Exercise Phys 13: (deb Mitcheson) Limitations to exercise 1 Flashcards
Equation for RQ?
= 0.7 -> 1
3 things which will alter/effect RQ assumptions
Hyperventilation -> excess CO2 produced
Exhaustive activity -> increased CO2 due to H2CO2 from lactate buffering
Gluconeogenesis -> formation of glucose through various pathways alters CO2/O2 ratio
Define submaximal activity/exercise
activity that is less than maximal,
heartrate 50-80% of maximum
aerobic capacity (VO2 max) not reached
e.g. walking, cycling, jogging, swimming
Define maximal activity
activity at which aerobic capacity (VO2 max) is reached
What is meant by slow component of VO2 uptake kinetics?
- AT high power outputs, VO2 continues to increase
- More type II (less efficient) fibre recruitment
- Mechanistic basis of slow component unclear
-> Increase in O2 uptake only above lactate threshold
What is meant by VO2 drift?
Upward drift observed even at low power outputs during prolonged, submaximal, constant power output exercise
- possibly due to an increase in ventilation
What is VO2 max?
Maximal O2 uptake -> point at which O2 consumption no longer increases with an increase in exercise intensity
Best indicator of aerobic fintess (doesn’t predict endurance/performance)
Limits to VO2 max?
1) Central physiological functions
- pulmonary diffusion
- cardiac outpit
- blood oxygen carrying capacity
2) Peripheral bodily functions
- muscle diffusion capacity
- mitohondrial enzyme levels
- capillary density
What is EPOC?
Excess Post-exercise oxygen consumption
Vol. of O2 consumed immediately after exercise
-> i.e amount of O2 required to restore body to homeostasis
Components of EPOC?
- Replenishment of energy sources e.g. ATP-PCr, glycogen, lactate clearing
- Re-oxygenation of blood
- Decrease in circulatory hormones e.g. (nor)adrenaline
- Decrease in body temp
- Decrease in ventilation and heart rate
What is the lactate threshold? % of VO2max in trained/untrained?
Point at which lactate production increases (expressed as % of VO2 max
LT untrained ~55%
LT trained ~75%
Cycle responsible for converting lactate back to pyruvate?
Cori cycle
in liver
Structural explanation DOMS?
Structural damage
- indicated by muscle enzymes e.g. elevated creatine kinase in blood (conc. increase 2 - 10 times after heavy training)
- Onset of DOMS parallels onset of muscle ennzyme conc. increase
- Z-disk myofilament damage after eccentric work
- this muscle damage precipitates hypertrophy
Inflammation explanation of DOMS ?
Connection between inflammation and soreness
- white blood cells conc. increases with soreness
- substances released initiate inflammation, damaged muscle cells attract neutrophils
- also stimulate pain nerves and macrophages to remove cell debris
2 types of muscle cramp?
Exercise-associated muscle cramps (EAMC)
Heat cramps
Causes of EAMC? Treatment?
Fatigue causes altered neuromuscular control and results in the excitation of muscle spindle and inhibition of Golgi tendon organ
Relief by stretching
Causes of heat cramps? Treatment?
Often associated with large sweat + electrolyte losses, especially sodium + chloride
treatment high sodium solution, ice, massage (quinine??)