export_javma dec 14 2014 24511 tuohy jl selmic le outcome following curativeintent surgery for oral melanoma in dogs 70 cases 19982011 Flashcards
Outcome following curative-intent surgery for oral melanoma in dogs: 70 cases 1998-2011
Touchy JL, Selmic LE, Worley DR
JAVMA 12/14/14
past studies on different treatments–>too many uncontrolled variables
C onfidence I nterval= CI
H azard R atio= HR
M aximum T olerated D ose= MTD
of adjuvant therapies
P rogressive F ree I nterval-time from definitive surgery to local recurrence, develop mets or progression of mets
S urvive T ime–time from definitive sx to death from dz or recheck
**Most common oral maligna ncy in dogs
**Oral Melanoma characteristics:
- locally invasive
- highly metastatic
- pigmented OR melanotic
- ulcerated OR necrotic
**Oral Melanoma mets to:
- regional LN
* lungs
**Adjuntive therapies post sx:
- chemo
- rad
- xenogeneic DNA vaccine
(equivocal data for all based on other studies)
Time Frame?
- 13 1/2 yrs of records (5/1/98-12/31/11)
- Colorado State-Vet School
- 70 patients
Inclusion criteria:
- histo report
- curative-intent sx
- striving for sx margins (2-3cm bone or 1cm soft tissue or widest margin appropriate)
- follow up
Exclusion criteria:
- marginal resection planned or NO sx
- no follow up
- no cutaneous portion of lesion (have more favorable prognosis)
**WHO staging
- I=tumor 4cm and/or suspicious LN
IV=tumor invades adjacent structures regardless of LN;
any size tumor with suspicious LN(s); Met DZ
Tumor classification for 70 dogs?
- I 36=51.4%
- II 16=22.9%
- III 13=18.6%
- IV 1=1.4%
- undetermined due to lack of tumor size info 4=5.7%
Mean age at time of Dx?
10.4 yr
Mean wt at Dx?
59.8 lbs
Most common breeds (highest to lowest)
Lab> Golden> Cocker>GSD
Complete Excision in…? PFI?
51=72.9% about 3/4
median PFI=528d
Sx + adjunctive tx in…? PFI?
median PFI=723d
How many had progression of the dz…?
Tumor affecting which tissue?
- mand ging 20=28.6%
- max ging 17=24.3%
- lip 17=24.3%
- tongue 10=14.3%
- buccal or labial mucosa 4=5.7%
- tonsil 1=1.4%
- hard palate 1=1.4%
Max + Mand tumor location?
- rostral to PM4 23=32.9%
* Caudal to PM4 14=20%
Median size of tumor?
Met Dz at time of Dx?
8 in LN=11.4%
1 in lungs=1.4%
How many tumors were completely excised?
Type of sx performed?
- mand 20=28.6%
- max 17=24.3%
- full thickness lip 17=24.3%
- glossectomy 10=14.3%
- soft tissue w/2+cm margin 5=7.1%
- hard palate 1=1.4%
Reasons other data collected was stat significant:
- higher stage dz sent to teaching hospital
- RAD tx good for local tumor control–>less having sx
- larger tumor size at time of ref vs what’s been tx by primary DVM
- later stage dz is offered adjuvant tx instead of sx
- Surgeon more aggressive getting better margins
Hazard ratio of adjuvant tx?
2.3=130% increase of progression
Hazard ratio if met at time of of dx?
3.8=281% increase in death
- Wide sx resection with complete margin as sole tx is best
- (6 other studies didn’t come to this conclusion)
- other studies had many uncontrolled variables