adult stem cells benefit
are multipotent so can differetiate into any cell type.
random error proof
large standard deviations
no oxygen in plants cause
aerobic respiration cant take place, so plants resot to anaerobic where fermentation occurs..ethanol is toxic
where are photosynthetic pigment found
in the thylakoid membrane in the photosystem
removes excess o2 so less inhibition and remvoes co to prevent inhibition
mast cells
release histamine
regulatory genes
make repressor protein
voluntary muscles
intercostal muscle
CNS consists of brain and spinal chord and conatains many synapses
PNS consists of nerves, a sympathetic parasympathetic system, contains sensory and motor neurons
what nucleic acid holds bases together
how is plant protein converted into animal protein
animals ingest and hydrolyse protein into amino acids,the amino acids then travel in the blood for protein synthesis
why do we need to conserve plants and animals
to maintain genetic resources as they can be used to help if the conditions change in the future.Maintains biodiversity and can be used for genetic engineering.
why does soil nitrate concentration decrease by monoculture
as plant continues to use nitrates so less decay so less recycling of nitrogen
what are the final hydrogen acceptors for anaerobic respiration
pyruvate for animals/plants
ethanal for yeast
how is adh removed from body
in the liver adh is hydrolysed and deaminated. In the kidneys it is filtered from the blood into nephron as it is a small molecule.Adh is present in urin and thus excreted.
How does adrenaline cause different effects in different target tissues
different tissues have different receptors
this causes camp concentration to increase/decrease
secondary messenger may be different so camp activates different enzymes
hormonal and nervous mechanisms of heart rate
H-adrenaline increases heart rate. Medulla oblongata controls heart rate
N-SAN controls the frequency of excitation. Vagus nerve decreases heart rate accelerator nerve increases heart rate.Low ph detected by chemoreceptors(decreased heart rate). High blood pressure is detected by stretch receptors.
why are more females used than males
males can farther many offspring so more females are needed to maintain genetic variation.
combination of alleles
possessed by an organism
different versions of a gene
why can something be classed as an amino acid
as have amine and carboxyl group
endocrine vs exocrine glands in pancreas
endocrine :hormone(s) released directly into blood ;
beta cells secrete insulin ;
alpha secrete glucagon ;
islet detects blood glucose concentration ;
exocrine: fluid secreted into the duct. the release triggered by nervous stimulation. pancreatic secretions go into the small intestine eg amylase and trypsin