Exotics Flashcards
General approach to exotic species
Allow adjustment period before examining
Provide adequate husbandry particularly if to be hospitalised
Consider if predator or prey species
Can be triaged and resuscitated mostly like dogs and cats
Alot of their illness is related to poor husbandry
History of exotic patients
Husbandry (enclosure, substrate etc)
Cage environment (light source, substrate, humidity and temp)
Last shed
Wild/captive etc
Parasite history
Faecal consistency
Gentle prey species but can be reactive
Nasal breathers
Utilise chemical restraint
Don’t restrain by ears
Take gentle, slow movements
Common illnesses of Rabbits & treatment
Iatrogenic spinal fractures (handling)
Nutritonal deficits and GI stasis (cisapride, metoclopramide, crit care)
Heat exhaustion (overcrowding, overweight, environ temp >85)
Urolithiasis (CaCarb, trip P)
“Snuffles” URT disease complex (pastuerella etc)(AM’s and b-glucans)
Adenosarcoma (recc speying)
Abscesses (req surgery)
Protozoal enceph (NSAIDs/steroids/fenbendazole)
Nutritional requirements of rabbits
Tough leafy foods
High fibre
Extract nutrtients from caecum ‘cecotropes’ (amino acids, vitamins, FA etc)
Avoid too much grains and starches
Antimicrobials to avoid in rabbits (‘PLACE’)
Acceptable AM’s in rabbits
chloramphenicol, azithromycin, parenteral penicillin’s
Guinea pigs
Prey species
Cover eyes and support hindquarters
No pressure on abdomen
Use chemical restraint
Herbivores (similar diet to rabbits)
Require exogenous vitamin C from diet
Common Vitamin C source for guinea pigs and other herbivores
Dark, leafy greens
1 cup kale =250mg
req = 10-30mg/kg
- if in hospital give 50-100mg ascorbic acid per day SQ until eating
Common illnesses in guinea pigs and treatment
Malocclusion (surgery, adjust husbandry)
Dystocia due to fusion of pelvic symphysis if not bred young (surgery)
GI stasis and enterotox from clostridium (prokinetics like rabbits, IVFT, pain relief, reduce anxiety)
Urolithiasis - increased calcium (surgery)
Bacterial infections inc. pneumonia (become permanent carriers despite treatment)
Pododermatitis (bumble foot)(adjust husbandry, analgesia, AM’s)
Heat exhaustion (avoid temp >80, low humidity, prevent obesity and overcorwding)
Prey species
Rarely bite
Never scruff, obscure vision, support at tail base
Hing gut fermenters (high fibre diet with grass and hay, prot 15%)
Common illnesses in chinchillas & treatment
Dental #1
Bacterial enteritis (IVFT, nutritional support, AM’s, analgesia)
Oesophageal choke and bloat usually from large pieces of food (GA removal)
Fur ring @ penis leading to paraphimosis and urinary signs
Heat exhaustion (keep temp <80 ideal 65-75)
Mice, rats, gerbils
Firm but gentle grip, never hold by tails
Fingers around neck
Add Vit A to diet
Mice, rat and gerbil diseases & treatment
Parasites: demodex & mites, giardia, TW (antihelmintics)
Tyzzers (gerbils & hamsters): lower GI dz, high mortality, tetracycline in water
Proliferative ileitis: bacterial intestinal dz > GI signs > aggressive IVFT, AB, supportive care
Epilepsy (gerbils): induced seizures, treat with benzo’s, unlikely to die just reduce stress
Mycoplasma: respiratory dz and treat like other respiratory dz
“red tears”: prophyrin and treated with atropine topical
Predators and obligate carnivores
Generally friendly, distract with food
Wrap meds in something sweet and likely to eat
GIT time 3h - ad lib diet, 35-40% protein req
Poorly digest fibre, don’t utilise carbs well (raw diet pref)