Exodus to Freedom- Theology Flashcards
Why did Pharaoh enslave the Israelites?
He felt threatened by them and was afraid they would become powerful
What does God tell Moses his name is
Moses comes to question his worth and chooses to “hide” after he:
Encounters the burning bush
What do the first three commandments deal with; and the last seven deal with
What is the name of the mountain Moses leads the people of God to
God gives the Israelites the Torah(law), to live and good and holy relationships with who?
God, others, and ourselves
What is another word for the Decalogue
10 commandments
What does exodus mean
To depart
Moses comes from which family son of Jacob
What was blood seen as
When talking about Levitcal Purity; normal is seen as
Clean and pure
When talking about Levitical Purity, abnormal is seen as
Unclean and impure
What does hesed mean
God’s loyalty and fidelity to the covenant with Israel
What is the 1st commandment
You shall have no gods before me
2nd commandment
You shall not take god’s name in vain
3rd commandment
Keep holy the sabbath
4th commandment
Honor your father and mother
5th commandment
You shall not kill
6th commandment
Don’t commit adultery
7th commandment
Don’t steal
8th commandment
Don’t bear false witness
9th commandment
Don’t covet your neighbors wife
10th commandment
Don’t covet your neighbor’s goods
What is world in front of the text
Reader centered, you bring your thoughts and feelings to the text