Enlightenment Flashcards
What was the Age of Reason
1687 to 1789 , people tried to think reasonably for arts, government, and society (another name for the Enlightenment)
What three goals did Enlightened thinkers have
Improve how people lived, think clearly and logically without feelings, and use scientific reasoning to examine parts of society
What was the Enlightenment
intellectual movement that stressed reason and thought and the power of individuals to solve problems
Who was Isaac Newton
Discovered the laws of gravity and motion and invented Calculus
What does it mean to be enlightened
Having a belief in reasoning; moving away from ignorance
Who believed that people are naturally evil and selfish, an absolute monarchy is necessary to keep society under control, people give up power for law and order (social contract theory)
Who had a positive view of humans, all people have natural rights and it’s the job of government to protect these, government’s power comes from people
Who advocated separation of power would prevent one person from gaining too much power
What is liberty
What is having control over everyone else no matter what they say
Absolute power
What is people giving up certain powers to get law and order in return
Social contract
What is the political idea that many branches of government should share power
Separation of powers
Who believed that all men should receive free education and thought direct democracy was best, its the free will of individuals to establish their government
What is natural law
laws of morality found through human reason
Who fought for freedom of speech, religion, speech, and tolerance and believed in the separation of church and state and freedom of expression
What is free speech
The ability to say anything without being penalized
Who was the Enlightened Despot of Prussia who was religiously tolerant of all, and who modernized the military and law codes of Prussia
Frederick the Great
Who was the most famous host of the Salome from the 1750-1775; influential in the movement that led to the French Revolution
Madame Marie Theresa Geoffrin
What was the type of complex music developed in the late 1600s
Baroque Music
What was a type of music from the 1700s-1800s that is orderly and balanced; in the style of Ancient Greece or Rome
Who was Mozart
Musical genius, started playing music at 5, music is more popular now even though he’s dead
Who was Haydn
“Father of the Symphony”, Mozart’s teacher, and first European to compose complete symphony using string and woodwind instruments
What was the Industrial Revolution
The major change in how people produced things and how we advance
What are natural resources
Resources that come from Earth, examples: coal, water, fossil fuels