explanations of attachment Flashcards
Define attachment
Its an emotional bond between 2 people. Its a 2 way process that endures over time and leads to certain behaviours such as clingin, proximity seeking and serves the function of protecting an infant.
Describe the learning theory
Attachments occurs because of a by product of the infant having its physiological needs met. They value food and so learn to value the source of food (the attachment figure). Attachment doesn’t serve a purpose as its an incidental by product of being fed. The attachment occurs by classical and operant conditioning. Classical- the food the baby receives is an unconditioned stimulus, produces an unconditioned response of pleasure, food (us) is always present at the same time as the mother (neutral stimulus), baby now feels pleasure (ur) when they see mother, she becomes a conditioned stimulus.
Operant conditioning- baby cries so gets fed, crying reinforced with food (will occur again), mother is the one giving food, baby associates the mother with rewards for crying. Its a nurture argument. The infant will form an attachment to anyone or anything that feeds them and it doesn’t matter if they don’t form an attachment
Describe bowlbys evolution theory
Attachment occurs because it enhances the infants chances of survival. Short term ensures the care from an adult long term it gives social skills to offspring to carry on the link. Attachment serves a purpose without the attachment infants chances of survival are significantly reduced. Quality of first attachment influences future relationships. It occurs as the child is preprogrammed to form attachments to the caregiver that will maximise it’s chances of its survival. Infants are born with social releasers eg crying looking cooing smiling etc that ensures proximity of an adult caregiver. The social releasers make the caregiver love the child and so fulfil the lt and st needs. Its nature argument. The adult is most likely to maximise the infants chances of survival so they will form attachments to them. It matters because no attachment means poor survival chances. Poor quality of first attachment means poor future relationships
Evaluate the learning theory
Harlows monkeys proves it wrong and agrees with bowlby, genie reinforces the need of an attachment.
its trying to be too simplistic (dog salavating, pigeon leaver) attachment is far too complex to be a reductionist theory
doesnt involve love/emotion, anecdotal evidence shows how people do fall in love and go on to get married
evaluate bowlbys evolutionary theory
empirical evidence to support theory (case study genie) and harlow monkeys however monkeys are not humans so may not be accurate
practical application is that children shouldnt be deprived from their main caregiver unless absolutely necessary. its changed adoption practise (its better to go to a loving family then back to an abusive mother)
blames mum for everything and its a deterministic theory saying if theres no attachment you will be doomed for life