EXERCISE 9 Flashcards
first consideration in feed quality control
quality of feed ingredients / raw materials
involves examination of raw materials / feed ingredients with naked eye (color, odor, texture, dampness, presence of adulterant, presence of mold, and insect infestation)
physical evaluation
study of appearance of feed samples and/or adulterant under the stereomicroscope
feed microscopy
substances / impurities of cheaper value and low quality that are intentionally added to feeds to change its physical/chemical characs; add bulk or weight
(adulterant) used to increase feed weight
fine sand
(adulterant) has high gross content but low digestible energy content due to high amount of cellulose
saw dust
is indigestible to monogastric animals due to absence of endogenous cellulase
(adulterant) also contain high amount of cellulose (same with saw dust)
corn cobs
(adulterant) contains high amount of cellulose and lignin which is also indigestible to monogastric animals
rice hull
(chemical evaluation) most extensively used method for determination of nutritive value of feeds (moisture, ether extract, crude fiber, crude protein, ash, and NFE)
proximate analysis / Weende method
(proximate analysis) determined by weighing finely ground sample before and after drying it to constant weight at 105C (overnight); all substances that volatize at this temp represent _____ content of sample
apparatus for proximate analysis of moisture
(proximate analysis) sum of all ether-soluble materials; this residue is fat and fatty acid esters, but includes all ether-soluble substances (waxes, essential oils and pigments)
ether extract (crude fat)
apparatus for ether extract (crude fat)
soxhlet apparatus
(proximate analysis) rough measure of portion of carbs that is poorly utilized by monogastric animals; measured as loss in ignition at 550C for 4 hours; composed mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin
crude fiber
apparatus used to get crude fiber
refluxing unit
(proximate analysis) computed as total nitrogen content of sample multiplied by 6.25. formula is %N*6.25.
crude protein
process for CP that involves sample digestion, distillation, and titration
Kjeldahl method
apparatus used for crude protein
Kjeldahl apparatus
(proximate analysis) estimate of inorganic content of feed sample; involves igniting sample in furnace that burns all OM to CO2 and H20; residue remaining after combustion represents it
ash (mineral content)
apparatus used for ash (mineral content)
mineral furnace
(proximate analysis) represents sun of remaining undetermined portions of feed and is meant to represent more digestible portions; only one determined by calculation; formula is = 100 - (moisture+ash+crude protein+crude fat+crude fiber)
Nitrogen-free extract
(microbial evaluation / microbiological assay) used to determine presence of salmonella spp. and mycotoxin-producing fungi (aspergillus and fusarium in feeds)
microbiological tests
(microbial evaluation / microbiological assay) most widespread and best known of all mycotoxins
(microbial evaluation / microbiological assay) in feeds may cause poor growth rate, poor feed deficiency, liver diseases, increased mortality, pale egg yolk color, and reduced egg shell strength
in a routine microbiological test, the first analytical procedure is the __________________ that does not distinguish the types of mycotoxins; used for a quick determination to see whether the problem exists
pass / fail test
confirmatory procedures employed such as ________________ or _______________ when necessary
thin layer chromatography (TLC) or high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)
in biological evaluation,
feeding trial; digestion; metabolism trial