Exam Review Cards Flashcards
What are the Retroperitoneal Structures
A - Aorta/IVC
D - Duodenum (Descending, Inferior, and most of Ascending)
P - Pancreas (Body, Head, Neck, Uncinate Process except the Tail)
U - Ureters
C - Colon (Ascending and Descending only)
K - Kidneys
E - Esophagus
R - Rectum (Inferior)
S - Suprarenal (adrenal) glands
What is the Inguinal Canal?
Passage through the Anterior Abdominal Wall that is created by the Processus Vaginalis (extension of Peritoneal Cavity created during gonadal descent) extending downward and medially
What is the Deep Inguinal Ring?
- Start of the Inguinal Canal
- Invagination of the Transversalis Fascia
- Midway between ASIS and Pubic Symphysis
What is the Superficial Inguinal Ring?
- End of the Inguinal Canal
- Made from the External Oblique Aponeurosis
- Triangular Opening
What structures pass through the Inguinal Canal in men? In women?
1. Spermatic Cord (Ductus Deferens, Arteries, Veins, Ilio-Inguinal Nerve, Lymphatics, etc.)
- Round Ligament (Connects Uterus to Labia Majora Connective tissue)
- Ilio-Inguinal Nerve
Name the layers of the Spermatic Cord (Superficial to Deep) and the abdominal wall muscles that they are extensions of if applicable
- External Spermatic Fascia (of the External Oblique Aponeurosis)
- Cremasteric Fascia (of the Internal Oblique muscle)
- Internal Spermatic Fascia (of the Transversalis Fascia)
- Parietal Layer of Tunica Vaginalis
- Cavity of Tunica Vaginalis
- Visceral Layer of Tunica Vaginalis
What nerve innervates the Anterior and Lateral muscles of the Abdominal Wall?
Ventral Rami of T7-T12 Spinal Nerves
ALSO L1 in the cases of the Internal Oblique and Transversus Abdominus
Where is the Arcuate Line located and what does it signify?
- It is about midway between the Umbilicus and the Pubic Symphysis with roughly 3/4 of the Rectus Abdominus located above it and 1/4 located below it
- It signifies a change in the Rectus Sheath indicated below
ABOVE Arcuate Line:
- Anterior Side: External Oblique, Internal Oblique
- Posterior Side: Internal Oblique and Transversus Abdominus
BELOW Arcuate Line:
- Anterior Side: External Oblique, Internal Oblique, and Transversus Abdominus
- Posterior Side: Transversalis Fascia
Someone is stabbed in the Lateral portion of the Abdomen below the Umbilicus, list the layers that are penetrated from Superficial to Deep:
- Skin
- Camper’s Fascia
- Scarpa’s Fascia
- External Oblique
- Internal Oblique
- Transversus Abdominus
- Transversalis Fascia
- Extraperitoneal Fascia
- Parietal Peritoneum
- Visceral Peritoneum
Superficial Blood supply to the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall:
- Superior- Musculophrenic Artery (from Internal Thoracic Artery)
- Inferior- Superficial Epigastric Artery (Medial from Femoral Artery) and Superficial Circumflex Iliac Artery (Lateral from Femoral Artery)
Deep Blood supply to the Anterolateral Abdominal Wall:
- Superficial- Superior Epigastric Artery (off Internal Thoracic)
- Inferior- Inferior Epigastric Artery (Medial from External Iliac) and Deep Circumflex Iliac Artery (Lateral from External Iliac)
- Lateral- 10th and 11th Intercostal Arteries
Lymphatic Drainage of the Abdomen:
- Superficial to the Umbilicus drains Superficially to the AXILLARY NODES
- Inferior to the Umbilicus drains to Superficial Inguinal Nodes
- Deep drainage to Parasternal Nodes
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
- MOST COMMON (“Congenital”)
- More common in men than women
- Peritoneal Sac protrudes through the Deep Inguinal Ring entering the Inguinal Canal
Direct Inguinal Hernia
- Seen in mature men due to weakened abdominal muscles (“Acquired”)
- Protrusion of the Peritoneal Sac through the Inguinal Triangle
What are the borders of the Inguinal Triangle?
- Medial- Rectus Abdominus Muscle
- Lateral- Inferior Epigastric Artery
- Inferior- Inguinal Ligament
What is the Mesentery?
Folds of Peritoneum that suspend the “Preperitoneal” Abdominal Viscera (organs) in the Peritoneal Cavity
What is McBurney’s Point and where is it located?
- It is the site where pain is felt in patients experiencing Appendicitis once pain goes from referred, visceral pain called Colic to localized and focal somatic pain
- If you were to draw a line between the Umbilicus and ASIS, McBurney’s Point would be located at a point to demarcate the Lateral 1/3
What are the Right and Left Paracolic Gutters?
- Immediately Lateral to Ascending (Right) and Descending (Left) Colon
- Depression that provide a passageway for materials to pass behind the Peritoneum and go from one region to another within the abdomen
- Can provide a relatively blood-free mobilization of the
Ascending and Descending Colon by cutting the Peritoneum along these lateral Paracolic gutters since vessels and lymphatics are medial and posteromedial
What Vertebrae does the Celiac Trunk coincide with?
Superior L1
What Vertebrae does the SMA coincide with?
Inferior L1