EXAM Ch. 3 Flashcards
religious life in which men and women leave the world to enter a monastery or convent while devoting themeselves to prayer, contemplation, and self-denial in solitude
a fifth century heresy that held that humans could save themselves without God’s supernatural help
the Latin translation of the Bible completed by St. Jerome; became the authorized Bible used in the Catholic Church up to modern times
preaching the gospel
a heresy of the fourth century that took its name from Arius, a heretical priest from Alexandria; denied the divinity of Jesus, claiming that he was like the Father except that he was created
a 4th century heresy named for a bishop of Macedonia that claimed that the Son created the Holy Spirit who was in turn subordinate to the father and the sun
a heresy of the late 5th/early 6th century that taught that there is only one nature in the Person of Christ, the divine nature
Why was the Council of Nicea started and by whom?
Formed by Constantine; The council of Nicea was created to shut down Arianism
- They decided that Jesus was consubstantial with the father
- Nicene creed-stated our beliefs as Catholics
council that focused on the divinity of the Holy Spirit; Holy Spirit equal to the father and the son; Jesus was both human and divine
Council of Constantinople
In Greek, the supreme title for Mary, “God bearer”, “Mother of God”
this council fought against Neatorius’ belief of Christotokos which stated that Mary was only the mother of the human Jesus, not the divine Jesus. It stated that Mary is the mother of God and also that Jesus was the second person in the Blessed Trinity.
Council of Ephesus
This council stated that Jesus was one divine person in two natures-human and divine
Council of Chalcedon
set up missionaries to convert pagans; a famous story tells of how I chopped down a sacred oak tree dedicated to Thor, when I was not killed by Thor the pagans committed to Christian life
captured by Irish pirates and enslaved in Ireland, after 6 years I was set free and joined the monetary, I became bishop and returned to Ireland to convert Irish Celtic kings and established monasteries
one of the most learned of all the Fathers of the Church. I translated the bible into Latin