Exercise Behavior and adherence Flashcards
Why is exercise behavior and adherence important?
More than half of adults do not meet mini requirement of 150 minutes of exercise per week
What are the reasons to exercise?
Weight Control
- Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
- Reduction in stress and depression
- Enjoyment
- Building self-esteem
- Socializing
What are the reasons for not exercising?
- Perceived lack of time
- Lack of energy
- Lack of motivation
- Sedentary behavior
Why is it important for exercise professionals to know why people do not exercise?
Exercise professional should highlight the benefits of exercise and provide a supportive environment to involve sedentary people in physical activity.
What is the percentage of people that cite that lack of time is a major barrier of exercise?
What are the 3 major barriers to physical activity?
- Lack of time
-Lack of energy - Lack of motivation
What are the 3 moderate barriers to physical activity?
Excessive cost/ lack of money
- Health issues
- Feeling uncomfortable or lack of skill
What are the two minor barriers of physical activities?
Inconvenience: lack of access to facilities, lack of safe space, lack of transportation
- Lack of social support
What is the next step after starting an exercise program?
CONTINUE the program
What is a problem of exercise adherence?
Many find it easier to start a program rather than to stick with it.
What is the percentage of participant drop out of exercise programs within the first 6 months?
What can you do to combat the problem of exercise adherence?
Help those who start exercising to overcome barriers to continuing the exercise program
- Help exercisers develop contingency plans to overcome factors leading to relapses.
- KEY POINT: Exercise professionals should consistently provide sound scientific information about exercise and physical activity to increase the likelihood that clients will adhere to a fitness program
Why people have a problem with exercise adherence?
Solely based on fitness data ignoring people’s psychological readiness to exercise
- overly restrictive
- not optimal for enhancing motivation for regular exercise
- Too rigid
Does not promote self responsibility
Potential relapses may have a smaller effect if the individual ?
- Plans and anticipates them
- Recognizes them as temporary impediments
- develops self regulatory skills to prevent them
How do you prevent a relapse?
- Expect and PLAN for lapses
- Develop coping strategies
- Replace “shoulds” with “wants” to provide more balance in your life.
- Use positive self-talk and imagery to avoid self dialogues focusing on relapse.
- Identify situations that put you at risk and attempt to avoid or plan for these settings
- do not view a temporary relapse as a catastophic because this undermines confidence and willpower.
What are the six theories and models of exercise behavior?
Health Belief model
Theory of planned behavior
Social cognitive theory
Self determination theory
Transtheoretical model
Physical activity maintenance model.
What is the Health belief model?
States the likelihood of an individual engaging in exercise depends on their perception of the severity of the illness AND their appraisal of the cost and benefits of taking action.
- Inconsistent results in using this model to predict exercise because it was developed to focus on disease not exercise.
What is the theory of planned behavior?
Exercise behavior is made up of intentions ,subjective norms and attitudes, and PERCEIVED BEHAVIORAL CONTROL
- Perceived behavioral control : perceptions of ones ability to perform the behavior
What is Social Cognitive Theory ?
Exercise behavior is influenced by personal , behavioral, and environmental factors, PARTICULARLY SELF _ EFFICACY
- Self efficacy theory has produced some of the most consistent results in predicting exercise behavior
What is the Self-determination theory ?
People are inheretly motivated to feel connected to others within a social milieu (relatedness), to function effectively int hat milieu and to feel a sense of personal initiative in doing so.
What does research show about self determination theory?
Participants who display autonomy in their exercise behavior and have strong social support systems exhibit stronger motivation and enhanced exercise adherence.
What is the Transtheoretical Model?
Argues that individuals progress through stages of change and that movement across the stages is cyclic rather than linear.
Cyclic pattern of stages of changes
Matching the intervention to the stage of change is effective in producing high level of regular exercise.
What is the 6 stages of change for the transtheoretical model?
Pre contemplation : Does not exercise
Contemplation : Has fleeting thoughts of exercise
Preparation : Exercise, but not regularly enough
Action: Has been exercising regularly but for less than six months (LEAST stable stage)
Maintenance: Has been exercising regular for more than six months
Termination : Exercisers have exercised for five years , resistant to relapse.
What is the Physical activity maintenance model?
Goal setting: commitment attainment, satisfaction
Self Motivation: Persistance in the pursuit of behavior goals independant of any situational constraints
Self-Efficacy: Confidence to overcome barriers and avoid relapse
Physical Activity Environment : access, attractiveness, enjoyable scenery, social support
Life stress: recent Life changes
What is integration of models?
In reality , a combination of models provide the best prediction for exercise behavior.
What are the 6 strategies for enhancing Adherence to exercise?
Behavior modification approaches
Reinforcement Approaches
Cognitive-behavioral approaches
Decision making approaches
Social support approaches
Intrinsic Approaches
What are Behavioral modification approaches
Behavior modification is the planned, systematic application of learning
principles to the modification of behavior.
* Prompts: Verbal, physical, or symbolic cues initiate behaviors (e.g., posters
encouraging people to take the stairs, placing running shoes by bed).
* Contracting: Participants enter into a contract with their exercise practitioners
What are reinforcement approaches?
- Chart attendance and participation.
- Rewards improve attendance but must be provided throughout the length
of the program. - Providing feedback to participants on their progress has positive
motivational effects. - Participants keep written records of their physical activity (self-monitoring).
What are cognitive behavioral approaches ?
Goal setting should be used to motivate individuals.
* Exercise-related goals should be:
* Self-set rather than instructor-set,
* Flexible rather than fixed, and
* Time-based rather than distance-based
What are decision making approaches?
- Involve exercisers in decisions regarding program structure.
- Develop balance sheets:
- Completing a decision balance sheet to increase awareness of the costs
and benefits of participating in an exercise program can enhance exercise
adherence. - Make people more aware of the potential benefits and costs of an
exercise program
What are social support approaches?
When a person (e.g., spouse, family member, friend) has a favorable
attitude toward another person’s involvement in an exercise
* Social support can be enhanced by:
1. Participation in a small group
2. The use of personalized feedback
3. The use of a buddy system
What are intrinsic approaches?
Focus on the experience itself.
* Focus on changing quality of experience rather than focus on external goal
* Focus on the process.
* Rather than the product
* Engage in purposeful and meaningful physical activity.
* Research shows one of the main reasons for exercise adherence being
around 50% is a lack of purpose and meaning for participants
What are some guidelines for improving exercise adherence?
Match the intervention to the participant’s stage of change.
* Provide cues for exercises (signs, posters, cartoons).
* Make the exercise enjoyable.
* Tailor the intensity, duration, and frequency of the exercises.
* Promote exercising with a group or friend.
* Have participants sign a contract or statement of intent to comply
with the exercise program.
* Offer a choice of activities.