Bowlby’s Theory Of Maternal Deprivation Content Flashcards
How did the effects of WW2 have a massive effect on attachment?
During and after war children became homeless or orphans
. Nannies were only available for the wealthy that could substitute primary caregiver
. Those evacuated lost their PCG
. Nurseries didn’t get personal PCG as there were so much many more children than staff
What is important about the definition of deprivation?
Something being taken from you that YOU PREVIOUSLY HAD
- this means maternal deprivation requires you to have once had that primary caregiver
What was Bowlby’s role in psychology after WW2?
WHO paid Bowlby to write a report on the Mental health of post-war homeless children
How did Bowlby argue that long-term deprivation could be harmful?
Proposed the Maternal Deprivation Hypothesis
- states that deprivation from primary caregiver during the critical period will result in harmful effects
How does having no primary caregiver damage future life?
You’re IWM will be damaged as you won’t have good attachment experiences to use later in life
What did Bowlby change the critical period to for his maternal deprivation hypothesis?
Up to 5 years old
How did Bowlby have a more valuable view on maternal care?
He believed it wasn’t enough to make sure a child was well-fed and warm, he believed infants and children needed a ‘warm, intimate and continuous relationship’ with a mother (or permanent mother substitute) to ensure continuing normal mental health
What are the ‘ifs’ that must happen for maternal deprivation to have harmful emotional and intellectual consequences?
. If it happens before age of two and a half years (official critical period)
. If no substitute-mother available (must be permanent)
. Bowlby felt there was a continuing risk till 5 years, hence his new critical period
Is it separation or deprivation that causes the harmful effects?
Deprivation, as separation doesn’t necessarily result in deprivation if a mother-substitute is provided that can provide continued care
How did Bowlby investigate the long term consequences of maternal deprivation?
In his 44 thieves study (1944)
- examined this link between affectionless psychopathy and maternal deprivation
Who did Bowlby analyse in his 44 thieves study?
88 teenagers that were patients in the Child Guidance Clinic in London where he worked
- 44 had been caught stealing
- other 44 were the control group (non-criminal but still emotionally disturbed)
Why were the 44 thieves interviewed?
To look for signs of affectionless psychopathy: lack of affection, lack of guilt about their actions and a lack of empathy for their victims
Why were the families of the 44 thieves interviewed?
To establish whether the ‘thieves’ had prolonged early separations from their mothers
Why was the control group used in the 44 thieves study?
To see how often maternal deprivation occurred in children who weren’t thieves
What are the quantitative findings of the 44 thieves study?
. 14/44 of the thieves were affectionless psychopaths
. 12/14 AP’s experienced prolonged separation from mothers in first 2 years of life
. 5/30 other thieves (No AP) experienced separations
. 2/44 of control group experienced long separations
What did most of the early separations of 39% of the thieves in the 44 thieves study consist of?
. Continual or repeated stays in foster homes or hospitals, where the children were scarcely visited by their families
What conclusion did Bowlby make from the 44 thieves study?
Prolonged early separation/deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy
What happens to intellectual development under maternal deprivation?
If deprivation occurs during critical period, could suffer mental retardation (abnormally low IQ) e.g Goldfarb (1947) study of adoption
What happens to emotional development under maternal deprivation?
Affectionless psychopathy occurs: inability to experience guilt or strong emotion for others. This prevents the person developing normal relationships and is associated with criminality
What is the difference between separation and deprivation?
Separation only becomes an issue for development when it turns to deprivation, which is when the child loses an element of care from this separation. This means extended separations are needed to cause deprivation harm