Expel Wind-Heat Flashcards


Sang Ju Yin (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Dec.)


Ingredients and Dosages

Sang ye 6-9g; ju hua 6g; lian qiao 6g; bo he 6g; jie geng 6g; xing ren 6g; lu gen 6g; gan cao 3g.

B. Functions

Disperses wind, clears heat, and releases exterior and stops coughing by facilitating the flow of the lung qi

C. Indications

Slight fever, slight thirst, possibly dry throat or sore throat, nasal congestion, coughing, a thin, white tongue coating, and a floating, rapid pulse.

This formula is mostly often used to treat the early, superficial stage of a wind-heat exterior (or protective-level warm febrile disease).

D. Analysis

Chief herbs: sang ye and ju hua

Sang ye and ju hua release exterior wind heat.

Deputy herb: Lian qiao, bo he, jie geng, and xing ren.

Lian qiao and bo he help the chief herb disperse wind heat, clear the head and eyes, strengthen the exterior-releasing function of the formula.

Jie geng has an ascending lung qi function.

Xing ren has a descending the lung qi function

Assistant herb: lu gen

Lu gen clears heat, generates fluids and reduces thirst.

Envoy herb: Gan cao

E. Modifications

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Yin Qiao San (Honeysuckle and Frosythia Powder)


Ingredients and Dosages

Jin yin hua 9-15g; lian qiao 9-15g; jie geng 3-6g; niu bang zi 9-12g; bo he 3-6g; jing jie 12g; dan zhu ye 3-6g; dan dou chi 3-6g; lu gen 15 g; gan cao 3-6g.

B. Functions

Disperses wind-heat, releases exterior, clears heat, and relieves toxicity.

C. Indications

Fever, possibly severe fever, slight chills or no chills, headache with distending sensation in the head, red, swollen, sore throat, thirst with desiring to drink, nasal congestion, coughing with sticky, yellow sputum, a red tipped tongue, thin, white or thin yellow tongue coating, a floating rapid pulse.

This formula is often used for the early stage of warm febrile disease that is protective-level warm-diseases.

D. Analysis

Chief herbs: jin yin hua and lian qiao,

Jin yin hua and lian qiao release exterior by cold, acrid, clear heat and relieve toxicity.

Deputy herbs: bo hua, niu bang zi, jing jie and dan dou chi

Bo he and niu bang zi disperse wind heat, clear the head and eyes, relieve heat toxicity to treat sore throat.

Jing jie and dan dou chi disperse exterior wind-heat, strengthen the function of this formula for releasing exterior

Assistant herbs: Dan zhu ye, lu gen and jie geng

Dan zu ye clears the upper jiao heat.

Lu gen clears heat and produces fluids.

Jie geng spreads the lung qi, benefits throat, stops coughing.

Envoy herb: Sheng gan cao

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Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang (Cimicufuga and Kudzu Dec.)


Ingredients and Dosages

Sheng ma 3-6g; ge gen 3-9g; zhi gan cao 3g; chi shao 6-9g.

B. Functions

Releases the muscle layer and vents rashes.

C. Indications

Early-stage measles or rashes that do not surface evenly, fever or high fever, chills, headache, generalized body aches, sneezing, coughing, red eyes, tearing, thirst, a red and dry tongue, and a floating, rapid pulse.

This formula is used for the early stage measles and similar rashes, helps smoothly resolve these condition. Or used for a condition when the rash dose not develop smoothly.

D. Analysis

Chief herb: sheng ma

Sheng ma disperses wind in the yang ming channel, raises the clear yang of the stomach, and vents rashes.

Deputy herb: ge gen

Ge gen disperses wind, releases the exterior, unblocks the interstices and pores to help vent the rashes, raises the body fluids, and eliminates heat.

Assistant herb: chi shao

Chi shao cools the blood, vents heat, harmonizes the ying and wei.

Envoy herb: zhi gan cao

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Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Dec.)


Ingredients and Dosages

Ma huang 9g; xing ren 9g; shi gao 18g; zhi gan cao 6g.

B. Functions

Clears heat, facilitates the flow of lung qi, directs rebellious qi downward, and calms wheezing.

C. Indications

Fever or high fever with or without sweating, coughing, wheezing, labored breathing and pain, thirst, nasal flaring, a red tongue with yellow coating, and a slippery, rapid pulse.

This formula is a variation of Da Qing Long Tang, omitting gui zhi from it, and reducing the dosage of ma huang. It is used in treating coughing and wheezing with viscous and difficult to expectorate sputum due to heat lodged in the lung with unreleasing external evil.

D. Analysis

Chief herb: ma huang and shi gao

Ma huang mainly facilitates the flow of lung qi and controls the wheezing. It is a very effective herb to treat wheezing.

Shi gao is very effective in clearing and draining lung heat.

Deputy herb: xing ren

Xing ren directs the lung qi downward, facilitates the flow of lung qi, it can help ma huang direct the rebellious lung qi, calm wheezing.

Assistant and Envoy herb: zhi gan cao

It tonifies the middle qi, harmonizes the stomach and spleen, prevent shi gao from injuring them, it also moistens the lungs, stops coughing.

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