Bio Molecules Proteins Flashcards
Why can R groups determine tertiary structure
As some r groups attract and repel
Disulfide bonds form between cysteine
Hydrogen bonds form
Ionic bonds form between oppositely charged R groups
Similarity of collagen and hemoglobin
Both have amino acids chain
Peptide bonds
Both have ionic hydrogen and disulfide bonds
More than one polypeptide
Structure of haemoglobin
P: sequence of amino acids joined by peptide bonds
S:Amino acid chain begins to fold into alpha helix which is held together by hydrogen bonds
T: secondary structure undergoes further coiling. Disulfide ionic hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions form
Q: contains 2 alpha and 2B subunits and 1 heam group per polypeptide. Prosthetic group is haem which contains iron ion
Structure of collagen
Peptide bonds form between amino acids.
Every 3rd amino acid is the same
This twists and forms a left handed helix
Glycine allows twisting of polymer chains and forms 3 polypeptide chains.
No hydrophilic R groups are on the outside of the molecule.
Adjacent molecules are joined by cross links forming fibrils
Fibrous and globular protein differences
How would a second amino acid bond to cysteine in forming the primary structure
A peptide bond would form between the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amine of another amino acid. H from amine combines with OH from carbonyl in a condensation reaction.
Describe globular proteins with the help of hemoglobin
Gp:spherical,hydrophobic r groups are on the inside hydrophilic r group on the outside, forms H bonds with water and is soluble eg amylase.HAEMOGLOBIN: Carrie’s oxygen and contains prosthetic group F2+ which allows o2 to be carried.polypeptide chains inside hawmoglobin have tertiary structure
Describe fibrous proteins with the help of collagen
Are linear. Chains can form hydrogen bonds with adjacent molecules. They are insoluble as they have a few hydrophilic groups.they are strong and gave structural support. COLLAGEN: has high proportion of glycine so chains lie close together. It forms cross links between molecules. These cross links are staggered to avoid weak points. Collagen forms parts of tendons
makes vitamin D and regulates fluidity of phospholipid bilayer
what molecules bind with cholesterol to make ldls
lipids and proteins
describe how concentration of a reducing sugar can be measured using a calorimeter
use standard concentrations of reducing sugar
heat with benedicts solution use the same volume of solution each time
use excess benedicts
colour change to green yellow or brick red
remove precipitate
calibrate colorimeter to 0 using distilled water
use a red filter
read transmission/absorbance
obtain callibration curve and plot transmission against absorbance.
what are triglycerudes used for
used for storage for energy as theyre insoluble
why does an emulsion form if lipid present
as lipids cannot dissolve in water so if present they form an emulsion