infrastructure: streets, bridges, gutters, and other assets of the gov.
- GASB 34, infra. assets recorded as general capital assets. only reported on gov-wide FS bc of incompatibility of recording them at fund level w gov. fund measurement focus and fact that it would be difficult to allocate general assets to individual funds - Required and Modified Approach
a) Required Approach
- all assets meeting capitalization req. should be recorded and depreciation
- depreciation exp that can be identified w a functional category should be included int he direct expenses of that function
b) Modified Approach
- infrastructure assets that are part of a network (eligible infrastructure assets) are not required to be depreciated provided the features of its two req. are met
- ongoing infrastructure expenditures are reported as expenses, unless outlays result in additions or improvements, then they would be capitalized
Capitalization Alternatives: Modified Approach
1) Requirement 1: Government’s Assets Management System Meets Certain Conditions
- inventory of eligible infrastructure assets is up to date
- summarized condition assessment of eligible infrastructure assets is performed and results use measurement scale
- each year, estimate is made of amt necessary to maintain and preserve eligible infrastructure assets at the condition level established and disclosed* by gov
2) Requirement 2: Gov Documentation Should Include Data on Asset Preservation
- complete condition assessment at least every 3 years
- reasonable assurance that 3 most recently completed condition assessments support assertions that eligible infrastructure assets are being presented at (or above) condition level established and disclosed by gov.
Modified Approach Reporting Requirements
- schedule reporting condition of gov’s infrastructure and
- comparison schedule of needed and actual expenditures to maintain the gov’s infrastructure
Modified Approach Accounting Changes (changes in estimates)
- required to modified or modified to required
Identifying and Valuing Impairment
Statement of Net Position
Government-Wide FS
Governmental Accounting
govs are req. to determine if impairment of an asset has occurred
- insurance recoveries netted against the loss
- physical damage: restoration cost approach, loss is est. cost to restore the asset and loss value is used to write down historical cost
- enactment of laws or obsolescence: service units approach, loss based upon productive units available before and after impairment
- asset life (duration) or reduced utility: service units approach
Artwork and Historical Treasures
Statement of Net Position
Government-Wide FS
Governmental Accounting
- should capitalize at historical cost or fair value at date of donation whether held at individual or in collection
- may elect not to capitalize/record when all are met:
a) collection held for public exhibition
b) collection is protected
c) collection subject to organizational policy that requires proceeds from sale or collection items to be used to acquire other items for collections - Not-for-Profits will have same rules
Treatment of Interfund Receivables and Payables
Statement of Net Position
Government-Wide FS
Governmental Accounting
eliminate interfund activities w/i major activity categories
- to avoid grossing up balances of assets and liabilities
- interfund receivables and payables eliminated except for net residual balances of amts due and payable b/w governmental activities and business-type activities
- rec. and pays. to fiduciary funds should be treated like assets and liabilities derived from external services
Statement of Activities
Government-Wide FS
Governmental Accounting
consolidated statement of all governmental and business-type activities
- revs and exps reported using full accrual basis
- operating statement like IS
Program Approach
- net program cost format, not consistent w commercial accting
- cost info about primary functions of gov. and indicates each program’s dependence on general revenues of the gov.
- total cost by function are compared to program revenue associated w each function to arrive at net cost that must be defrayed by tax revenues
- the net expense or rev for each function/program is classified into one of 3 categories:
a) primary gov. governmental activities (GRaSPP + S)
b) primary gov. business-type activities (E)
c) component units (rescue squad + board of ed)
- reported by function on full accrual basis
Program Revenue
- revenues directly associated w function/program on full accrual basis
Program Revenue Category Types “SOC”
- charges for Services, exchange-like transactions including:
- services to customers who benefit from goods or services
- services to other governments
- fines and forfeitures - Operating grants and contributions:
- mandatory and voluntary non-exchange transactions restricted for use in a particular program - Capital grants and contributions:
- mandatory and voluntary non-exchange transactions restricted for use in a particular program
Net Expense/Revenue presented in 3 categories and total column:
- primary gov. governmental activities column
- primary gov. business-type activities column
- total column (1 +2)
- component unit column
General Revenues
- presented separately in same categories ^
- include taxes, interest earnings, and other revenues not associated w functional expense
Special Items
- reported separately
- unusual or infrequent (but not both) and w/i control of management
Change in Net Position
- deduct general revenues from net (expenses) revenues
- net diff. combined w beg. net position to get ending
- internal transactions that artificially “double up” on activity should be eliminated
- more on F9-19
Major Fund Reporting Criteria
Fund Financial Statements
GASB 34 emphasize reporting by major fund rather than fund type
- provides more meaningful info
- major fund must meet 10% criteria w/i its category and 5% criteria with both categories
- 10% Test “separate columns”
- individual fund compared to respective total governmental funds OR enterprise funds
- 10%+ of revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets and deferred outflows, or liabilities and deferred inflows - 5% Test “total column”
- individual funds compared to total governmental funds AND enterprise funds
- 5%+ revenues, expenses/expenditures, assets and deferred outflows, or liabilities and deferred inflows
- gov officials may elect to report fund as major if they believe public interest is served by the reporting, regardless of the quantitative criteria
- general fund is always a major fund
- *internal service funds not considered in evaluation of major and nonmajor funds
- extraordinary items and transfers are not considered in major fund determinations
Reconciliation of Governmental Fund FSs to Gov-Wide FSs
BS and Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances
Governmental Funds
Fund Financial Statements
financial statements must reconcile: (GRaSPP+S)
- diff in fund balances of gov funds and net position in gov-wide FS and
- diff in net change in fund balances of gov funds and change in net position for gov activities
Balance Sheet "GALS BARE" GRaSPP- Fund balance \+ Assets (non-current) - Liabilities (non-current) \+ Service (internal) fund net position Basis of Accounting Accrued Revenues and Expenses
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance "GOES BARE" GRaSPP- Net change in fund balance - Other financing sources \+ Expenditure- capital outlay (net of depreciation) ( and principal, but not interest) \+ Service (internal) fund net income Basis of Accounting Additional accrued Revenues and Expenses
Statement of Cash Flows
Proprietary Funds (SE) Fund Financial Statements
prepared similar to commercial enterprise version, with 7 differences:
- direct method is required
- reconciliation of operating income (not net income) to net cash provided by operating is required
- 4 categories: operating activities, capital and related financing activities, noncapital financing activities, investing activities
- order of financing and investing categories are reversed
- interest income/cash receipts are reported as investing activities (not operating)
- interest expense/cash payments are either:
- capital and related financing or
- noncapital financing (not operating) - capital assets purchased are financing (not investing)
what’s in each F9-29
Notes to the Financial Statements
Fund Financial Statements
essential to fair presentation and considered integral to the FSs. notes should focus on primary gov, specifically:
- governmental activities
- business-type activities
- major funds
- nonmajor funds in the aggregate
- add. info regarding discretely presented component units
Generic Governmental Disclosures
- description of gov-wide activities, noting the exclusion of fiduciary funds
- policies related to elimination of internal activity
- description of modified approach for reporting infrastructure, if used
Specific Governmental Disclosures
- length of time used to define “available” for revenue recognition under modified accrual basis
- actions take to correct material noncompliance w finance-related or legal compliance
those are just the ones they talked about, there are many more F9-34
Required Supplementary Info
Fund Financial Statements
Budgetary Information
- budgetary comparison schedules must show original budget, final amended budget, and actual amounts
a) computation of variances b/w budget and actual is optional
b) computation of differences b/w original and final amended budget is optional
Infrastructure Information
- assessed condition of infrastructure and
- est. annual amount to maintain and preserve infrastructure for each of the past 5 years
Pension Information: for each of 10 most recent fiscal years
- sources of changes
- info about the components
- significant methods and assumptions
- annual money-weighted rate of return
- explanation of trends
~those are just ones he went over, there are many more F9-35 to 37
Other Supplementary Information (optional)
Fund Financial Statements
- combining statements for nonmajor funds
- detail is optional - variance b/w originally adopted budget and final amended budget
- variance b/w final amended budget and actual
Interfund Activity
flow of resources b/w funds and b/w primary gov and its component units. 2 types of accounting
- Reciprocal Interfund Activity: exchange-type transactions
a) Interfund Loans
- interfund receivables/payables (due from/to)
- Unrealizable Balances are reclassified as Transfers
b) Interfund Services Provided and Used
- sales and purchases b/w funds at external pricing
- accounted for as Revenues and Expenses/expenditures - Nonreciprocal Interfund Activity: non-exchange
a) Interfund Transfers
- normally displayed as Other Financing Sources/Uses after nonoperating revs and exps
b) Interfund Reimbursements
- payments of expenses made by one fund on behalf of another
- Not displayed as interfund transactions
Financial Statement Display and Disclosure
1. FS Displays
a) w/i governmental activities column of gov-wide FS: eliminated
b) w/i business-type activities column of gov-wide FS: eliminated
c) b/w governmental activities and business-type activities: eliminated
* d) b/w primary gov. and its fiduciary funds: reported as if b/w external parties
2. FS Disclosures
a) Interfund Loans and Transfers
- due to/from individual major fund
- due to/from nonmajor funds in aggregate
- due to/from internal service funds in aggregate
- purpose/description of each loan or transfer
Components of Statement of Cash Flows
Proprietary Funds
Fund Financial Statements
- cash inflows from sales of goods and services
- cash outflows to suppliers or employees
- cash inflow from interfund reimbursements and exchanges including payments in lieu of taxes
- cash transactions not meeting definition of other categories
Capital and Related Financing
- cash flows from issuing debt associated w capital assets
- cash inflow from capital grants
- cash inflow from contribution activity associated w capital assets
- cash activity related to special assessments associated w capital assets
Noncapital Financing Activities
- cash receipts from grants or subsidies
- cash received from property taxes (not restricted for capital use)
- operating transfers
- cash inflows and outflows associated w loans to others
- cash inflows and outflows associated w equity transactions
Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Organizations
Not-for-Profit Organizations
defined by FASB as entities that:
- revenues come from contributions
- operating purpose does not include profit, but nothing to preclude generation of profit
- ownership interests are unlike business enterprises
4 general industries:
- Health Care Organizations
- hospitals, nursing homes, hospices - Educational Institutions
- colleges, universities, schools - Voluntary Health and Welfare Organizations
- united way, red cross, march of dimes - Other Private (Not Governmental) NFP Orgs
- cemetery orgs, fraternal orgs, labor unions, museums, libraries, performing arts orgs, professional orgs
Full Accrual Basis of Accounting
Not-for-Profit Organizations
GAAP requires full accrual for NFP orgs
- overall emphasis for NFP FSs is on basic info for the organization as a whole
- primary reporting emphasis on disclosing sources of resources and how they were expended, rather than on periodic determination of net income
NFP accounting key issues
Pass Key
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- Classification of net assets as unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted
- revenue Recognition concepts related to unconditional pledges and support
- distinguishing b/w restricted revenues and conditional pledges
- distinguishing b/w restricted revenues and the absence of Variance Power
FASB ASC 958-205 through FASB ASC 958-280 Governs External Reporting for Private NFP Orgs
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- required to have consistent external reporting for comparability to other NFP orgs
- fund accounting not used for external, but can be for internal
- external FS must focus on basic info for org as a whole
- governmental NFP are not affected by FASB 958
Required Financial Statements
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Activities
- Statement of Cash Flows and
- Statement of Functional Expenses
- required for voluntary health and welfare orgs, and encouraged for others
Statement of Financial Position
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- assets
- liabilities
- net assets (equity)
Sequence of Display for Assets and Liabs
- classified as current and non current
- in order of liquidity/nearness to maturity
Net Assets “PUT”
- Unrestricted Net Assets
- *internal board-designated funds are unrestricted - Temporarily Restricted: donor-imposed stipulations either expire by passage of time or can be fulfilled and removed by actions of the org
- not displayed as a deficit
- any over-expenditure classified as reduction of unrestricted net assets - Permanently Restricted Net Assets: donor-imposed stipulations that neither expire by passage of time nor can be fulfilled or otherwise removed by actions of the org
- can also result from reclassification from (or to) other classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed stipulations
Statement of Activities
Not-for-Profit Organizations
revenues and expenses (gross), gains and losses (net), and reclassification b/w classes of net assets
4 Required Elements
- change in total net assets
- change in unrestricted net assets
- change in temporarily restricted net assets
- change in permanently restricted net assets
Classification of Rev, Gains, and Other Support
- Unrestricted
- Temporarily Restricted
- Purpose: money must be spent as donor stipulates
- Time: assets restricted until fixed period passes
- Acquisition of plant: assets restricted until land is purchased and/or facility is built - Permanently Restricted
- contributions w restrictions that can never be removed
Timing of Reclassification of Restrictions
- contributions w donor-imposed restrictions are restricted revenue in period they are received, temp or perm rest. net assets
- when donor restriction is satisfied, reclassification is reported on statement of activities; increase one net asset class and decrease another
- donor-imposed rest. not met in same period received may be recorded as unrestricted support (contributing revenue), provided the org discloses and consistently applies this accounting policy
Expense Classification in Statement of Activities
- expenses reported as decreases in unrestricted net assets
- detail function classifications must be presented either on face or notes
1. Program Services: activities for which org is chartered
2. Support Services: everything not classified as program - e.g. fundraising, administration, management, etc.
3. Combined Costs - e.g. combine fundraising w educational (program) services should allocate the combined cost b/w functions
Statement of Cash Flows
Not-for-Profit Organizations
commercial format follows, either direct or indirect method may be used
Classification of Sources and Uses of Cash
- Operating Activities
- include applicable agency transactions
- when using direct method, report by major class of gross receipts (including contributions, program income, and interest income or dividend income from investments)
- include receipts of unrestricted resources designated by governing body to be used for long-lived assets - Financing Activities
- include cash transactions related to borrowings that are typical in commercial and also cash transactions related to certain restricted contributions
- segregated on face of FS as follows:
a) Proceeds From Restricted Contributions
- increases to an endowment, purchases of assets, or annuity agreements is financing
- disbursements of these restricted contributions are classified as investing activity
- board designated is in operating, must be outside donor-imposed restrictions for financing
b) Other Financing Activities
- receipts and disbursements associated w borrowing, split-interest agreements, and receipt of dividends and interest restricted to reinvestment - Investing Activities
- include proceeds from sale of works of art or purchases
- investment in equipment
- proceeds from sale of assets received in prior periods whose sale proceeds were restricted to investment in equipment
Cash and Cash Equivalents
- exclude donor-restricted securities that may otherwise meet cash equivalent definition
Statement of Functional Expenses
Not-for-Profit Organizations
mandatory for voluntary health and welfare orgs but optional (encouraged) for all other NFP orgs
- total amt of each functional expense should be clearly disclosed in statement of activities or footnotes
- statement of functional expenses analyzes expenses by their natural expense classification
Functional Classification of Expenses
- Program Support Expenses
- directly related to org’s program - Fundraising Expenses
- cost of transmitting appeals to the public and salaries of personnel connected w fundraising campaigns
- unsolicited merchandise sent out - Management and General Costs
- for overall direction of organization, general record keeping, business management, budgeting, general board activities, and related purposes
Multiple Cost Items
- allocate cost on any reasonable basis
Accounting for Contributions Received and Made
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Resource inflows in NFP orgs generally classified in FSs as either revenue or other support
- revenue: exchange transactions in which NFP earns resources in exchange for service performed
- other support: donated contributions or provided in some way that is anticipated as part of central ongoing activities of the org
Contributions and Recognition
Accounting for Contributions Received and Made
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- Cash Contributions
- revenue when received
- fair value at date of gift - Unconditional Promises
- revenue when pledged
- fair value when promise is made
- may be written or verbal, but verbal should be documented by org internally - Conditional Promises
- revenue when earned, conditions substantially met or chances of not meeting conditions are remote and the promise becomes unconditional
- good faith deposits that accompany a conditional promise are accounted for as a refundable advance in the liability section of statement of financial position - Multiyear Pledges
- recorded as receivable at net PV at date pledge is made
- current collection: revenue
- future collections: temporarily restricted rev and net assets (time-restricted)
- diff b/w previously recorded PV and current amt collected is contribution revenue, not interest income - Allowance for Uncollectible Pledges
- NRV bc full accrual accounting - Split Interest Agreements
- benefits that are shared w other beneficiaries
- recognize: amortization of discounts and revaluations
- assets and liabs disclosed separately from other assets and liabilities in Statement of Financial Position
- contribution revenues and changes in value of split-interest agreements should be disclosed as separate line items in Statement of Activities (or notes)
- *split interest contributions should be:
a) measured at their FV at date of acquisition
b) estimated based on PV of est. future distributions and
c) displayed as temporarily restricted (unless there is a permanent restriction established by donor)
Pass Key
Accounting for Contributions Received and Made
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Do not confuse net asset classification of unrestricted and restricted w revenue recognition concept of conditional and unconditional
- unconditional pledges are assured of collection and may be restricted or unrestricted
- conditional pledges are subject to important contingencies and are not recorded
Specialized Support Transactions
Accounting for Contributions Received and Made
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- Donated Services
recorded as contribution revenue and expense at FV if services meet following criteria: “SOME”
a) create or enhance a nonfinancial asset or
b) require specialized skills that would otherwise have been purchased by the org
Specialized skills required and possessed by donor
Otherwise needed by org
Easily (at fair value)
dr: expense or asset, cr: contributions-nonoperating revenue
- net to 0 on IS if expense
- expenses associated w solicitations of contributions of volunteer assistance are classified as fundraising expenses regardless of whether the volunteer assistance meets the SOME criteria for in-kind recognition
- Donated Collection Items
not required to be recorded if all are met:
a) item is part of a collection, held for public viewing, exhibition, education, or research
b) collection is cared for, preserved, and protected by the org and
c) org has policy requiring any proceeds from sale of donated items to be reinvested in other collection items
- if not met, recognized as an asset and revenue
- policy may not be selectively applied and must be used for all assets - Donated Materials
- if significant, recorded at FV on date of receipt
(dr: asest, cr: contribution- support)
- if merely pass through an org to ultimate beneficiary (e.g. used clothing), do not record unless amts involved are substantial
- if substantial (dr: expense, cr: unrestricted contributions-supplies)
- if sold for a gain, gain is considered contribution revenue
Recording Promises to Contribute and Other Support Transactions
Accounting for Contributions Received and Made
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- Unrestricted Contributions
- unconditional promises to contribute in the future are reported as restricted support (implied time restriction) at PV of est. future cash flows
- if expected to be collected/paid in less than 1 year, may be measured at NRV
dr: pledge receivable-temp. restricted, cr: allowance for doubtful accounts, cr: contributed revenue-temp. restricted
- when collected
dr: cash-temp. restricted, cr: pledge rec-temp. restricted
dr: satsifaction of time restriction-temp restricted, cr: cash-temp restricted
- move it when restriction released
dr: cash-unrestricted, cr: satisfaction of time restriction-temp restricted - Restricted Contributions
- contribution restricted by donor
dr: pledge receivable-temp. restricted, cr: allow for doubtful accts, cr: restricted revenue-temp. restricted net assets
- later, after rec. is collected and when money is spent on restricted purpose, release
dr: reclassification-satisfaction of restriction, cr: cash/restricted net assets
dr: unrestricted net assets, cr: reclassification-satisfaction of restriction
dr: operating expense, cr: cash/unrestricted net assets
Distinguishing Contributions From Other Transactions
Accounting for Contributions Received and Made
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- Agency Transactions
- consist of resources received by the NFP over which the NFP has little or no discretion or variance power
- variance power: ability to use assets in any way NFP deems appropriate
- accounted for as an asset and a liability
- receipts restricted by a donor for specific beneficiaries are displayed as liabilities since org has no variance power - Gifts-in-Kind
- noncash contributions
- measured at FV
- gifts-in-kind donated as part of fundraising appeal are valued at FV when received and revalued upon sale; the diff b/w FV at time of donation and value at sale is an additional contribution
- Exchange Transactions*
- reciprocal transfers, each party receives and sacrifices something of approx. equal value
- cost of premiums given to potential donors as part of fundraising appeal is classified as fundraising expense
- diff b/w FV of due or other purchases and amt transferred is a contribution
- classified as unrestricted revenues and net assets, even when providers place limitations on use of resources
- Amt Transferred - FV Dues/Purchases = Contribution Revenue
Recipient Accounting
Transfers of Assets to a NFP or Charitable Trust that Raises or Holds Contributions for Others
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Without Variance Power
- assets valued at FV
- liability to beneficiary
dr: asset, cr: refundable advance - liability when any are met:
a) resource provider can change beneficiary
b) resource provider’s asset transfer is conditional or revocable or repayable
c) resource provider controls recipient org and specifies an unaffiliated beneficiary
d) resource provider specifies itself or its affiliate as beneficiary and does not qualify for equity accting
Granted Variance Power
- assets valued at FV
- contribution revenue when received and expensed when distributed to beneficiary
dr: asset, cr: contribution revenue
Financially Interrelated- Granted Variance Power
- assets valued at FV
- contribution revenue when received and expensed when distributed to beneficiary
dr: asset, cr: contribution revenue
Beneficiary Accounting
Transfers of Assets to a NFP or Charitable Trust that Raises or Holds Contributions for Others
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Recognition Rule
- specified beneficiaries recognize rights unless the recipient is granted variance power
Recognized Interest-Financially Interrelated
- equity transaction
- interest in net assets of the recipient is adjusted for beneficiary’s share of the change*
dr: asset, cr: equity transaction (statement of activities)
Recognized Beneficial Interest-Pools of Assets
- beneficial interest in an unconditional right to receive cash flows from pools of assets as contribution revenue
- measurements and remeasurements present assets at FV using discounting or other techniques
dr: beneficial interest, cr: contribution revenue
Recognized Receivable and Contribution Revenue
- cases that do not involve recognition of net assets or beneficial interest, beneficiary recognizes receivable and contribution revenue consistent w treatment of all other unconditional promises to give
dr: receivable, cr: contribution revenue
Investments in Securities
Other Accounting Issues
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Fair Value
- in statement of financial position
- mark to market
Gains and Losses (realized and unrealized)
- reported in statement of activities as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets
- unless the use of the investment is restricted
- allocate pooled investment gains and losses equitably
- f9-64
- recognize change in FV of all derivatives in period of change
- NFP are not permitted to use special hedge accounting rules
Dividends, Interest, and Other Investment Income
- investment income is reported in period earned as increases in unrestricted net assets
- unless use of the investment is restricted
Donor’s Stipulation
- determines how to recognize gains and losses on investment income
- donor-restricted investment income is reported as increase in temp. or perm. restricted net assets, depending on donor stipulation
- gains and losses that are limited to specific uses by donor stipulations may be reported as increases in unrestricted net assets if stipulations are met in the same reporting period as the gains and income are recognized
Basis of Assets
Other Accounting Issues
Not-for-Profit Organizations
same as GAAP rules
- purchased fixed assets carried at cost
- donated fixed assets recorded at FV at date of gift
- depreciation in accordance w GAAP, however works of art and historical treasures are not depreciated
Special Funds Used in NFP Internal Accounting
Other Accounting Issues
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Fund Accounting
- only for internal reporting for private NFPs and external reporting of governmental NFP orgs
- funds can be disclosed in notes for private NFPs
Endowment Fund
- accounts for donated assets, principal must be retained
a) Permanent Endowment - income is expendable as directed by donor, but principal can not be spent
- accounting is the same as permanently restricted net assets
b) Term Endowment - assets that must be held for a specified term, in accordance w donor’s stipulations
- reported as temp. restricted net assets
c) Quasi-endowment - used when internal governing board determines funds to be retained and invested for specified purposes
- designations of unrestricted net assets
- not restricted
Fund Accounting Applications to NFP Accounting
Other Accounting Issues
Not-for-Profit Organizations
fund accounting is not used for external reporting by NFPs
- entity is reported in total and emphasis is placed on classification of net assets
- GAAP permits NFPs to disclose info based upon internally maintained funds
7 basic types of funds
- Unrestricted Current Funds
- Restricted Current Funds
- Plant Funds
- Loan Funds
- Endowment Funds: permanent (permanently restricted), term (temp restricted), quasi-endowment (board designated/unrestricted)
- Annuity and Life Income Funds
- Agency Funds
Colleges and Universities (institutions of higher learning)
NFP Specific Industry Applications
Not-for-Profit Organizations
all increases in unrestricted net assets and all restricted resources that were actually expended during the period, such as:
- student tuition and fees
a) revenue reported at gross* amount. scholarships, tuition waivers, etc are considered either expenditures or a separately allowance reducing revenue
- assessed student tuition and fees - cancelled class = gross revenue from tuition and fees/unrestricted net assets
- government aid, grants, and contracts
- gifts and private grants
Restricted Revenues and Gains
- reported in statement of activities
- reported as changes in temp or perm restricted net assets
decreases in unrestricted net assets may include:
- scholarships and fellowships (may also be classified as allowance reducing revenues)
- maintenance and operating
- administrative
Gains and Losses
- reported in statement of activities
Health Care Organizations
NFP Specific Industry Applications
Not-for-Profit Organizations
increases in unrestricted net assets and reported by source
1. Patient Service Revenue
- accounted for on accrual basis at established standard rates, even if full amt not expected to be collected
- reported on gross basis
- Gross Patient Service Revenue - Charitable Services = Patient Service revenue
a) Charity Care
- not recorded as a receivable or revenue
b) Deductions
- contractual adjustments for third-party payments
- policy discounts
- administrative adjustments
- bad debts associated w services billed prior to org’s assessment of patient’s ability to pay
- Other Operating Revenue
- tuition from schools
- revenue from educational programs
- donated supplies and equipment
(dr: supplies inventory or expense, cr: unrestricted contributions- other operating revenue) net is 0 on IS
- specific purpose grants
- revenues from auxiliary activities
- cafeteria revenue
- parking fees
- gift shop
- medical transcription fees - Nonoperating Revenue and Support Gains and Losses
- “Unrestricted” stuff
- donated services
decreases in unrestricted net assets
- categorized by function
- program expenses, supporting services
Voluntary Health and Welfare Organizations
NFP Specific Industry Applications
Not-for-Profit Organizations
Full Accrual Accounting
- depend upon contributions and pledges from general public to support their activities
- contributions can be in cash or pledges (unconditional or conditional promises), and may be unrestricted or restricted
- contributions collected by other orgs and earmarked for voluntary health and welfare should be a receivable
Statement of Functional Expenses- mandatory
- detailed schedule of the expenses of the voluntary health and welfare org, divided into functional areas, such as program services and support services
NFPs to be financially interrelated
- one org must be able to influence operating and financial decisions of the other AND
- has an ongoing economic interest in the net assets of the other
- residual rights are created that increase or decrease as the value of net assets change
NFP expense categories
Program Services: functional expenses directly related to mission of NFP
Support Services: functional expenses related to general and admin costs, costs of membership development, and fundraising
- General and Admin
- Fundraising: inducing potential donors to contribute
- Membership: seeking prospective members, ensuring current member satisfaction, etc