Exhibit management Flashcards
Detail the role of OC exhibits and the exhibit management process
The role of the OC exhibits is to establish and maintaining exhibit management systems and maintaining physical security and continuity of all exhibits
What are the OC exhibits responsible for in relation to exhibits
- Recovery
- Handling,
- Labelling
- Packaging
- Storing
- submission to experts
- presentation in court and
- disposal of exhibits
What is an exhibit
An any item that comes into Polcie possession during the course of an investigation. Exhibits come in all forms such as a physical exhibit, documentary or biological.
When about to seize an exhibit. What things should be considered
- The evidential value of every exhibit
- Investigative oppotunities presented by each exhibit
- Further enquiries that are needed
What are the two main things that need to be labelled on an exhibit, and what are things are relevant but not required on the exhibit
The two main things that need to be on the exhibit packaging is the Designated exhibit number and the operation name or Police file number
Other things such as should also be noted;
- Description of item seized
- Date, time and place
- Who seized
- where seized
Name a few issues with packing wet clothing
If items are wet and not stored properly then this can lead to issues such as, a wet item being stored in a paper bag will cause the item to seep through the bag and if biological matter such as blood then this can cause a health issue to the handler.
If wet clothes stored in a plastic bag, then the item can not breath and will cause the item to grow mould and the potential to loss any forensic oppotunities.
therefore the item should be transported in a plastic bag unsealed to a dedicated Police drying room and dried first before being placed back in the paper bag along with the bag the item was originally transported in and sealed appropriately.
What is a forensic strategy meeting and who will usually attend them
Are meetings to deterrmine what exhibits ior other forensic examinations are required and the priority each exhibit will be given.
those in attendance are usually the OC investigation @IC, OC exhibits, Crime scene coordinator, OC scene, and anyone else the OC investigations deems necessary ie, pathologist, ESR fingerprints, etc.
Whata re some topics that arre covered in this meeting
- What exhibits will be examined by ESr or other agencies
- Priority given to each exhibit to be examined.
- Whether any further work is required to assist in the reconstruction.
What is chain of custody
Is a record showing everyperson that has come into possession of the exhibit from the moment it is collected until it is presented in court or disposed of.
What is the chain of evidecne and why is it importantq
This is also a record usually using IMT or PROP whihc shows when someone has taken custody of the item, the date and time is was handed over, where and how it was stored and why it was transferred into someones custody.
this is an important record as it demonstrates the integrity of the exhibit and having as higher chance of it admissable in court.
Trace evidence
Is any evidence such as, hair, fibres, paint, blood, etc is transferred from one item to another. When this is found on an exhibit that was seized from a crime scene this can be helpful during the investigation and subsequent trial.
any item that is transferred from a third party during the course of the investigation can be decsribed as cross contamination.
When assiging exhibits numbers what should be considered
- Be consistant
- Assign exhibits numbers for specific staff
- Cope with mulitple scenes
List the exhibits number and ranges
Area Canvass