F2- M4 - Fair Value Measurements Flashcards
________ is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants in the principal (or most advantageous) market at the measurement date under current market conditions.
Fair value
The ____________-is the market with the best price for the asset (maximizes selling pricing of asset) or liability (minimizes payment to transfer liability), after considering transaction costs.
most advantageous market
What are the three approaches an entity can use for measuring fair value (3)
MIC - Market approach, Income Approach or Cost Approach
What is the fair value hierarchy prioritizes the inputs used int he market by
Level 1 (highest, Level 2, and Level 3 being the lowest
Fair Value is the _______ price
Exit price
The objective of fair value disclosures is to provide users of financial statements with information about assets and liabilities measured at fair value, including:
1) Valuation techniques and inputs to arrive at fV. 2) uncertainty in fair value measurements as the reporting date 3) how changes in FV affect the entity’s performance and cash flows
The entity is exempt from the fair value measurement requirement when:
1) not practical to measure fV, 2) Fair value cannot be reasonably determined or FV cannot be measured with sufficient reliability
Fair value does not include _____ cost but may include transportation costs
Transaction cost
The principal market is the market with the ______ volume or _______ or the asset
Highest volume or level of activity
For the most advantageous market, if no principal market exist, its the market with
the best price for the assets after considering transaction costs ( Price - Transaction cost) -> Select the price not including transaction cost
Highest and Best use is used instead of FV when its either
Non-financial asset - PP&E or Liabilities and Financial Assets - Stocks and Bonds
______ uses prices and other relevant information from market transactions (exchange)
_______ converts future amounts including cash flows or earnings to a single discount amount to measure fair value
________ uses current replacement cost to measure fair value
Level ______ is quoted prices in “active” markets for “identical” assets or liabilities
Level ______ is directly or indirectly observable (quotes prices for similar assets in active markets) or Quoted prices for identical assets in inactive
Level ______ unobservable inputs used only when you dont have level 1 or 2