Explanations Of Attachment: Learning Theory Content Flashcards
What does the learning theory explanation of attachment suggest?
All behaviour is learnt rather than inborn. All attachment is learnt through classical/operant conditioning
How does classical conditioning work in the case of attachment?
UCS - food and UCR - pleasure
NS - things that become associated with food in first few weeks of infant’s life e.g infant’s mother, the chair she sits on to feed her infant
Pairing of the UCS and NS repeatedly = CS
CR = pleasure from mother
Stimulus-response ‘mother love’
What did Dollar and Miller (1950) do?
Offered an explanation of attachment based on operant conditioning and drive reduction theory
What is drive reduction theory in attachment?
A ‘drive’ is something that motivates behaviour
When an animal is uncomfortable this creates a drive to reduce that discomfort
E.g for a hungry infant, there is a drive to reduce the accompanying discomfort
How does drive reduction theory link to rewarding?
When the infant is fed, their drive is reduced and a feeling of pleasure is produced as a reward through negative reinforcement (escaping the unpleasant consequence of being hungry)
How does negative reinforcement lead to attachment?
The behaviour that led to being fed is more likely to be repeated in the future as it was rewarded
How does the mother become a secondary reinforcer in attachment?
Through the process of classical conditioning the carer supplying the food is associated with avoiding discomfort and become a secondary reinforcer, and a source of reward in their own right
How did Hay and Vespo (1988) explain attachment behaviours?
Suggested that modelling in social learning theory can explain it:
. They proposed that children observe their parents’ affectionate behaviour and imitate this
. Parents also deliberately instruct their children about how to behave and reward appropriate attachment behaviour such as giving hugs and kisses