EXAM - Saints Flashcards
baptizing/converting Asians and Indians
Francis Xavier
Patron of journalism and letters; Bishop of Geneva, counseled Christians, turned away beliefs of Calvanism
Francis de Sales
widowed; friends with St. Francis de Sales, congregation of the Visitation, daughters of prayer
Jane de Chantal
ministered to poor, especially young boys, Started Salesians order
St. John Bosco
Saint of Widows, founded the sisters of Charity
Louise de Marrilac
Patron of Beggars, worked in Peru, first Black Saint in America
Martin de Porres
captured by Pirates; Saint of Charity
Vincent de Paul
founded Christian brothers, Patron of Teachers
John Baptist de la Salle
Patron of Parish Priests, listened to hours of confessions
John Vianney
Patron of Orphans, visions of sacred heart, very devoted, very sickly but cured after seeing vision of the sacred heart
Margaret Mary Alacoque
ministered to slaves in Columbia and in the West Indies
Peter Claver
Mary came to her in visions
Bernadette Soubirous
Patron of North America, helped American Indians,martyred
Isaac Jogues