Exploration And Absolutism Flashcards
Prince Henry
Portugal’s king - in 1415 helped conquer muslim city of Ceuta in north Africa. Started the school of navigation
Bartolomeu Dias
An early portuguese explore who said “to serve god and his majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do”
Vascade Gama
A portuguese explorer who explored east african coast and reached Calicut in 1498. This voyage gave Portugal a direct route to india
Hernando Cortez
A conquistador, who colonized several caribbean islands
Francisco Pizarro
Spanish conquistador who conquered the Incan empire
Mixed spanish and native american population
Atlantic slave trade
Buying ,selling and transporting of africans for work in the americas
Middle passage
The voyage that brought capture africans to the west indies.
Economic system based on private ownership and investment resources ,like money, for profit.
Favorable Balance of Trade
When a nation sells more goods than they buy
Treaty of Tordesillas
(1494) Spain and Portugal agreed to honor the invisible line dividing their territories.
Dutch East India Company
Richer and more powerful company than the east England india trading company, the reason that the dutch was able to take over the kingdom and drive out the english
Christopher Columbus
Genoese captain who “discovered” america
Land that is controlled by another nation
An Incan ruler who was kidnapped by the spanish
System where natives farmed, ranched or mined for spanish landlords. Forced labor system.
Triangular trade
Trading network between Africa, England, Europe, west indies and the colonies in the americas.
Columbian exchange
Global transfer of foods, plants , and animals during the colonization of the americas.
Economic policy where nations tried to increase their wealth and power buy obtaining more gold and silver and selling more goods than they bought.
Joint-stock Conpany
Investors buy shares of stock in a company, combining their wealth in a common purpose. When ever the company fails the investors lose a fraction of money, when the company does well, each investor gains a small sum of money .
Divine right
The idea that god created the monarch and that the monarch acted as god’s representation on earth
Cardinal Richelieu
The minister of french kind Louis XIII. Increased the power of the bourbon monarchy and wanted to make France the strongest state in Europe. He took away protestant city walls so they couldn’t defy the king. He also weakened the nobles by making them take down their fortified castles
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Louis XIV’s minister of finance, who believed in the theory of mercantilism and tried to make France self sufficient. He put high tariff on goods from other countries,
Louis XIV
King in 1643- Most powerful ruler in french history “Sun King”. Took control after the rightful heir , Mazarin died. He exclude nobles from councils to weaken their power.
Thirty years’ war
A conflict over religion and territory and for power among the european ruling families.
Frederick the great
Son of Frederick William, encouraged religious toleration and legal reform
Seven years’ war
Frederick attacked saxony, every great european country was involved with this war which was fought in Europe, india, and north america. The war lasted until 1763
Peace of Westphalia
(1648) a treaty that ended the thirty years’ war
Land owning nobles
Charles I
Son of James I , always needed money and had conflicts with the parliament over money
Charles II
King, restore the monarchy
English civil wars
War against king Charles I and the parliaments (1642-1649)
Edict of Nantes
Declaration of religious toleration, declared by henry in 1598
Government agents who collected taxes and administrated justice
The idea that nothing can ever be known for certain
War of the Spanish Succession
1701, England, Austria, dutch republic, Portugal and german and italian states joined together to prevent the union of french and spanish thrones.
Maria theresa
Heir of charles VI
Prussia landowning nobility
Ivan the terrible
Ruler of Russia in 1533. Had great victories and won territories and gave Russia the code of laws and had his own secret police force.
Peter the great
Ruled russia in 1696 . Was russias greatest reformer and increased the czars power. Was an absolutist.
James I
King of scotland - then king of england in 1603. Had many conflicts with the parliament over money.
James II
King of England in 1685. Offended parliament and his peoply for displaying his catholicism . He fled to france and was overthrown by his daughter.
Period of charles II rule when the monarchy was restored
Miguel Cervantes
Spanish writer who wrote donquixote de la mancha . He mocked chivalry
Habeas corpus
“To have the body” a guarantee of freedom . The law that gave prisoners the right to appear before before a judge before being sent to jail
Oliver cromwell
A puritan general during the english civil war who brought charles to trial for treason against the parliament in 1649 he then established common wealth and a republic form of government in england.
Constitutional monarchy
When laws could limit the rulers power
Glorious revolution
The overthrow of king James II
Absolute Monarchs
Kings or queens who held all the power within their states boundaries
Philip II
Heir to charles V inherited spain, spanish netherlands and american colonies
Political belief that one ruler should hold all the power within the boundaries of a country.
El Greco
Painter born in crete known for clashing colors and distorting the human figure, and symbolically expressing emotions. Also showed deep catholic faith.
Jan vermeer
Dutch painter who painted average day activities
Diego velazquez
Spanish painter whos work reflected the pride of the spanish monarchy
Rembrandt Van Rijn
Gratest dutch painter during the 1600s
Tulip Mania
When tulips were brought to the netherlands and were considered very very valuable.