Executive Directive 11 - Gender Equity Flashcards
To fight women discrimination, the City of Los Angeles adopted the Convention on the ________. (CEDAW)
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
The City is seeking to eradicate gender-based disparities for all women, regardless of:
-marital status
-sexual orientation
-gender identity
-gender expression
-sex assigned at birth
As part of Executive Directive NO. 11, the following was ordered by the Mayor.
-Each Head of Dept shall designate a Gender Equity Liaison
-Creation of the Gender Equity Coalition
The Gender Equity Coalition is made up of each Dept’s Gender Equity Liaisons and representatives from the Mayors office.
The Gender Equity Coalition shall identify areas needed focus including targeting women from vulnerable groups such as:
-women of color
-young women and girls
Equity among people of all genders is ESSENTIAL. In order to provide good governance to our City, we must be:
Inclusionary and nondiscriminatory.