cultural variations to attachment Flashcards
aims:assess whether the strange situation is a valid measure of attachment style in cultures. comparing reactions can tell us 2 things 1 whether children are the same or not in attachment styles and 2 whether the strange situation is culturally biased or not. Procedure: 60 middle class infants aged 1yr and mothers were observed in the strange situation. Findings: 68% secure 0% insecure avoidant 32% insecure resistent. japanese infants were much more disturbed at being left alone (90% of the alone stage had to be stopped as they were so distressed). this could be because the parenting isnt good and inconsistent or its common practise to be with their parents all the time and therefore that section of the situation was alien to them and actually scared them evaluate:unethical so cant be replicated and lacks internal validity as demand characteristics may occur and therefore no cause and effect can be drawn. high ecological validity as it had real life application and can easily be replicated.
van ijzendoorn and kroonenberg
aims:aimed to investigate cross cultural variation using a meta analysis of research that had studied attachment in other cultures
procedure: compared 32 studies that had used the strange situation to measure attachment
findings: considerable consistency. however significant differences occurred in secure atachments (great britain 75 china 50) avoident (germany 35 japan 5) resistent (grt btn 3 israel 29)
evaluate: countries were only studied once or twice whereas america was done 18 times.
second hand data may be interpreted differently
procedures may be done differently
was ethically correct to do the meta analysis compared to takahashi which actually conducted the study.