EXAM STUDY SET 1: topic/study Flashcards
The brain and behavior
Principles of BLOA
Baumgartner (Oxytocin), Martinez/Kesner (mice & Ach), Weissman (pedigree study)
Techniques used to study the brain
Maguire (MRI), Martinez/Kesner (animal studies), Baumgartner (observational study)
Localization of function
Against: Lashley (rats & maze memory)
For: Maguire (taxi drivers and hippocampal mass)
relative localization, strict localization, lateralization
Maguire (taxi drivers and hippocampal mass)
neural network, neural pruning, neuron
Neurotransmitters and their effect on behavior
Acetylcholine - Martinez/Kesner
Hormones and their effect on behavior
Baumgartner (Oxytocin - which is a neurotransmitter that acts like a hormone), Zak (testosterone on stinginess)
Pheromones and their effects on behavior
Wedekind (sweaty T-shirt)
Genes and their effects on behavior
Weissman (pedigree study)
Twin and kinship studies
Weissman (pedigree study)
Evolutionary explanation for behavior
Weissman (pedigree study)
Models of memory
[study], working memory model (WMM), multistore memory model (MSMM)
Schema theory
Brown/Kulik (flashbulb memories)
Reconstructive memory
Loftus and palmer (car crash vids), Brown/Kulik (flashbulb memories)
Influence of emotion on cognition
Brown/Kulik (flashbulb memories)
Individual and the group
Asch (lines), Tajfel (boys played money game based on their groups)