Extincton- part 2 (Unit 3) Flashcards
Adjective, no members of a species survive. None are alive anywhere. T-Rex, Passenger pigeon
Elimination of all populations in one limited area (grey wolves in Utah)
Are extinctions mass extinctions
No! Only a few species can go extinct, doesn’t have to be one catastrophic mass death of a lot of species.
What can cause extinction
Result of increased mortality. Higher death rate. Or, decreased natality. Lower birth rate. Or both
Example of lowering natality
Long-term climate reversal (wet and cool to warm and dry). Exert physiological stressed that reduce reproduction.
Example of decreased natality and increased mortality
Climate change
Causation mistake
Often we look for a single culprit of extinctions. Climate change, volcano, or asteroid?
Often there will be more than one answer.
Single-cause exceptions
Meteor size of earth hits everything.
Endemism- things only found on high isolated, oceanic islands
-large enough volcano
Endemism island it is not a proponent of volcanic disruption. Humans are more sufficient at causing extinction here
Examples of endemism volcanos
Krakatua- Erupted in and basically killed everything on it.
Mt. Vesuvius buried Pompeii and Herculaneum.
Are extinctions rare or common
Most species to have existed are extinct
True of plants and animals. Dinosaurs never saw grass.
40 million species alive now (excluding microorganisms)
Estimated 5-50billion existed in earth’s history.
Only ,1% of species alive now
Did all extinctions leave descendants