Exercise Prescription Flashcards
Define MET
Metabolic equivalent of Task; rate of energy expenditure at rest
Describe a Light Activity MET. What are some examples?
Non-sedentary waking behavior requiring less than 3 METS Slow walking, cooking, and light household chores
Describe moderate activity in regards to METS. What activities does this include?
Requires 3-6 METs walking briskly, doubles tennis, raking
Describe vigorous activity in regards to METS. What activities does this include?
6+ METs including running, carrying heavy objects upstairs, shoveling snow, strenuous fitness class
What are the recommendations for children 3-5 in regards to physical activity?
Physically active throughout the day
What are the recommendations for children 6-17 in regards to physical activity?
60 minutes or more of moderate vigorous activity
What are the recommendations for adults in regards to physical activity?
150-300 minutes of moderate activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous activity -sit less and move more -muscle strengthening
What are the physical recommendations for pregnancy and postpartum?
- 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity - If doing vigorous activity before pregnancy, continue this
What is Sheringtons Law of Reciprocal Innervation
“When a muscle contracts, its direct antagonist relaxes in an equal extent allowing smooth movement.” – Sir Charles Scott Sherrington
Describe the hypertonic muscles in regards to stress- which muscles get tight and what does this result in? (upper back)
Upper trapezius – elevates scapula • Sternocleidomastoid – together pulls head forward • Levator scapulae – elevates scapula • Pectoralis muscles – internal rotation shoulder (major), scapula protraction (minor) • Cervical erector spinae – cervical extension • Scalenes – Elevation of ribs
Describe the hypnotic muscles in regards to stress? What does this cause? (upper back)
• Mid and lower trapezius – (mid) scapula retraction, (lower) depress scapula • Latissimus dorsi – extension, adduction, and internal rotation of humerus • Deep cervical flexors • Rhomboids – elevation and retraction of scapula results in hunching over
What are hypertonic muscles that are involved with stress in the lower extremity?
• Iliopsoas – hip flexion • Quadratus lumborum – sidebending of trunk, depress rib 12 • Thoracolumbar erector spinae – spine extension • Hamstrings – hip extension, knee flexion • Rectus femoris – hip flexion, knee extension • Piriformis – abduction of flexed hip, external rotation of extended hip • Thigh Adductors • GastrocSoleus complex – Plantarflexion
What are hypotonic muscles that are involved with stress in the lower extremity?
• Gluteus minimus – abduction of femur, internal rotation • Gluteus medius – abduction of femur, internal rotation • Gluteus maximus – hip extension • Vastus medialis, intermedius, and lateralis – knee extension • Rectus abdominis – flexion of spine • Tibialis anterior - dorsiflexion
***Describe the Levator scapula stress
For left side: 1. Grasp back of chair with left hand and lean toward right knee. 2. Look down at right chest, “in your pocket.” 3. Use right hand to reach behind head and apply minimal pressure at occiput toward right knee. Recommend using 4th and 5th fingers. 4. Inhale deeply and stretch further with exhalation.
***If a patient presented with pain in the base of the neck, how would you treat the patient?
Levator Scapula stretch