Exercise physiology (Energy, recovery, rehab, prep & training) P1 Flashcards
Energy for Exercise
the food we eat ->carbohydrates, fats and proteins -> Carbohydrates broken into simple sugars -> glucose C6H12O6.
- In blood stream can be stored in the liver or muscle cell sarcoplasm
- when exercised, glucose moves into mitochondria to break down anaerobically: C6H1206 -> 6CO2 + 6H20 + Energy
The ‘energy’ produced is used to resynthesise ATP.
-Adenosine Triphosphate
-High energy source
-Only usable energy source for muscle contractions
-takes 2/3s to use
ATP is where the energy from foods we eat is stored so it can be used
ATP Structure
- AN adenosine molecule attached to three phosphate molecules by energetic bonds.
- Bonds are unstable
- ATP -> Adenosine diphosphate + phosphate + energy - energy gets recycled energy system
- ATP-ase, enzyme, catalyses reaction
- Exothermic, gives energy out
ATP resynthesise
- Endothermic, absorbs energy
- ATP is used in 3 seconds so needs to be replenished immediately
- Happens through energy systems
- ADP + Phosphate -> ATP
ATP/PC - Alactic
- Deleted ATP stores trigger the release of creatine Kinase, triggers phosphocreatine -> phosphate + creatine + energy
- Anaerobically
- PC is a energy rich chemical produced by the body, in sarcoplasm
- Available for contractions of high power e.g. 100m
- Duration: 10seconds when sub-maximal
- 1:1 ration of PC to ATP production, a small store
Coupled reaction - ATP/PC
The products of breakdown of PC, by creatine kinase, are used to resynthesise ATP
-Energy produced from the PC breakdown is used to resynthesise ATP
Advantages of ATP/PC
Regenerated rapidly
PC Stores are replenished within 3 minutes
No fatiguing by products ( hence A Lactic , without LA)
The ATP/PC system can be extended through the use of a creatine supplement
Disadvantages of ATP/PC
Limited supply of PC in the body
Only 1 ATP molecule regenerated for 1 Molecule of PC.
Glycolytic System - Lactic acid
- After the ATP/PC system
- Regenerates ATP from the breakdown if GLUCOSE -> only if Phosphofructokinase is present (Enzyme)
- High intensity over 10 seconds & less than 3 minutes e.g. 400m/ attacking phase in football
- in absence of oxygen, Anaerobic Glycolysis -> Pyruvic Acid
- Longer exercise continues the higher the rise in LACTIC ACID AND pH levels -> inhibits enzyme activity -> fatigue & OBLA
Glycolysis - Glycolytic system
Glycogen -> Glucose, enzyme Glycogen Phosphorylase (GPP) -> 2 ATP moles and energy
Glucose is broken -> Pyruvic Acid, by Phosphofructokinase (PFK)
Pyruvic Acid -> Lactic Acid, enzyme Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
Onset Blood Lactate Accumulation
- at rest is 2mmol/L, increases depending on intensity of exercise
- At 4mmol/L OBLA is reached, a threshold beyond lactate production is greater than breakdown.
- > Exercise that is anaerobic eventually leads to exhaustion.
-> train muscles to delay the OBLA threshold, due to body’s ability to tolerate high levels of lactic acid.
Advantages of Glycolytic System
ATP regenerated quickly -> few chemical reactions needed
With O2 present, Lactic acid is converted back into glycogen -> recycles energy
Useful - produces extra burst of energy
Disadvantages of Aerobic system
Delay for oxygen delivery -> due to complex series of reactions
Slow energy production limits activity to sub-maximal intensity
FFAs demand 15% more oxygen for breakdown
Advantages of aerobic system
Large fuel stores ->triglycerides, FFAs glycogen & glucose
High ATP yield (38 ATP moles)
Long duration of energy production
No fatiguing by-products
Aerobic system - diagram
Free fatty acids -Aerobic
Long distance performers - glycogen stores, high intensity e.g. Sprint finishes
-Tryglycerides can be metabolised aerobically as free fatty acids, provide a huge potential store -> conserves glycogen+ glucose
Lipase converts triglycerides into FFAs + glycerol, FFA’s -> Acetyl CoA - go through link reaction in Kreb’s cycle -> ETC as PA
- Produce more Acetyl CoA + a higher energy yield -> long distance athletes with events longer than an hour
- Require 15% more O2 to metabolise - low intensity
Electron Transport Chain (ETC)
-last stage in aerobic energy system
Hydrogen released in Kreb’s cycle are carried through ETC, in cristae, by NAD & FAD -hydrogen carriers
-NAD & FAD split the hydrogens into H+ ions & H- electrons. These pairs of H carried by NAD release energy to resynthesise 30 moles of ATP, those carried by FAD release energy to resynthesise 4 moles of ATP
Hydrogen is oxidised removed as H2O
Overall releases energy to resynthesise 34 ATP moles
Kreb’s Cycle
Acetyl CoA + oxaloacetic acid -> Citric acid - oxidised through Kreb’s Cycle
-Site is mitochondria matrix
-CO2, Hydrogen and energy used for ATP resynthesise of 2 moles of ATP are released
Aerobic Glycolysis
Glycogen -(enzyme GPP) >Glucose, -(PFK)> Pyruvic Acid - creates enough energy to resynthesise 2 moles of ATP.
O2 is present -> Pyruvic acid goes through link reaction - catalysed coenzyme A -> Acetyl CoA - Gives access to mitochondria matrix.
Aerobic System
- During Low-Moderate intensity & long period of time e.g. Marathon
- Presence of oxygen allows continued energy production
- Utilises 95% of potential energy in glucose through Aerobic Glycolysis, Kreb’s Cycle and The Electron transport chain
- Uses free fatty acids to provide huge potential energy store
- Long Distance performers
Disadvantages of Glycolytic
Lactic acid is a fatiguing by-product
A small amount of energy is released from glycogen under anaerobic conditions.
Example of the energy systems contribution of a 800m race
- Glycolytic after the first 10 seconds for up to 3 minutes of high intensity
- As the intensity drops the aerobic system becomes predominant as there is sufficient o2 available
Threshold - Glycolytic/Aerobic
- after counter attack -> goal scored, player jogs back into position ready for next C pass to be taken.
- Intensity is significantly reduced & there is sufficient o2 available for the aerobic system to take over as the predominant energy producer
Thresholds -ATP/PC
- ATP-PC/Glycolytic threshold: WA will hear the whistle -> sprint to receive over 3 s - use of resynthesized ATP by ATP-pc system. Loss of possession -> man-man marking for 1 minute -> regain possession.
- PC stores quickly deplete & the glycolytic system takes over as the predominant energy production
Fast component of EPOC
Alactacid component
- increased rate of respiration continues to supply O2 to body & myoglobin stores -> need reoxygenation
- takes 2-3 minutes
- replenishes myoglobin & O2 stores
- takes 3 mins for 100% recovery of PC stores
- takes 30seconds for 50% recovery for PC stores
- Saturated haemoglobin uses 1-4 L of O2
Exercise post-exercise oxygen consumption
-H2O + CO2 -> H2CO2, following exercise our body needs to return back to it’s pre-exercise.
Myoglobin needs to be resaturated with oxygen to form oxymyoglobin, when glucose, ATP/PC level shave been depleted and when lactic acid needs removing
The aerobic energy system is responsible for recovery.
-Two components - Fast component and Slow component
EPOC -recovery
-Excessive Post-exercise oxygen consumption
the volume of oxygen consumed after exercise which is over & above that consumed at risk
-An athlete with high aerobic capacity can utilise a large volume of oxygen, increasing the intensity of the exercise before OBLA is reached -> Fatigue
Factors which affect energy system contribution
- Position of players
- Tactics & Strategies: man-man marking will raise intensity and require anaerobic energy systems - ATP/PC & Glycolytic
- Level of opposition - tougher -> rely on anaerobic ES for ATP resynthesise
- Size of playing spaces -SMALL -> Increase anaerobic systems
PC Stores deplete in 8-9 s
50% recovery = 30 seconds
100% recovery = 180 seconds (3 minutes)
- Timeouts allow for myoglobin to resaturate with oxygen
- Lactic acid produced by the glycolytic system can be removed through good work: relief ratio. Can increase with low intensity exercise -> LA can rise + fall
- Use recovery to rehydrate, carbo-replenish -> activites less than 1 hr, use bananas, glucose tablets, gels & isotonic drinks
Energy Continuum
-All 3 energy systems work in conjunction with each other, the extent to which each system contributes depends on the intensity & duration
Games intermittently move between energy systems
ATP/PC-> Glycolytic -> Aerobic
Slow component of EPOC
lactacid component
-full recovery = 1hr, depends on intensity & duration
-respiratory rate, heart rate, body temperature remain high
- high removal of by-products e.g. co2, lactic acid, carbonic acid
-uses 4-8L of oxygen to remove by products
-Pyruvic acid is o2nised, enters kreb’s cycle, uses 65% of Lactic acid involved
-CO2, H2O and energy -> glucose ->glycogen + stored in liver/ muscle - uses 25%
‘‘gluconeogenesis’’ + ‘‘gluconeogenesis’’
converts glycogen into protein -> uses 10% of lactic acid involved
Training implications on recovery
- Warm up thoroughly -> reduces o2 deficit & increases o2 supply to working muscles
- Active recovery ->maintains respiratory & heart rates, flushes muscles + capillary beds with O2 blood flow
- Monitor training intensities -> avoid OBLA
- Cooling aids
- Work:Relief ratios, training should adopt correct ratios, ATP/PC = 1:3, Glycolytic = 1:2, aerobic =1:0.5
- strategies -> use timeouts & substitutions -> lactic acid removal + atp resynthesis
Altitude training
- experience issues with partial pressure of oxygen -> more you ascend = worsens - problem over 1500m
- At altitude the % of o2 in air is same, the ppO2 decreases as Altitude increases -> reduces the diffusion gradient in air and lungs between blood & alveoli
E.g. Mexico city football stadia is altitude of 2240m above sea level and pressure of o2 = 115 mmHg
Denver Broncos Stadium = 1609m, pO2 is 132 mmHg
Diffusion gradient = pO2 - 40
Mexico city is 115-40 = 75mmHg -> haemoglobin is not fully saturated - lower oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Effects of altitude
- Breathing frequencies increases at rest & exercise in an attempt to compensate
- Blood volume decreases in order to concentrate red blood cells
- Stroke volume decreases as heart rate increases to compensate
- Cardiac output, Stroke volume and Heart rate reduce
effects of reduced partial pressure of Oxygen
-decreased pressure of o2 in alveolar air:
decreases diffusion rate to the capillary blood, haemoglobin & oxygen association, oxygen transport to muscle tissue, oxygen supply for aerobic energy
Increased breathing frequencies and heart rate, decreased blood volume & stroke volume
-> decreased VO2 MAX, aerobic capacity, intensity & duration of aerobic performance before fatigue
exercise in Heat
- thermoregulation maintains core body temperature
- Need to acclimatise -> enables body to modify the control systems that regulate blood flow to the skin
e.g. World Cup 2022 Qatar moved to cooler months of December
in body, sense temperature changes
trigger medulla oblongata to initiate a series of actions
Sweating - heat
heat is transported to the surface of the skin by blood
Vessels vasodiliate & allow heat to be lost through evaporation
can lose 2-5litres of water per hour
causes total blood volume to decrease, more blood to be redirected to the skin -> the amount of oxygen available to working muscles is reduced
humidity is the water content in the air
- high humidity will reduce the body’s ability to cool by sweating
hyperthermia & factors causing it
hyperthermia is a rise in core body temperature of several degrees.
- high & prolonged exercise intensity, body experiences an upawrd drift in heart rate -‘‘cardiovascular drift’’
- high air temperature
- high levels of humidity
the cardiovascular drift
exercising in heat causes the c.v. system to remove the heat produced by metabolic action plus cooling -> additional load on heart rate -> cardiovascular drift
Temperature regulation - CV
- Dilation of arterioles & capillaries to skin → increased blood flow and blood pooling in limbs
- Decreased blood volume, venous return, stroke volume, cardiac output and blood pressure → increased heart rate, increased strain on the cardiovascular system, reduced oxygen transport to working muscles.
effects of heat on the respiratory system
- Dehydration & drying of airways → difficulties in breathing & increased mucus production
- Increased frequency of breathing to maintain oxygen consumption
- High levels of humidity = irritation of airways → increased likelihood of asthma
reduced thermal strain increases use of anaerobic system → affecting endurance based activities like marathons, cycling and team games.
Strategies to reduce affects of heat
- Pre-event: acclimatise to the temperature, 7-14 days will increase body’s tolerance to humidity
- post event: use cooling aids to delay the effect of high temperatures and dehydration e.g. Ice Vests, use fans
- During event: wear loose wicking clothing, isotonic & hypertonic drinks, salt
- during training alter the intensities
Injury prevention and rehabilitation
-injuries occur due to overtraining, poor technique, poor preparation and impacts during a game.
Types of injuries
- Acute injuries: occur as a result of an incident during an event, match. They are sudden & preventable. e.g. fractured metatarsels & anterior cruciate ligament damage (ACL)
- Chronic injuries: occur over a period of time, associated with repetitive use or strain. e.g. Tennis elbow.
Injury classification
- Hard tissue - damage involving bone, joints or cartilage e.g. Fracture of femur in right leg. Bone fractures are when a crack or break in the bone occurs due to excessive force from a collision/ poor landing.
- Soft tissue - includes sprains and strains of muscles, tendons and ligaments. e.g. slip and land on knee, spraining a ligament.
Simple closed fracture
-surrounding skin is unbroken, internal tissue may cause swelling.
compound fracture
- surrounding skin is broken and bone may protrude through
- increased risk of infection
green stick fracture
-in a young soft bone, meanig that bone bend and partially breaks
Common injury in children
Comminuted fracture
Bone shatters into three or more pieces
dislocation fracture
Dislocation as a result of a direct trauma. Typically seen in shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, elbow, fingers & toes. Causes deformity+ pain.
To treat use orthopaedic surgeon + physiotherapy
damages the ligaments & stretches them - may stay elongated -> problems with joint stability.
Can be career ending.
partial dislocation
damages the ligaments & stretches them - may stay elongated -> problems with joint stability.
Where is protein found?
most foods - large quantities in milk, eggs, meat and soya
What is the function of protein?
makes muscle proteins, haemoglobin, enzymes, antibodies and collagen
Amino acids - growth, repair of cells and tissues
also broken down to provide energy aerobically
How can being an athlete affect protein intake?
-higher requirements for protein:
to compensate for increased muscle breakdown
to build new muscle cells
What are vitamins?
organic nutrients required in small quantities to maintain healthy bodily functions
What are the two types of vitamins?
fat soluble
water soluble
Fat soluble vitamins
stored in the body
found in fatty foods
Vitamin A,D,E,K
What is vitamin A good for?
an antioxidant
-eye health, cell & bone growth
What is vitamin D good for?
-bone health, protects against cancer & heart disease
What is vitamin E good for?
an antioxidant
-skin, eyes and immune system
What is vitamin K good for?
blood clotting & bone health
Water soluble vitamins
require regular intake
found in fruit, veg, grains, milk and diary foods
Vitamin C & B
What is Vitamin C good for?
skin, blood vessels, tendon, ligament and bone health
What is Vitamin B good for?
breakdown of food, haemoglobin formation and skin, eye and nervous system health
Recommended calory intake
AVG MALE - 2550 kcal/day
AVG female - 1900 Kcal/day
What should the diet be composed of?
55% carbohydrates
15% protein
30% fats
5 portions of fruit & veg
ex. Eatwell guide
What is the role of carbohydrates?
feul for exercise
For energy production, cell division, active transport and formation of molecules
Glucose & glycogen
what type of carb is glycogen?
- stored in liver & muscles
- found in starches, rice and potatoes
broken down to maintain blood glucose levels
What does glucose do?
found in fruit, sugar and honey
surplus of glucose → excess body fat
provides feul for aerobic & anaerobic energy production
good for endurance performers → Marathon runners
Role of fats
to provide fatty acids & fat soluble vitamins
-insulates nerves, form cell membranes, cushions organs and provide an energy store
Saturated & Unsaturated
Saturated fatty acids
found in butter and bacon
should limit to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease
Unsaturated fatty acids
found in avocado and soya beans
should be majority
omega 3’s are beneficial as boosts delivery of oxygen, improves endurance recovery rates, reduces inflammation & joint stiffness
Role of water in the diet
hydration - dehydration results in decreased plasma volume, stroke volume and increased heart rate & temperature → endurance + strength suffers
body is ⅔’s water
allows chemical reactions to dissolve and move substances around the body
Regulates temperature
the role of fibre in the diet
found in cereals, bread, beans, lentils, fruit & veg
Important for normal functioning of large intestine
reduce cholesterol, risk of diabetes and obesity
effect of not meeting nutritional /energy needs
Atrophy - muscle loss, decreased intensity, duration of performance, slower recovery rates & increased risk of fatigue
what is energy (diet & nutrition)
the ability to perform work
measured in joules/ calories
1 calories = 4.18 joules
what is energy expenditure?
the sum of basal metabolic rate, the thermic effect of food and the energy expended in physical activity
-the more accurate, the more precise a diet can be designed to provide the correct energy intake
Factors which affect energy expenditure
intensity of sport
duration of sport
level of opposition in sport
What is physical activity energy expenditure?
the total number of calories required to perform daily tasks
accounts for 30% of daily expenditure
What is Metabolic Equivalent values?
used to build precise picture of additional energy expenditure associated with diff physical activities
What is the MET value for rest?
1kcal/ 1kg/1 hr
O2 uptake of 3.5ml/kg/min
Different MET values for Diff activities
Sitting relaxed = 1 MET
Less than 3.0 met - light
- 0-6.0 MET -moderate
- 0 + MET - vigorous
Ice skating - 7
Rowing at 200 watts - 12
What is energy intake?
the total amount of energy from food and beverages consumed and measured in Joules & Calories
What is energy balance?
the relationship between energy intake and energy expenditure
How is weight maintained?
if energy intake = energy expenditure
How is weight gained?
energy intake is more than energy expenditure
Body fat % will ^
negative implications on health & performance
how is weight lost?
if energy intake is less than energy expenditure
carefully monitor -minimise loss of muscle mass & performance
What is an ergogenic aid?
A Substance, object or method used to improve or enhance performance
why is testing for banned substances difficult?
due to pace of pharmalogical advances
Who controls the list of banned substances?
World Anti-doping Association
what is WADA’s mission?
lead a worldwide movement for doping-free sport & compiles the lists of prohibited & non-prohibited substances and methods used in sport
What did the german study find about WADA?
6.8% anonymously reported using ergogenic aids whilst only 0.81% tested positive in WADA’s tests.
2009 - Athlete Biological passport, monitors selected variables → reveals the effects of doping
What are pharmalogical aids?
group of ergogenic aids, taken to ^ levels of hormones or neural transmitters naturally produced in the body
Most = Illegal → bans and severe penalties
Anabolic steriods
male testosterone
promotes protein synthesis, muscle growth
Quality & Quantity of training can be increased as strength & speed of recovery improves
easily detected
E.g. Dwain chambers, Marion jones
Effects of anabolic steriods
liver damage
hair loss
females become more masculine - facial hair
What is erythropoietin (EPO)?
an illegal synthetic product copying natural erythropoietin
What can EPO cause?
Hyper viscosity
high red blood cell count
increases O2 transport, aerobic capacity, intensity and duration of performers before fatigue
Hyper viscosity
excessively thickened blood with high resistance to flow
what types of athletes are associated with EPO?
Endurance runners
difficulties of EPO
hard to detect in blood/urine samples
decreased cardiac output, ^ risk of blood clots & heart failure
those abusing needs plasma infusions and take blood thinners to reduce negative effects
What is the Human Growth Hormone?
illegal synthetic product copying natural growth hormone to increase protein synthesis for muscle growth, repair and recovery
What does HGH effect?
increases the metabolism of fats, glucose levels and quality of training → increased percentage of lean mass
What type of athlete uses HGH?
Maximal and explosive strength basesd performers
e.g. power lifters, sprinters, throwers
What are the side effects of HGH?
increased bone and organ cancer, bone deformities, heart failure, enlarged intensities and increased risk of certain cancers
What are physiological aid?
a group of ergogenic aids, used to increase rate of adaptation by the body to increase performance,
What is blood doping?
An illegal method of increasing red blood cell content by infusing blood prior to competition
What effects does blood doping have?
increases total blood volume, red blood cell count and oxygen-carrying capacity
What type of athletes use blood doping?
endurance performers
Tour De France cyclists
increased aerobic capacity and intensity/duration of training before fatigue
What are the side effects of blood doping?
difficult to detect through blood samples
increased risk of infection
thickens the blood → decreases Q → ^ risk of blood clots & heart failure
What is hypoxia?
a condition where the body is subjected to an inadequate oxygen supply to maintain normal function
What is buffering capacity?
the ability to resist changes in pH
ex. the ability to reduce the negative effect of hydrogen ions on muscular contractions
What is intermittent training?
interval training with work intervals performed under hypoxic conditions
WADA Status: Legal
How can intermittent hypoxic training be most effective?
Minimal travel exposure
minimal disruption to training
What adaptions does Intermittent hypoxic training cause?
^ the rate of adaption to training, red blood cell & Haemoglobin volume, oxygen-carrying capacity and aerobic energy production.
Increases mitochondrial density and buffering capacity