F9 Flashcards
Interperiod equity
Gov accounting
Balancing the budget
Characteristics of financial reporting for gov
Understandability Reliability Relevant Timeliness Consistency Comparability
Fund categories for gov
Fiduciary funds
Financial and legal control lead to what for gov accounting
Fund accounting
Gov Financial reporting objectives may not fully address…
Budgets and other special purpose reports
Gov financial reporting objectives pertain to
General purpose external financial reporting
Gov summary results of the city’s performance relative to budget for previous fiscal year can be found where?
Required supplementary information
Gov city’s compliance with laws, rules, and regulations can be found where in the financials?
Budgets and other special purpose reports
Fund financial statements are displayed why?
To report additional and detailed information about the primary gov in compliance with GASB #34
What is the paramount objective of gov accounting?
What is the most difficult to report characteristic of information for a gov entity?
Relevance - just a lot of info and a wide variety of users
Fund balance on b/s for gov =
Current assets - current liabilities
What is the biggest difference between government fund accounting and fiduciary / proprietary fund accounting? (BS)
Government fund accounting has NO fixed assets and NO non-current liabilities
No non-current at all
Modified Accrual basis balance sheet difference
Current financial resources
No non-current (no fixed assets / no long term debt)
Government funds
General Fund special Revenue funds debt Service funds capital Project funds Permanent funds
Proprietary funds
Internal Service Funds Enterprise funds (external service)
Fiduciary funds
Pension trust funds
Agency trust funds
Private purpose trust funds
Investment trust funds
Measurement focus of gov funds
Current financial resources (primary focus) and financial position
Primary emphasis in accounting and reporting for governmental funds is
Source, use, and balance of current financial resources
Gift of a library endowment fund (gov) would be what kind of fund?
Permanent fund
Modified accrual basis (gov) - revenues are recognized when?
They become available and measurable
Permanent Fund
Endowment where principle can’t be touched
General fund
Ordinary ops
Special revenue fund
Special tax project
Debt service fund
Debt payments
Capital projects funds
Construction of major capital assets
Private purpose fund
Benefit of specific, private individuals vs the public at large, or other governments
BAE - BAE accounting
BAE are temporary accounts (like IS accounts), closed at the end of the year to the BS
What is the measurement focus of modified Accrual method?
Current financial resources measurement focus
What is the measurement focus of full Accrual method?
Economic resources measurement focus
Is the matching principle used in modified accrual?
No, - because there is no profit motive, so there is no income statement to measure profit, and therefore no matching principle
Record purchase orders (like AP outstanding except you also restrict cash to pay off the invoice)
Appropriate things to spend revenues on
Revenue sources of government resources
Taxes - income and sales Taxes - property and real estate Fines and penalties Licenses and permits Intergovernmental revenue
Other financing sources of government resources
Debt proceeds
Interfund transfers
Gov budget entry @ year beg.
Estimated Revenue Control
Appropriations control
Plug: Budgetary control (if deficit) Budgetary control (if surplus)
Deficit = don't forecast enough revenues to cover expenses Surplus = forecast more revenues than needed to cover expenses
Appropriations control
What is it and what balance (DR / CR)?
Approved spending budget for the year
Credit balance
How are control (budget) account different from activity accounts?
Their natural balances are on the opposite side
Revenue control (budgeted revenue) has a debit balance and appropriations control (approved spending) has a credit balance
What does the account “budget control” measure in governmental accounting?
Whether the government has enough revenues to cover approved spending (surplus if more, deficit if not enough)
What is non-exchange revenue?
Entity receives the money without directly receiving / giving equal value in return (police / fire / etc. you pay for it but enjoy the benefits indirectly for the most part)
Types of non-exchange revenue
Derived tax revenues
Imposed non-exchange revenues
Derived tax revenues
Sales tax / income tax
Recognize revenue when received
Imposed non/exchange revenues
Real estate taxes
Fines and penalties
Recognize revenue when BILLED
Measurable and available criteria for recognizing revenue for gov accounting
Collection period won’t exceed 60 days after fiscal YE
Time requirement for gov accounting
Gov must spend the money in a reasonable time period
When to recognize expenditures for governmental funds
Same rules as accrual accounting
Expenses in gov accounting are called
Payables in gov accounting are called
Voucher payable
When are restricted grants earned revenue?
When spent
Supplies / inventory accounting for gov fund accounting
Purchase method and consumption method
For supplies / inventory
Purchase method (gov fund accounting)
Record all as expenditures and at YE reverse for amount left in inventory
Consumption method (gov fund accounting)
Like commercial inventory accounting, expenditure as used
Year end JE for purchase method inventory to record inventory left over (gov fund accounting)
Supplies inventory
Nonspendable fund balance (inventory)
Classification hierarchy of gov fund expenditures
- Function or program (public safety)
- Org unit (police / fire)
- Activity (drug enforcement / highway patrol)
- Character
- Object
Character of expenditures (gov fund accounting)
- Current expenditures (period expense)
- Capital outlays (FA)
- Debt transfers (pay off LTD debt)
- Other transfers (intergovernmental / interfund transfers)
JE to record police car purchase for gov fund accounting
Expenditure - capital outlay
Vouchers payable
Object classes (gov fund accounting)
Chart of accounts for gov
JE for payment of principle and interest for gov fund accounting s
Expenditures - principle
Expenditures - interest
(Pretty much cash basis it seems?)
JE for recording encumbrance
DR: Encumbrance
CR: Budgetary Control*
- same budgetary control as difference between forecasted revenues and budgeted appropriations?
JE to record unreceived POs @ YE (gov fund accounting)
Unused fund balance
Committed fund balance
What kind of revenue for the gov are taxes on hotel rooms?
Derived tax revenue
When would a city recognize taxes that have yet to be remitted from the merchants to the state?
If measurable and available? (Collectible within 60 days of year end), recognize similar to Accrual basis (taxes earned in that month even though they weren’t ‘collected’)
Revenues control account vs estimated revenues control
Be careful with this distinction. The estimated revenue control is a budget account. The revenue control is an activity account that increased when property taxes are levied or sales / income tax as are received
Expenditure - salaries and wages is an example of which classification?
Are estimated other financing sources for gov funds revenue?
Expenditure extending over life of more than one period - how recorded? For example - prepaid insurance over 2 years
Purchased or consumption method
Expense vs expenditure gov
Expenditure = gov fund Expense = proprietary fund