Exodus Flashcards
What historical period is covered here?
Egyptian captivity and Exodus
What is the date of the Exodus (as suggested in class) and what was mentioned as its support?
1446 B.C. Biblical references match up.
What is the other suggested date of the Exodus and what was mentioned as its support?
1300 - 1230 B.C. There is archaeological and historical evidence.
What is the purpose of the book of Exodus?
To record how the family of Jacob grew into a nation of millions - as God had promised - and how God graciously delivered them from Egypt to bring them to the land - as he had promised.
What is the theme of the book of Exodus? How does this theme relate to Jews and Christians?
Redemption. For Jews is is central to their identity; for Christians it is symbolic of salvation.
What generally happened in the first 40 years of Moses’ life? The second 40? The third 40?
He was born 1526 B.C.; adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter; When he was 40, he murdered an Egyptian; fled to Midian and became a shepherd; came back to Egypt and brought the 10 plagues; led Israelites through the Red Sea; talked with God on Mount Sinai; dictated the law from God
How did Moses respond to God at the burning bush? How did God respond to Moses?
He had four objections:
- Who am I to do it? [I will be with you]
- Who are you? [God tells him his name is Yahweh]
- They will not believe me. [God gave him a miracle]
- I am not eloquent. [Aaron will speak for you]
What is the personal name of God and how was it derived (3:14-15)? Why is it significant?
Yahweh: Jewish for “he is.” It is the first time God tells man his personal name.
What were the targets and purposes of the various plagues leading up to the Exodus?
- The Hebrews, 2. Pharaoh, 3. Egyptian people as a whole, 4. Egyptian Gods
What is the importance of the Passover/Exodus to Jews? What does this typify for Christians?
It was a time where God spared the Israelites from the Angel of Death. The Passover lamb is a type of Christ.
What was established for the first time at Mt. Sinai/Horeb after the Exodus?
God gives the Israelites his instructions.
What was given by God as the basis for this (the “constitution”)?
The Mosaic covenant or Torah
What 3 things does God say about Israel (19:5-6)? How does this relate to the NT church (1 Peter 2:9)?
He called them “My treasured possession,” “kingdom of priests,” and “holy nation.” The same terms apply to the church.
What are the parts of the tabernacle and what is the general and typical significance of each?
The Most Holy Place: housed the Ark of the Covenant; The Ark of the Covenant: held the Ten Commandments and mana;
The Veil: separated the Most Holy Place from the Holy Place;
The Holy Place: where the bread, lampstand and alter of incense were located; T
he Table of Bread: 12 loaves of fresh bread;
The Golden Lampstand: seven branched lamp that provided light;
The Alter of Incense: incense to represent the prayers of the people;
The Courtyard: area between the fence and the tabernacle;
The Bronze Altar: main sacrificial altar;
The Bronze Basin: held water for the priests to cleanse themselves.
What does the book of Hebrews say about the tabernacle and everything in it?
Hebrews has an elaborate argument that all of it points to Jesus Christ.