F7 Flashcards
Defined Contribution Plan
ER contributions determined by a formula
Defined Benefit Plan
EE benefits determined by a formula
For pensions do pension expense = amount funded (paid) to the plan?
No! Not typically
EEs are not required to contribute to the plan
EEs required to contribute to the plan
Funded pension plan
Money is already at the trust waiting to be distributed to EEs of the pension plan
Unfunded pension plan
Promise from ER to pay pension benefits, but just a promise only
More money in the plan than required (plan assets exceed plan liabilities)
Projected Benefit Oblgation (uses future compensation levels - guess)
Accumulated Benefit Obligation (uses past / current compensation levels)
ABO uses past / current salary levels and PBO uses future (guess) salary levels
Defined benefit obligation
PBO equivalent for IFRS
IFRS equivalent to PBO
Vesting for pension plans - how?
Reach retirement age and / or meet unique special requirements
If a person leaves to work for another employer after vesting - are they still vested!
Yes, retired or not, they will still be vested
Pension Service Cost
Present value of all pension benefits earned by company EEs in the current year
Increases the PBO
Interest cost for pension plans increases what?
PBO because it raises the value of the obligation closer to the maturity value
What does pension service cost increase?
Prior service costs
EEs grandfathered in for service previously rendered or
Subsequent plan amendment reflecting new or increased benefits applying to service already provided
Actuarial gains and losses
Gains or losses that occur due to actuarial adjustments
Benefit payments
PBO (down) Plan assets (down)
(Payout to retired and working EEs)
Is service cost a pension cost?
Well no - it’s presented separately in the compensation
Pension costs
Interest cost (Return on Plan Assets) Amortization of Prior Service Cost (Gains) and Losses amortization of Existing net obligation or net asset
AOCI Pension costs unamortized
Amortization of prior service cost
(Gains) and losses
Existing net obligation or net asset
Projected Benefit Obligation increases with
+ Service Cost
+ Interest Cost
+ Prior service cost from current plan amendments
+ Actuarial losses incurred in current period
Projected Benefit Obligation decreases with
Actuarial gains in current period
Benefits paid to retirees
Pension plan assets increase how
+ Contributions
+ Actual returns on plan assets
Pension plan assets decrease how
Benefits paid to retirees
Service cost
Interest cost
less (Return on plan assets)
Prior service cost under GAAP JE
Prior service cost under IFRS JE
IS - service cost
Expense immediately
How do pensions account for gains
Two ways:
- Actual return to IS
- Difference between expected and actual return to OCI and amortized using the corridor approach
What is the corridor approach
Gains / losses at beginning of the year exceeding 10% of plan assets or PBO are amortized by the average remaining service life
How is interest cost calculated for PBO
Beginning of period PBO
x Discount Rate
= Interest cost
Which discount to use for pension interest cost? Prime or market?
Neither, use rate provided by actuary
Prior service cost is amortized over
Average remaining service life
Existing net obligation or net asset
Pension Obligation less plan assets amortized over the GREATER of 15 years or average EE job life
How do gains affect net period pension cost
They decrease it
Both the R and the G of SIR AGE
Interest cost calculation for pension
Beg PBO * discount rate
Service cost is measured using the
Project plan obligation
Net transition asset amortized into what?
Net transition liability amortized into what?
A loss
Overfunded pension asset is what kind of asset?
Always non-current
Underfunded pension plan is what kind of liability?
Must be split between current and no current
ER obligation for postretirement health benefits is expected to be fully accrued for an employee by the date the
EE is fully eligible for benefits
Attribution period
Date EE starts til date of full eligibility (vesting)
Measurement date for funded status
BS date at year end
Difference between public and non public disclosures for pension benefits
Non public does not require reconciliations
If pension plan is a liability how to find current from non current
Current is expected benefit payments in 12 months over fair value of plan assets
If funded status is negative and FV of plan assets is greater than expected benefit payments next year, what is the current liability?
Zero. FV of plan assets can cover the liability next year
What cost is unique to post retirement benefit plans?
Per capita claims
The funded status of a defined benefit plan is reported in which financial statement
Statement of financial position / BS
If you have two pension plans, one overfunded and one underfunded, do you net them into one non-current asset or one liability or split the overfunded and underfunded portions?
Split them, will report non-current asset and liability
For a defined benefit plan, what should be reported as a liability?
The unfunded projected Benefit Obligation (funded status if negative)
IFRS remeasurement of defined benefit obligation is determined how?
Actuarial gains / losses unrecognized
GAAP vs IFRS difference in OCI for pension plans
IFRS: Prior service costs expenses immediately and remeasurement adjustments are NOT amortized