Exanthems Flashcards
Slapped cheek appearance
Parvo B19
Reticulated rash on trunk, child looks fine
Parvo B19
Parvo B19 in pregnancy can cause
Hydrops featalis
Why does Pavo B19 cause aplastic crisis in SS patients?
It causes a maturation arrest at pronormoblast and proerythroblast stage
Papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome
Parvo B19
What virus causes erythema infectiosum?
Parvo B19
How do you diagnose Parvo B19?
Clinical & epi, IgM, PCR, BM biopsy (maturation arrest)
Are children with Parvo rash infectious?
Parvo B19 virology
ssDNA, icosahedral
ssDNA, icosahedral
Parvo B19
ssRNA, icosahedral, capsule
ssRNA, helical
High fever followed by rash beginning on trunk
Koplik spots, rash spreads from face to trunk, sick child
URI & systemic symptoms, petechiae on softr palate, quick-spreading rash
Can cause giant cell pneumonia in AIDS patients
Can cause subacute sclerosing panencephalitis years later
Blueberry muffin baby (dermal hematopoesis)
Rubella (late congenital)
Low BW, cataracts, deafness, glaucoma, heart disease, mental retardation
Rubella (early congenital)
Most common heart disease in early congenital rubella
Pathogenesis of measles
Respiratory, epithelial cells (URI), viremia, reticulondothelial cells, viremia, WBC & macrophages, skin & resp tract
What is the pathogenesis of Koplik spots?
T cells attack endothelial cells in dermal capillaries
Forcheimer’s sign
petichiae on soft pallate (Rubella)
Exanthem that can cause arthritis
Parvo B19
Measles diagnosis
Clinical, epi, IgM