Exercise Mood Affect and Emotion Flashcards
What are the two subcategories of ‘basic affect’?
Mood and Emotion
What are the two dimensions of Affect?
Valence (Pleasure - Displeasure)
Arousal (High arousal - Sleep)
Who devised the circumplex model of affect?
Posner et al 2005
What is the circumplex model of affect?
a 2D scale of valence and arousal
What is the basic definition of emotion?
Brief specific affective state that occurs in response to events
What are the primary universal emotions?
- Anger
- Fear
- Disgust
- Joy
- Surprise
- Sadness
What is the basic definiton of mood?
Enduring feeling state accompanied with anticipation of pleasure or pain
What is the most common measure of mood?
Profile of Mood States
What did Morgan 1977 find about the differences in mood statesbetween runners and average population?
- Runners were higher than average in Vigor
- Runners were much lower than average in Tension, Depression, Anger, Fatigue, Depression
According to Thayer et al 1994, what are the top 6 most popular mood management strategies?
- Exercise most popular, followed by:
- Music
- Friends
- Chores
- Sleep
- Reframing
What do the US Surgeon General (2000) and the Department of Health (2004) think about exercise and mood?
Exercise can increase mood
What are the limiting factors to mood-exercise research? give reference
-Inconsistency in concepts and methods
-Dose-response issues
-Individual response differences
-Expectancy and cohort effects
-Ecological validity (lab vs outdoors)
Carron et al 2003
What did Barton and Pretty 2010 find about the mood benefits of ‘green exercise’?
- Outdoor exercise benefits self esteem and mood
- Presence of water generated the greatest effect
- Mood benefits for short durations, light/vigorous, middle aged
What did Yeung 1996 meta-analysis find about the mood enhancing effects of exercise?
- Effect in 85% of studies, in both clinical and non-clinical samples
- Weakest effect in strictest studies
- Greatest effect in self selected exercise
- Did not vary by age, sex, or fitness
- Negative for females in late stage of pregnanc
According to Thayer (1988) what is the minimum effective dose of exercise to reduce emotional tension?
10-15 walk can enhance vigor and reduce tension for up to 7 hours