EXAM STUDY SET 1: topic/study Flashcards
The brain and behavior
Principles of BLOA
Baumgartner (Oxytocin), Martinez/Kesner (mice & Ach), Weissman (pedigree study)
Techniques used to study the brain
Maguire (MRI), Martinez/Kesner (animal studies), Baumgartner (observational study)
Localization of function
Against: Lashley (rats & maze memory)
For: Maguire (taxi drivers and hippocampal mass)
relative localization, strict localization, lateralization
Maguire (taxi drivers and hippocampal mass)
neural network, neural pruning, neuron
Neurotransmitters and their effect on behavior
Acetylcholine - Martinez/Kesner
Hormones and their effect on behavior
Baumgartner (Oxytocin - which is a neurotransmitter that acts like a hormone), Zak (testosterone on stinginess)
Pheromones and their effects on behavior
Wedekind (sweaty T-shirt)
Genes and their effects on behavior
Weissman (pedigree study)
Twin and kinship studies
Weissman (pedigree study)
Evolutionary explanation for behavior
Weissman (pedigree study)
Models of memory
[study], working memory model (WMM), multistore memory model (MSMM)
Schema theory
Brown/Kulik (flashbulb memories)
Reconstructive memory
Loftus and palmer (car crash vids), Brown/Kulik (flashbulb memories)
Influence of emotion on cognition
Brown/Kulik (flashbulb memories)
Individual and the group
Asch (lines), Tajfel (boys played money game based on their groups)
Social identity theory
Asch (lines),
Social groups
Zimbardo (prison)
Social cognitive theory
Asch (lines), Bandura (bobo doll), SCT = behaviors learned from what is seen
Formation of stereotypes and their effect on behavior
Darley/GRoss (girl took a test), Tajfel (social groups, boys played money game based on their groups), Zimbardo (social attribution theory)
Cultural origins and influences on cognition and behavior
Bandura (bobo doll), Cole/Schribner (learning methods in different cultures)
Cultural groups
Tajfel (boys played money game based on their groups)