10 characteristics that be used to classify a country as low income.
- Low GNI per capita.
- Low levels of education.
- High unemployment.
- Less access to clean water.
- High birth rates.
- Reduced trade opportunities.
- Poor legal and political systems.
- Poor infrastructure.
- Lack of social security.
- Reduced access to healthcare.
10 Aspects of social sustainability.
- Access to social security.
- Access to employment
- low birth rates
- Access to education
- Access to healthcare
- Access to technology
- Access to legal systems
- Social justice systems
- Promotion of human rights
- Gender equality
How can the elimination of poverty and provision of social protection systems reduce maternal mortality rates in low and middle income countries?
Through the provision of social protection systems in low and middle income countries, those with low income are able to gain financial support which allows them to access health care. This can allow them to have skilled doctors present during birth, which reduces complications during birth, and reduces maternal mortality ratios in low/middle income countries through safe deliveries.
How can gender equality reduce maternal mortality ratios in low/middle income countries?
Gender equality refers to males and females having the same opportunities. In low/middle income countries if females have the same opportunities of education as males, they are able to develop health literacy to understand family planning and spacing during each births. This gives females time to fully recover from the birthing before having another baby, which allows for better childbirth outcomes and reduces rates of maternal mortality ratio in low/middle income countries.
Identify 5 aspects of NDIS.
- Funded by the government through taxation.
- Covers Australians who have permanent and significant disability.
- It can provide supports such as wheelchairs, carers, and respite for carers.
- It allows people with a disability to exercise control and choice in the pursuit of their goals.
- It works to promote the ability of people to lead an ‘ordinary’ life.
How does NDIS promote spiritual HW in terms of equity?
The NDIS provides appropriate amounts of funding to an individual based on the severity of their disability. This means those who are more impacted by their disease, receive more support, such as funding put towards carers or wheelchairs. This can promote spiritual health and wellbeing, as an individual may feel a deeper sense of belonging, by knowing that their needs are constantly being met.
How does the NDIS promote social HW in terms of access?
The NDIS enables individuals with a disability to live a higher quality life, by being able to access employment, education, or participate in community. This can promote social health and wellbeing, because socialising with people at school or in the community can enhance their ability to develop communication skills and a strong social network.
Identify a sociocultural factor that may contribute to higher death rates due to coronary disease in remote areas, compared to major cities.
Education- people living outside major cities may be less educated than those living in major cities. As a result, they may have lower health literacy, which is the ability to understand health recommendations and promotions, including the importance of regularly seeing a GP/doctor for checkups. Heart disease caught early may prevent death. As a result, those living more remote, experience higher coronary heart disease than those living in major cities.
Identify 5 reasons as to why manufacturers of tobacco might target their marketing at low-income and middle-income countries.
- There is often a desire in these countries to be more like Western cultures.
- There are fewer laws in these countries, associated with tobacco, such as few restrictions on where people can smoke.
- There are lower levels of education in these countries.
- Governments in low- and middle-income countries are more likely to take revenue associated with tobacco sales, rather than value their citizens health.
- Tobacco profits have fallen in high income countries.
Explain how the global marketing of tobacco in low- and middle-income countries may influence burden of disease.
People in low- and middle-income countries are more likely to smoke tobacco. This can cause faults in the body cells, as they divide, which can increase the risk of lung cancer, thus increasing YLL in low and middle income countries.
Smoking tobacco can also speed up the process of atherosclerosis which is the build up of plaque on the arteries. This is associated with heart disease and heart attacks, increasing YLD in both low- and middle income countries.
Tobacco contains thousands of toxic chemicals, that can impair an individuals respiratory system, and thus increase the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This restricts airflow through the lungs, and affect an individuals breathing, thus increasing YLL.
Explain why education is a prerequisite for health (4 reasons)
- Having an adequate education, can help individuals pursue a well paying career, and being able to afford additional basic needs such as food, therefore promoting the functioning of the body and its systems (physical HW).
- Education is a prerequisite for health, as it is crucial for being able to gain knowledge on what is healthy and what is not, helping guiding an individuals decisions throughout life, such as not over-consuming alcohol, thus promoting physical health and wellbeing.
- Education allows people to come together, to share knowledge and tackle issues the world may be facing such as climate change. This allows people to meet new people, and develop a strong social network (social HW)
- Education, increases an individuals ability to gain meaningful employment later on in life. Through employment, individuals can find meaning in life, as they feel that they have something to do, and goals to fulfil, thus promoting spiritual HW.
What is a stable ecosystem?
A stable ecosystem is an area with both living and non-living organisms. Live organisms involve plants, animals, and humans. Non-living organisms involve soil, rocks, etc.
Define stability.
Stability means that all living things are having their needs for water, food, shelter and other essential resources met, such as reproduction, without causing harm to the natural environment.
How can a stable ecosystem promote physical HW? (2)
- A stable ecosystem is essential for optimal physical health and wellbeing, as it allows for humans, animals, or plants to grow and flourish with a balance of resources such as water, that can be used by all organisms adequately, to meet their physical needs for survival (physical HW).
- Biodiversity within ecosystems, also offers potential sources for medicines and therapeutic compounds enhancing our capacity to compound health challenges, thus promoting physical HW.
How can a stable ecosystem promote mental HW? (2)
- Ecosystems play a significant role in supporting mental health and wellbeing, by providing spaces for relaxation and connection with nature.
- Interacting with nature and outdoor activities can enhance mood and cognition function, thus playing a significant role in fostering mental health and wellbeing.
Describe the WHO.
The World Health Organisation is an international organisation that is a branch of the United Nations (UN). Developed in 1948, the WHO works to achieve improved health outcomes for everyone.
Whats the mission of the WHO and how does it work to achieve the mission?
Promote health, keep the world safe, and protect the vulnerable. The WHO works to achieve its mission by focusing on three strategic priorities.
What are the priorities of the WHO? (explain them)
- Achieving universal health coverage (this means to ensure all people are covered by an affordable and qualitative health care system, regardless of where they live or abilities to pay).
- Addressing health emergencies (this is directly aligned to the SDG-3 of strengthening early warning, risk reduction, and management of health and wellbeing risks. Also works to ensure that the risks have the smallest impact possible).
- Promoting healthier emergencies (this focuses on the achievement of health and wellbeing targets in SDG-3).