Exam Questions Flashcards


You are to plan a passage from Gibraltar to the Caribbean, what is your process?


Intro: Using guidance from IMO Resolution 893A, SOLAS chapter V, Bridge Procedures Guid and the Companies SMS I would follow the APEM method.

Appraisal= I would ask my OOW to do the following;

Publications - Collect the most relevant charts and publications for the intended voyage ensuring they are the latest edition and corrected to the most recent Notice to Mariners.

List 4 -5 Publications
-Mercator Charts
-Gnomic Chart
-Admiralty Routing Charts
- Admiralty Sailing Directions
-AdmiraltyOcean Passages of the world
- ALRS Volumes 1-6
-Admiralty Total Tides
-Nautical Almanac
-Admiralty List of lights and Fog signals
-Admiralty The Mariners Handbook NP100

I would then expect him to collect information on the ships Characteristics which would include;

Ships Characteristics
-Maneuvering Data = turning circles, stopping dist
-Defects or deficiencies to resolve before departure
-Certificates are valid for the period of voyage
-Insurance is relevant for the type of voyage
-Range in relation to fuel consumption
-MARPOL requirement will be met with regards to Black water and Grey water holing tank capacities, Garbage Management Plan and fuel sulphur content regulations within ECAs.
- Minimum Safe Manning Doc reviewed ensuring the there is a sufficient number of crew on board for the departure, maintaining a safe navigation watch, emergency response and mooring.
-Requirements such as Visa’s, permits or certificates

I would then run though the Masters Preferences which would include;

Masters Preferences
-Minimum Distance to navigation hazards
-Minimum UKC
- Routes to avoid high security risk areas
-Past Passage plans and experience
-Charterers requirements

Once the appraisal stage is complete I would get my OOW to;

1) Chart Work
-Lay down a route on Paper Charts and ECDIS from berth to berth taking into consideration no go areas
-Clearly marking wheel over points and call points.
-Identifying visual and Radar conspicuous objects for position fixing.
-Tidal streams

2) Speed
Using the charterers required ETA we are able to calculate the most fuel efficient speed.

3) Schedules
Using the distance from the charts and required speed we are able to create schedules for the intended voyage such as;
-Bridge Watch Schedules
-Tidal windows
-Environmental schedules with regards to discharging and fuel change over
-Drill schedules
-Safety comity meeting opportunities
-Planned maintenance
-Stability requirements with regards to ballast schedules

4) Contingencies
-Bad weather route
-Contingency plans are in place for bad weather

5) Compliance
-International = Conventions and Codes
-Flag requirements
-Class requirements
-Countries which waters will be entered
-Foreign Port which is being visited
-Companies SMS
-Captains Standing Orders

6) Risk Assessed and approved
-OOW who created the passage plan checks visually and electronically
-Second person checks visually and electronically who could be another OOW
-Master checks visually and electronically

Understanding the passage plane may have been made months in advance, we are now checking that the intended plan is safe with the latest information such as;
-Up to date Navigation charts and publication
-Local bylaws are still the same
-Nav warnings
-Security updates relating to piracy
-Pilot arrangement and booking
-Checking that my contingencies are still available

This process starts before departure and is continuous through the whole passage.

We are trying to detect departure from the intended voyage by cross checking;
-Navigation Equipment = Position, Course, UKC (MGN 315)
-Speed = Ensuring we are meeting the ETA
-Schedules are going as planned
-Maintaining Environmental compliance
-Ballast schedules

Closing Statement
To ensure my vessel arrives in a safe and efficient manner.

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