BLOA Studies Flashcards
Central nervous system (CNS)
Nervous system on the spinal cord and brain
Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)
Nervous system as found anywhere else in the body
Somatic NS
You think about these things, they are not automatic (e.g. moving your leg to walk, your fingers to type, etc.)
Autonomic NS
Automatically done (maintaining homeostasis, breathing at night)
Sympathetic NS
Used during a high emotional intensity situation
Parasympathetic NS
Used after an emotionally intense situation to calm you down
Broca’s Area
Bottom left of the frontal lobe before the cortical homunculus, involved in speech production
Motor Cortex
Strip at the very end of the frontal lobe to which motor controls are dedicated. Each part of the motor strip controls one part of your body and it is not proportioned to how your body is proportioned.
cortical homunculus
IB’s name for the Motor Cortex AND the Somatosensory Cortex as a whole
Somatosensory Cortex (Sensory Strip)
Processes pain, touch, temp, itchiness, etc.
Visual Cortex
Processes visual stimulants, located at the very back of the brain on the occipital lobe
Auditory Cortex
Processes auditory stimulation
Wernicke’s Area
left temporal lobe, involved in language development
Corpus Callosum
Connects your two hemispheres
sensory/motor signals
Controls the endocrine system and connects with the pituitary gland
Important role in memory/fight or flight
New memories, learning, emotions
Pituitary Gland
master gland for hormones
Coordinates voluntary movements
Brain Stem
Regulation of involuntary things like heart rate and breathing during sleep
Spinal Cord
sends messages through the body
Discovered the cortical homunculus through stimulation of the strip itself
behaviors are controlled by specific brain hemispheres or specific areas of the brain