Examples Realism VS Liberalism Flashcards
Realists: Russia 2014
Annexation of Crimea
Liberals: NGO’S - Greenpeace
Greenpeace - global presure group for the environment
Liberals: TNCs - Google
2020 Announced it was investing $10 billion in India, which will provide a massive boost to the country’s economy at a time of recession
Liberals: NGOs - Medecines Sans Frontieres
Medecins Sans Frontieres - humanitarian group for conflict zones around the world
Soft power ineffective: China 2016 UN international Tribunal
Declared China’s construction of artificial reefs in the Spratly Islands was against the international maritime law, China ignored the court
Realists: 2017 Paris Trump
Announced US was withdrawing from the Paris Climate Change Agreement since the treaty was an agreement that disadvantages the US to the exclusive benefit of other countries
Liberals: Paris Climate Agreement 2015
Global consensus reached to limit carbon emissions in order to limit climate change
Liberalis: MDGs +SDGs
MDGS 2000-15
SDGS 2015-30
Liberals: ICC 2002 Introduction
International Criminal Court + Functions
Liberalis: 2005 UN World Summit
‘Responsiblity to Protect’
Liberals: 2009 Lisbon Treaty
Developed Supranational elements of the EU
Liberals: 2011 UN Resolution
Authorised military action to stop libyan government attacks on its citizens
Liberals: 2021 Biden & Climate
Rejoined Paris agreement and reaffirmed US commitment to climate change leadership
Liberals: 2021 Corporate Tax
136 nation states agreed to encorce a 15% minimum rate of corporate tax to ensure MNC pay a fair burden of taxation
Realists: 2017 Burundi + Philippines 2019
Withdrawal from ICC
Realists: 2011 Syria
Lack of consensus on how to resolve it, different responses
Russia, Turkey and Iran placed geostrategic interests first in the court
Realists: 2020 China and Hong Kong
Decision to enforce a new security law increasing its power over the Hong Kong government in defiance of international condemnation
Realists: 2021 NATO Summit warning
Warned China presents a ‘systematic challenge’ to members interests
Realists: 2021 Biden & Afghan
Biden administration withdrew its forced from Afhganistan to focus on more pressing security concerns elsewhere
Realists: 2021 AUKUS Established
Australia, UK, US established to increase the security interests of its member states
Realists: 2021 China and Taiwan
Soon after unprecedented numbers of Chineses military planes flew into Taiwan’s air defence zone, President Xi Jinping stated that the reunification of Taiwan ‘must be fulfilled’