F-16 by the numbers Flashcards
49’ 5.2”
32’ 10”
Amount of PW220 stages
13 stages (3 fans and 10 rear compressors)
F-16C GW (w. Fuel)
19,700 lbs (26,900 lbs)
PW220 MAX thrust
25,000 lbs
PW220 MIL thrust
14,000 lbs
Amount of LOD restart attempts
MLG speed limit
225 GS
NLG speed limit
217 GS
Cable Arrest limit
150 kts (routine) or 160 kts (emergency)
Engage HOOK ___ ft prior to arrest cable
1500 ft
Canopy Open/Transit limit
70 kts (incl. wind velocity)
LG Extended/Transit (airspeed)
300/0.65, whichever is less
LG Retraction/Extension (G symmetric and asymmetric)
2.0/0.0 and 2.0/0.0
LG Extended (G symmetric and asymmetric)
4.0/0.0 and 2.0/0.0
ENGINE Warning light illuminates when
2 sec after FTIT exceeds 1000 degrees or below 55 %
100 degrees celcius below FIRE LOOP
If zoom results in altitude below ___ AGL = ejection
5000’ AGL
If zoom results in altitude between ___ - ___ AGL = 1 airstart
5000-10,000’ AGL
Final Approach Airspeed @ 11 AOA C/D model
142/144 (C/D) + 4 kts per every 1000 lbs fuel and stores
FLCS BIT takes approximately
45 sec
Speedbrake normal
60 degrees
Speedbrake w. GR/DN
43 degrees
Continuous toe braking will deplete JFS/brake accumulator within
Approximately 75 sec (fully charged)
Height canopy can reach during jettison
26 ft (C) or 17 ft (D)
Low altitude for engine malfunction is considered
<10,000’ AGL
With engine malfunction below 350 kts
Initiate 3 G pull and 30 degree pitch
AB-related fire should extinguish after
30-45 sec
If autotransfer to SEC occurs below ___ MSL, set a minimum of ___ RPM
15,000’ MSL, 70 % RPM
Engine flameout in MIL with use of FUEL MASTER takes
6 sec
Engine flameout in IDLE with use of FUEL MASTER takes
45 sec
With missing nozzles, level flight above ___ MSL in PRI is not possible
8000’ MSL
With missing nozzles, level flight above ___ MSL in SEC is not possible
5000’ MSL
If unable to maintain ___ above MSEA (Minimum Safe Ejection Altitude) in PRI, select SEC
(TO 1F-16CM-1) During nozzle loss/failure/malfunction SEC operation above ___ degrees is likely to cause engine fire/failure in little as ___.
850 degrees, 5 min.
An AB (no light) initial attempt and 3 subsequent attempts takes
Approximately 20 sec
Expect ___ the computed ground roll on a flameout landing
Twice (8000’ recommended)
Max Endurance Airspeed
170 KCAS + 5 kts per every 1000 lbs fuel/stores over 1000 (C) or 0 (D) lbs
Max Range Airspeed
200 KCAS + 5 kts per every 1000 lbs fuel/stores over 1000 (C) or 0 (D) lbs
Spooldown airstart RPM (OFF to IDLE)
50-25 RPM
Recommended spooldown airspeed PRI/SEC
Minimum 250 kts / 275 kts
Airspeed for JFS-assisted airstart PRI/SEC
Max Range or maximum endurance airspeed (200 knots minimum for SEC)
Minimum airspeed for SEC airstart (JFS ON)
200 KCAS
JFS will motor engine at minimum
22 % RPM
MFP does not supply sufficient fuel flow below ___ RPM for airstart
12 % RPM
___ kts or more is required to stay above ___ % RPM
350 kts, 12 % RPM
___ - ___ kts for ___ - ___ sec may regain ___ % RPM
400-450 kts, 20-25 sec, 12 %
When below ___’ MSL and ___ kts, activate the JFS during airstart
20,000’ MSL / 400 kts
If FTIT is above ___ degrees celcius, expect HOT start
700 degrees
Maximum range AOA
0.7 AOA
Maximum range airspeed based on which GW
20,000 lbs
In case of dual AOA malfunction, FLCC selects
11 AOA
600 kts
230 kts
0 degrees
15 degrees
During STBY Gains maintain below ___ kts
650 kts
During STBY Gains maintain ___ kts until LG DN
240 kts
LEF’s should remain symmetrical within ___ degrees
10 degrees
PROBE HEAT should flash ___ - ___ times per sec
3-5 times
During ALT GEAR Extension maintain
Lowest practical airspeed below 190 kts. NLG may not indicate down until airspeed is reduced below 190 knots. Time above 190 knots should be minimized in case there is a leak in the pneumatic lines.
SFO aimpoint
1/3 down RWY
High Key altitude
7-10,000’ AGL. The recommended high key altitude is (C) 7000, (D) 7500 feet AGL plus 500’ per every 1000 lbs of fuel/stores weights.
Low Key altitude
3-5000’ AGL. The recommended low key altitude is (C) 3000, (D) 3250 feet AGL plus 250’ per every 1000 lbs of fuel/stores weights.
Base Key altitude
Minimum 2000’ AGL
Optimum LG DN airspeed
10 kts less than Max Range
Minimun LG DN airspeed
20 kts less than Max Range
Optimum angle of bank (LG UP/DN)
50/55 degrees
EPU quantity below ___ @ High Key (___ w. JFS) is not recommended
25 % / 20 %
Initial aimpoint ___ below horizon before LG DN on Straight-In
11-17 degrees on pitch ladder
EPU fuel required for non-standard approach is approximately
15 % per min.
60 kva
10 kva
Emergency AC GEN
5 kva
Max time for Main PWR in BATT or MAIN PWR
Only 5 min
Max time for EXT PWR attached
30 min
ACFT BATT TO FLCS illuminated during total GEN failure
BATT supplies FLCS operations for 3-14 min
FLCS PMG + EPU PMG + ACFT BATT TO FLCS + battery buses
BATT supplies FLCS operations for 3-14 min
20V or less
Voltage on one or more of the four FLCC branches is below 20V, or one or more FLCC branches are not connected to the aircraft battery.
BATT voltage required for HOOK DN and operational
Approximately 5VDC
BATT failure
MAIN GEN light illuminates below
45 % RPM
Tower Shaft Failures is indicated by
0 % RPM, 0 psi OIL, ENGINE light, SEC light and engine flameout due to fuel starvation
Hydraulic system pressure
3000 psi
HYD Light ON
Pressure below 1000 psi
Pressure above 1000 psi
Pulling ALT GEAR with normal System B pressure may fail System ___ within ___ min
System B within 15 min
System A supplies pressure to
System B supplies pressure to
LEF, FLCS, NWS, normal braking, JFS, AR door operation, gun operation and normal LG extension
During DUAL HYDR MALF, EPU automatically provides pressure to
System A
Amount of fuel tanks
7 (Internal wing L/R, FWD/AFT reservoir, F1, F2, A1)
Fuel QTY L/R Internal Wing
550 lbs +/- 100
Fuel QTY F1, F2 and FWD RES
3250 lbs +/- 100
Fuel QTY A1 and AFT RES
2810 lbs +/- 100
480 lbs +/- 30
Fuel QTY L/R External Wing (370 gal)
2420 lbs +/- 100
Fuel QTY Centerline
1890 lbs +/- 100
Total Fuel QTY Internal
7160 lbs +/- 300
Total Fuel QTY External (370 gal)
6730 lbs +/- 300
400/250 lbs in reservoir
250/400 lbs in reservoir
If fuel imbalance between external wing exceeds ___ lbs refer to ASYMMETRIC STORES (LANDING)
1700 lbs
Normal Recovery fuel
1200 lbs
Minimum fuel
1000 lbs
Emergency fuel
800 lbs
Total amount of oil
28 pints (14 quarts)
(OIL) HYD/OIL PRESS light illuminates when ___. The light goes out when oil pressure exceeds approximately ___ psi.
Pressure below 10 psi +/- 2 for >30 sec / 20 psi
CABIN PRESS illuminates
Cockpit pressure >27,000’
Backup Oxygen System (BOS) supplies oxygen for C / D (both) / D (solo)
3-5 min / 2-3.5 min / 4-7 min
Emergency Oxygen System (EOS) supplies oxygen for
8-12 min
EPU operation time on hydrazine only
10 min
Closed pattern airspeed
250-300 KCAS
Closed Downwind airspeed (rollout)
200-250 KCAS
Taxi spacing on centerline
300 ft
Taxi spacing if staggered
150 ft
Disengage NWS at ___ KCAS
Rotation speed @ MIL power
10 kts below takeoff speed
Rotation speed @ MAX power
15 kts below takeoff speed
Pitch attitude after T/O
8-12 degrees
Aborting at or above 100 KCAS
Lower hook
Aborting at or above 120 KCAS
Suspect hot brakes
Airspeed at which T/O should be continued with tire failure
100 KCAS
GX airspeed
400 KCAS
4-5 G’s and 90 degrees of turn. Starting LAB and ending in trail
5-7 G’s and 90 degrees of turn for A2G or 180 degrees of turn for A2A.
Alternate braking reduces braking
25-30 %
Differential braking greater than ___ % will degrade braking to pulsating mode
15 %
Pulsating braking is ___ % as effective as antiskid braking
50 %
Restrict engine operation without corrosion inhibitor to ___ consecutive hours.
10 hours
If brake energy absorption is in the danger zone, wheel fusible plugs release tire pressure within ___ - ___ minutes after stop
3-15 minutes
The maximum allowable fuel flow with one reservoir empty is ___ pph.
25,000 pph
Negative G flight with both reservoir tanks full is limited to:
AB thrust:
MIL thrust or below:
AB thrust: 10 sec
MIL thrust or below: 30 sec
Maximum operating airspeed is ___ knots from sea level to 30,000’ MSL.
800 knots
Above 30,000’ MSL, the maximum airspeed is ___ mach.
2.05 mach
Do not operate with CAT III loadings below ___ knots unless in takeoff or landing gains.
200 knots
The maximum allowable GW for ground handling, taxi, takeoff, in-flight and landing is ___ lbs
42,300 lbs
Full aft stick maneuvers started above ___ KCAS are more susceptible to over-g.
500 KCAS
Transfer to SEC when subsonic below 40,000’ MSL should be performed with the THR at ____ or above
(JFS) Continuous motoring of the engine shall not exceed ___ minutes. After ___ minutes of continuous motoring, a normal engine start may be initiated after ___ minutes of cooling.
4 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes
(JFS) A minimum wait of ___ minute is required after each JFS start attempt to allow fuel drainage from the JFS.
1 minute
(JFS) Motor until FTIT is below ___ degrees celcius during hot start of engine.
200 degrees celcius.
(JFS) Motoring is defined as JFS rotating the engine with the THR in OFF @ ___ RPM.
22 % RPM
AR Door Opening/Closing
400/0.85, whichever is less
AR Door Open
400/0.95, whichever is less
Flight in Severe Turbulence (+/- 3 g)
Max Bank Angle change for Max Roll Maneuver (CAT I + III)
360 degrees
To prevent possible aft structure and tail overloads, rudder travel has been limited. When not in takeoff and landing gains, rudder travel is reduced ___ % at ___ knots, and the reduction increases linearly to ___ % at ___ knots.
50 % at 300 knots, 70 % at 500 knots
(C) The most aft CG occurs with approximately ___ lbs of internal fuel remaining.
2000 lbs
(D) With external fuel tanks, the most aft CG occurs when the external fuel tanks have just emptied/started giving fuel?
During Nose Low Recovery, if airspeed is below ___ knots, altitude loss is minimized by selecting/maintaining MIL/AB.
350 knots
If airspeed is ___ knots or above, selecting/maintaining IDLE thrust and opening Speedbrake minimize altitude loss.
350 knots
Airspeed should be maintained below ___ knots/___ mach while in DBU
500 knots/0.9 mach
Do not exceed ___ degrees AOA with the LEF’s inoperative.
12 degrees
One complete pitch rocking cycle takes approximately ___ sec, during which time the aircraft descends ___-___ ft.
6 sec and 1000-1500’
AOA indicator displays a maximum of ___ degrees and a minimun of ___ degrees.
+ 32 degrees and -5 degrees
If AOA exceeds ___ degrees, the yaw rate limiter provides antispin commands to the rudder, flaperons, and horizontal tails. Pilot roll abd rudder commands are inhibited and pitch stick commands are ineffective without use of MPO switch.
35 degrees
If AOA is below ___ degrees and airspeed is less than ___ knots, the yaw rate limiter provides antispin commands to the rudder.
-5 degrees and 170 knots
Recommended holding airspeed is ___.
Maximum endurance
Penetrations are normally flown at ___ knots, speedbrake as required, and throttle at ___RPM minimum.
300 knots and 70 % RPM
A typical straight-in penetration and approach require approximately ___ lbs of fuel (drag index 0) and ___ lbs of fuel (drag index 200)
400 lbs and 600 lbs
(GCA) Entry/Downwind airspeed is ___-___ knots
A typical GCA pattern requires approximately ___ lbs (drag index 0) and ___ lbs (drag index 200).
400 lbs and 700 lbs
TS penetration speed is ___ knots or optimum cruise airspeed, whichever is lower.
300 knots
Icing is possible under the following conditions:
Ambient temperature between ___ degrees F (-7 degrees C) and ___ degrees F (7 degrees C) with precipitation (rain, fog, sleet or snow)
20 degrees F and 45 degrees F
If probe icing is evident or suspected, turn the PROBE HEAT switch to PROBE HEAT at least ___ min prior to accomplishing the FLCS BIT.
2 minutes
Turn probe heat on at least ___ min prior to takeoff anytime icing of probes is possible.
2 minutes
The local climb schedule is ___ KCAS until ___ Mach
350 KCAS / 0.85 Mach
___ KCAS is the optimum idle descent during a divert
205 KCAS
The warning light [in LG handle] also illuminates when all LG are not ___ and ___, airspeed is less than ___ kts, altitude is less than ___ ft, and a rate of descent is greater than ___ fpm.
Down and locked / 190 kts / 10,000 ft / 250 fpm
OXY LOW warning light illuminates when oxygen pressure is below ___ psi or quantity is below ___ liter.
42 psi / 0.5 liter
A JFS RUN light flashing ___ per second indicates a ___ failure in the JFS system. If the JFS operates normally for engine start, the mission may be continued. Notify maintenance after flight.
Once / noncritical
A JFS RUN light flashing ___ per second indicates a ___ failure in the JFS system. The JFS will not operate. Place the MAIN PWR switch to OFF and notify maintenance.
Twice / critical
The oil must be checked by maintenance within ___ min after engine shutdown to be a valid reading.
30 min
With the LG handle down, the TEFs are ___ down until ___ kts. Above ___ kts, the TEFs reduce deflection based on airspeed until they are fully retracted at ___ kts.
20 degrees / 240 kts / 240 kts / 370 kts
(SEC) Approximately ___ sec response time from IDLE to MIL.
5 sec
(SEC) Idle thrust in SEC = ___ idle thrust in PRI
After takeoff, ARI is activated within ___ sec after the LG handle is raised.
2 sec
The low speed warning horn also sounds when AOA is greater than ___ degrees with the LG handle down or the ALT FLAPS switch in EXTEND.
15 degrees
F-16D GW (w. Fuel)
20,400 lbs (26,300 lbs)
The fire detection loops are routed through the ___ compartment.
The overheat detection loops are routed through the ___ compartment, ___, ___ , and ___.
Engine compartment. MLG wheel wells, ECS bay and EPU bay. (Acronym: WEEE)
Things required to recharge brake/JFS accumulators
12 % rpm and System B hydraulics for 40-60 sec (hot/cold)
Flameout Str-in altitudes:
Clean glide - ___ ft AGL min at ___ NM.
Lower gear - ___ ft AGL at ___ NM.
7000’ AGL min at 8 NM
4000-8000’ AGL at 4 NM
Min EPU fuel quantity without (with) JFS running:
Overhead approach at high key - ___ (___) %.
Straight-in approach:
8 NM - ___(___) %.
4 NM - ___(___) %.
25 (20) %
45 (40) %
25 (20) %
PTO shaft failure is indicated by:
Hydraulic system B failure, MAIN GEN and STBY GEN lights, EPU run light and FLCS PMG light.
While subsonic in SEC, throttle movement is unrestricted between ___-___ feet MSL and AB operation is inhibited.
15,000-40,000’ MSL