What is the unique feature that defines birds?
What are the forelimbs of birds adapted into?
Wings, though not all birds can fly.
What type of beak do birds have?
Horny, keratinized beaks without teeth.
What type of egg do all birds lay?
Shelled eggs.
What skeletal feature helps birds fly?
Light, hollow bones called pneumatized bones.
What respiratory adaptation do birds have?
Lungs with continuous airflow through parabronchi.
What are the two largest flight muscles in birds?
Pectoralis and supracoracoideus muscles.
What allows birds to grasp perches without falling?
The toe-locking mechanism in their feet.
What are contour feathers?
Feathers that streamline the bird’s body and aid in flight.
What are down feathers?
Feathers used for insulation.
What is molting?
The process of shedding old feathers and growing new ones.
What bone supports flight muscles?
The keel of the sternum.
How many bird species exist worldwide?
Over 10,400 species.
What are the two major bird classifications?
Paleognathae (flightless birds) and Neognathae (flying birds).
What is the crop in birds?
A storage organ in the esophagus.
What is the function of the gizzard?
Grinding food mechanically.
What are paired ceca?
Fermentation chambers in herbivorous birds.
What is the cloaca?
A common opening for excretion, reproduction, and waste elimination.
How many chambers does a bird’s heart have?
Four chambers.
What excretory product do birds produce?
Uric acid.
What is the function of salt glands in marine birds?
Removing excess salt from the body.
What part of the brain is well-developed in birds?
The cerebrum and dorsal ventricular ridge.
What special eye structure do birds have?
The pecten, which provides nutrients and oxygen to the eye.
How does bird vision compare to mammals?
Birds generally have better vision and larger eyes relative to their body size.
What is monogamy in birds?
Pairing with one partner for a breeding season or life.
What is polygyny?
One male mating with multiple females.