Extrinsic Back Muscle Flashcards
Origin: Spinous process of T2-T5
Insertion: Medial border of scapula
Action: Rectract scapula
Synergist- mid trapezius
FD: inf-lat
Rhomboids major
O: SP of C7-T1
I: sup medial border of scapula
A: retraction of scapula
FD: inf-lat
Rhomboids minor
O: transverse process of vert c1-c4
I: medial border of scapulae
A: draws scapula superomedially, elevate scapula
-rotates glenoid cavity and lateral flexion of neck, extension of neck.
FD: inf-ant
Levator scapulae
O: spinous process of T6-SP of sacrum, post surface of lower 6 ribs, thoracolumbar aponeurosis, post surface of ilium
I: intertubercular groove of humerus
A: medial rotator of humerus assists in adduction
FD: sup-lat
Latissimus dorsi
O: sup nuchal line and ext occipital prot and SP of c7-T12.
I: lateral 3rd clavicle,acronium and spine of scapula
A: Sup- raises the scapula, rotates the scapula
Mid- mid portion of spine to mid of scapula. Retracts the scapula
Inf- depress the scapula
FD: Sup- inf,lat
Mid- lat
Inf- sup, lat