Exam Questions Flashcards
Name the aircraft documents you must carry on an Air Operation
Flight Manual
Airworthiness Certi.
Radio Approvals
Tech Log
Weight & Balance
Met Info
Aerodrome plates
Dangerous Goods documentation
What is a Certificate of Airworthiness and what would make it invalid?
Documentation confirming an aircrafts airworthiness being conducive for safe flight and compliance with CAA rules.
Aircraft no longer meeting approved design
Document out of date
Flight outside parameters stated in flight manual
What is the Technical Log and what would make it invalid?
Document recording an aircrafts hours as well as maintenance due/upcoming.
Any defects that are unsigned or not being released for service.
Are the hours on a tech log engine or airframe hours?
Airframe hours
Do you have to carry a VNC on your training flights?
Not if you have sufficient knowledge of the local area
What are the minimum legal requirements for fuel on a VFR Air Operation?
20min fuel reserve for flights greater than 20min
Less than 20min, flight time + that time in reserve
What emergency equipment must be carried on air operations?
Fire Extinghuisher
1st Aid Kit
10nm offshore -> Life rafts, radio, pyrotechnics, water + food
What time and how many times a day are TAF’s and METAR’s issued?
TAF - Issued every 6 hours, updated every 3 hours
METAR - Hourly on the hour during aerodrome operation
What is a SIGMET and why is it issued?
Significant Meteorological Information
Info on observed or hazardous weather conditions
What are the Met Minima for an Air Operation in control zone airspace?
1500ft ceiling
5km vis
500ft vertical separation from cloud
2km horizontally from cloud
List the requirements you must have before you start work as a commercial pilot on Air Operations.
Class 1 Medical
Type rating on machine being used
Current - 5 T/O & LDS
You need to refuel with JetA1, do you need to shut down your engines to do so?
No. Allowed to refuel Class 3.1C and D with engines running
What are the first three classes of Dangerous Goods?
Class 1 - Explosives
Class 2 - Flammable Gases
Class 3 - Flammable Liquids
A television crew have asked you to fly over CHCH for a photo shoot. What part of the law is this under and what safety considerations are there?
Part 135 - CTO
Height velocity graph
Minimum heights
Performance graphs - OGE Hover
What is an ARA and where can you find out if its due?
Annual Review of Airworthiness
Tech Log
Where would you find the times remaining on specific components?
Engine or Airframe logbooks
How would you find out if your AIP’s are current?
AIP Supplements
AIP Vol1 - GEN 3.1-16
What is required to start up your own scenic flight operation?
Airworthiness certificate
Air Operators Certificate
Type rating
Maintenance Schedule
Part 91, 135, 21, 43, 119
Civil Aviation Act 1990
You go diving for Crays in Haast, how long until you can fly again?
If possible 24 hours after last dive
10m or less - 12 hours
10m or more or multiple dives - 24 hours
35m+ or planning to fly above 8000ft - 48 hours
Your pax wish to do a local scenic across water. What must be carried for an ATO over the water more than 10nm from Autorotational distance?
Life jackets worn
Life rafts carried
Floats or Immersion suits worn
Can you fly an ATO 100nm beyond shore? If so what flight rules apply?
Yes - IFR only
Can a single engine Air Operation flight with pax fly above scattered cloud?
How often must you have a competency check within a business?
Every 12 months
How many days off do you get off in a 14 day and 30 day period whilst flying 135 operations?
14 days - No less than 2 days off
30 days - No less than 2 consecutive days off
CTO met minima by night?
2000ft ceiling
5km visibility
ATO met minima by day?
600ft ceiling
1500m vis
Uncontrolled aerodrome met minima by night?
1500ft ceiling
8km vis
Can you fly in a danger area?
Yes - considering PiC deems no safety risk to flight
What is a CFZ?
Common Frequency Zone
Areas of airspace on same frequency where pilots are encouraged to perform position reports
What is a GAA? and what are the types of GAA?
General Aviation Areas
Permanently by day
Active by notification to ATC
Active by pilot activation with approval from ATC
Requirements for SVFR?
600ft ceiling
1500m vis
Day only
Clear of cloud
ATC approval
2-way radio comms
Helicopter less than minima if flown at speeds to actively see and avoid obstacles and traffic.
Requirements to perform CTO at night?
Class 1 medical
Type rating
Current by night (5 T/O & LNDS)
Night rating
ICUS (40hrs on type for night + 10 take off and landings)
What is the aircraft designator for a Cabri G2? Where would you find this information?
IFIS - Airways website
What are your privileges and limitations as a CPL (H) holder?
All relevant PPL privileges and limitations
PiC for single pilot operations
Co-Pilot for multicrew ATO
PiC for multicrew operations not ATO
All for hire, reward or remuneration
What is an MBZ and when do you need to make radio calls in them?
Mandatory Broadcast Zone
Upon entry into one
When joining aerodrome traffic circuit
Prior to entering runway
At listed intervals for that MBZ
Wake turbulence time separation minima for a Light aircraft following a Medium and Heavy aircraft.
Both 2 minutes
Requirements to fly in Low Fly Zones?
Obtain briefing by designated authority
Boundaries outlined
Day only
No pax - dual instruction only
Radio prior to entry - maintain listening watch
Requirements to enter / operate in Transponder Mandatory Airspace
Operation transponder that includes ADS-B
To operate without an operable transponder, ATC approval and sometimes CAA approval is required.
Exceptions to ELT Requirements?
Aircraft being ferried to get ELT installed - no pax
Aircraft being ferried to get inoperative ELT fixed/repairs
Aircraft with no more than 1 seat if PiC has portable ELT
Aircraft with inoperative ELT may be operated for a period of 7 days if equipped with portable ELT that is accessible to all on board
Glider not required if one person in glider has portable ELT
Glider or microlight operating no more than 10nm from departure aerodrome
Manned free balloons
AAW Issue Times
1100 + 2100
135, CTO Flight Crew Limitations
160 hrs - 30 days
2 days free any 14 day period
2 consecutive days any 30 day period
“Fatigue of Flight Crew”
Limitations of Flight Time
8 hours in any 1 duty period
35 hrs - 7 days
100 hrs - 28 days
300 hrs - 90 days
Fatigue of Flight Crew
Rest Management
If flown more than 8hrs or 11hrs on duty, rest period not less than 12 consecutive hrs incl. midnight-6am
Or extended to incl. that period
Maintenance requirements for external load equipment
Visually inspected every 50hrs
Proof loaded 1.25 times rating within 12 months or 500hrs of service
Human Suspension - 3.75 times rating
Occasions when supplementary crew member can be carried on 133 op.
Operate the winch
Observe the load
Release the load
Observe clearances
Emplane or deplane persons
3 types of transponders
Mode A - squawk code
Mode C - Code, altitude info
Mode S - Code, altitude info, rego, speed
Equipment requiring 24 month maintenance
Altimeter + Pitot static
Equipment requiring 12 month maintenance requirements
Fire extinguisher
1st aid kit
Floatation equipment
Minimum Instruments by Day
Carbon Monoxide detector
Cylinder head temp (250+hp)
Engine RPM
Electrical power
Fuel level
Oil pressure
Oil temp
Additional instruments for VFR by night
Turn & slip indicator
Position lights
Anti-collision lights
Illumination for each required instruments
Torch/headlight for each crew member
Class C Airspace Separations
IFR from
VFR from IFR
What is / Define a TEMPO
Temporary changes each lasting less than 60min during the specified time frame & where conditions are less dominant than the original forecast.
What is / define a PROB
Probability that a phenomenon will occur. Used if phenomenon has a 30% or 40% chance of occurring
Colour and Shape of Cold Front
Colour and Shape of Warm Front
Semi Circles
Colour and Shape of Occluded Front
Alternating Ovals/Semi Circles and Triangles
Colour and Shape of Stationary Front
Semi Circle on one side then Triangles on other side of line.
Difference between SKC and NCD
SKC - No cloud at all
NCD - No cloud detected below 10,000ft
State the requirements for the completion of a BFR
Conducted by appropriately qualified flight instructor
Consist of maneuvers & procedures applicable to license
How many Naitical Miles are covered when traveling at the following speeds
30kts - .5nm/min
60kts - 1nm/min
90kts - 1.5nm/min
120kts - 2nm/min
In a steady state auto, when the collective is raised, the autorotative (driving) region of the blade moves where?
Decreases and moves outwards towards retreating blade.
State the communication & navigation requirements for VFR over water
Radio comms meet level 1 or 2 standards.
Capable of 2 way comms with ATC.
Navigation equipment capable of navigating aircraft in accordance with flight plan.
After a heavy landing, what should you check on the machine?
Skid shoes
Fuselage near gear bows
Tail boom attachments
Main rotor gearbox & attachments
Main rotor droop stop
What are the duties of a pilot in command?
Responsible for safe operation of aircraft.
Safety & wellbeing of passengers, crew and cargo.
Final authority to control aircraft and discipline of all persons.
Responsible for adhering to all relevant Rules and Act.
List all relevant CAA Rules
1 - Abbreviations & Definitions
12 - Accidents & Incidents
21 - Certification of Products and Parts
43 - General Maintenance
61 - Pilot Licences + Ratings
67 - Medical Standards & Certification
91 - General Operating & Flight Rules
92 - Dangerous Goods
119 - Air Operation Certification
133 - Helicopter External Loads
135 - Air Ops Helicopters & Small Aeroplanes
137 - Agricultural
141 Training Organisations
List what maintenance a pilot can perform on an aircraft
Replace skid shoes
Replace side windows
Replace battery
Grease & lubrication
Replenish hydraulic fluid
Removal or installation of doors, seats & role equipment
Describe differences between an alternator and a generator
Alternator - Bar magnet rotates stationary loop of wire
Generator - Wire loop rotates within stationary magnet
List symptoms of and recovery actions for Vortex Ring State
Stick shake & vibration
Random rolling & pitching
Rapid increase in RoD
Cyclic forward (&/or slightly to side) to increase airspeed
Apply power
What is the average pressure lapse rate in the lower troposphere
1 hpa per 30 feet
Describe general weather conditions associated with an Anti-cyclone (High)
Generally fine
Light winds
Occasional shower
Summer time potential afternoon thunderstorm
List symptoms and recovery for rotor stall
Aerodynamic vibrations
Loss of rotor thrust
Increasing RoD
Decreasing RRPM
Lower collective while simultaneously rolling in throttle
What are the four main causes of lead lag of the rotor system
Conservation of angular momentum
Hooked joint effect
Periodic drag changes
Random changes
Describe the allowance for the carriage of Dangerous Goods for recreational use of passengers
Unpressurised aircraft MCTOW 5700kg or less on VFR.
DG not forbidden.
Safety & emergency procedures established.
PiC notified.
Only passengers associated carried.
Symptoms and recovery for retreating blade stall
Increase in rotor vibration
Sudden nose pitch up
Lower collective and slow down
Aspect ratio is what?
Span compared to chord
Glider- High aspect
Stunt plane - Low aspect
Describe general weather conditions associated with a depression
Poor / deteriorating weather
Strong winds
Poor visibility to due rain
Extensive low cloud
Aircraft icing
Describe airworthiness requirements for a Helicopter on an ATO
All machines to hold a current standard airworthiness cert.
Restricted category airworthiness if flight manual permits such an op.
State currency for Class 1 and 2 medical certificate
Class 1
12 months under 40
6 months over 40
Class 2
60 months under 40
24 months over 40
Describe the process to perform external load op over congested areas
- Routes
- Actions in emergency
- Risk Ass.
- Coordination with ATC
Written notification to territorial authority.
Comply with territorial authority requests.
Flight over private property permission.
Public notice.
Breifing with all involved.
Keep plan for 6 months.
What movement is associated with potential mast bumping, and what is the recovery process
Aircraft nose yaw left and develop roll to right roll.
Gentle aft cyclic to reload the disc
What levels are temps given for in a AAW?
5,000 ft
7,000 ft
10,000 ft
GRAFOR Issue times and validity
1100 UTC
2100 UTC
11Z - 18, 00, 06 UTC
21Z - 00, 06, 12 UTC
Blue Dots
Blue hollow triangles
Purple Line
Control Area (CTA)
Dark blue line
Control Zone (CTR)
Thick blue line
VFR Transit Lane
Thin blue line
Low flying zone
Purple aerodrome
AIP published
Blue aerodrome
AIP Published
Light blue numbers in each grid square
Maximum elevation figures
Based on highest known feature in square.
What makes an airworthiness certificate valid / invalid
ARA out of date.
Defects listed on tech log not signed for.
Flying outside of parameters stated in flight manual.
Modification to aircraft conditions outside of certificate.
Aircraft for Air Ops vs Private ARA due dates?
Air Ops - Annually / 12 Months
Private - Biannually / 24 months
Medical Cert. grace period
30 days
BFR + FCCC grace period
60 days
What does the reference AIR 3176 on the airworthiness certificate indicate?
Flight manual reference number applicable to that aircraft.
When can an aircraft enter an MBZ without an operable radio?
Activate landing & anti-collision lights.
If practicable have another person make radio broadcasts on your behalf.
Can you refuel your turbine aircraft as your pax disembark?
If your company’s procedure allows you to and passengers are briefed prior, yes.
List data required for a Daily Flight Record for Air Ops
Name of operator
Aircraft Rego
Total flight time
# of Pax
Type of air ops
Name of departure/arrival aerodromes
Flight # or ETD
W+B data
- Total weight of pax, goods, baggage
- Empty weight
- Weight of usable fuel
- Evidence of CoG within limits
- Max allowable weight
Map Legend
Red Gun
Firing Activity
Map Legend
Red Plane
Flight Training Activity
Map Legend
Red Glider
Glider Activity
Map Legend
Red Paper Plane
Handglider / Paragliding Activity
Map Legend
Red Kite
Kite flying activity
Map Legend
Red Gondola Swinging
Model Aircraft
Map Legend
Red Parachute
Parachute Landing Area
Map Legend
Red Crescent/Arch
Parasailing activity
Map Legend
Red Duck
Sensitive Fauna
ELT Frequency
When must you wear a seat belt
All time below 1000agl
When directed by PiC
Take off & landing
Open cockpit operations
Global Navigation Satellite System
Warning system alerts when a GPS system cannot be trusted due to insufficient satellites or incorrect information.
Define GNSS & satellite numbers required for fix
Global Navigation Satellite System
3 - 2D fix (location only)
4 - 3D fix (location & altitude)
Accident vs Incident
Fatally/seriously injured
Damage or structural failure
Notification ASAP - report within 10 days
Occurrence that could affect safety of aircraft or operation
Notification ASAP - report within 14 days
Rules around carriage of firearms
Stowed inaccessible & disabled.
Only those associated carried & disabled.
For immobilization of livestock on board.
Immobilizing animals on the ground & firearm unloaded until at area of op.
Police/law enforcement & for course if their duties & approved.
Sole operation to carry Police/law enforcement & unloaded.
Essential Police/law enforcement op & can be loaded.
No fireman discharged over people or congested area.
Light Signal
Cleared to land
Light Signal
Give way to other aircraft and continue circling
Light Signal
Green flashes
Return for landing
Light Signal
Red flashes
Aerodrome unsafe, do not land
Light Signal
White flashes
Land at this aerodrome and proceed to apron
Light Signal
Alternating Red and Green flashes
Danger be on the alert
Light Signal
Alternating Red and Green flashes
Danger be on the alert
Min heights for VFR
Congested area
1000” vertically
600m horizontally
Any other area
500” vertically
150m horizontally
Occasions where PiC may fly in Class G airspace with less than met Minima prescribed.
Helicopter if at speed that give adequate opportunity to observe and avoid traffic and obstacles.
Ag operations less than 5km visibility but no less than 1500m.
Flight instruction in LFZ less than 5km but not less than 1500m.
Define TREND
Forecast valid for 2 hrs attached at end of a METAR stating any significant changes from those already described.
Procedures for a Pilot observing a distress incident
Keep craft in sight.
Report to RCC or aeronautical station the following info
- Type of craft in distress
- Position
- Time observed
- # of people observed
- Whether persons abandoned craft
- Persons observed afloat
- Apparent physical condition of persons
Procedures for a Pilot intercepting a distress message.
If possible take bearing on transmission.
Listen & if no acknowledgement is heard acknowledge receipt and relay message to appropriate station.
If necessary exercise control of comms until station can take control.
Plot the position of the craft in distress.
At pilot’s discretion, proceed to position given in message.
Ground to Air Visual Symbol
‘ V ‘
Require assistance
Ground to Air Visual Symbol
‘ X ‘
Require medical assistance
Ground to Air Visual Symbol
‘ N ‘
No or Negative
Ground to Air Visual Symbol
‘ Y ‘
Yes or Affirmative
Ground to Air Visual Symbol
‘ ⬆️ ‘
Proceeding in this direction
Flight cruising levels VFR explained.
NOSE above 3000ft
North - Odd + 500ft (3500,5500,7500)
South - Even + 500ft (4500,6500,8500)
North (270° - 089°)
South (090° - 269°)
Speechless Technique triggers
ATC will ask for confirmation by triggering mic 3 times.
Yes - transmitter once
No - transmitter twice
Say Again - transmitter 3 times
At Nominated Position - transmitter 4 times
Flight in Volcanic Hazard Zone requirements.
Day only
VMC conditions
PiC deems no threat to safety of flight after considering Met + NOTAM
When does Part91 min heights not apply?
Take off / landing
Balked landing
Flight training
Low fly zones
Aviation event
“Bona fide” purpose only if
- No hazard to person or property on surface
- Only persons performing essential function are carried
- No lower than necessary for flight
- 150m horizontally away from anything not associated to op
NOTAM code A & B meaning?
A - Domestic aerodrome
B - International aerodrome
135 minimum height limitations
“Bona Fide” reason is not applicable for ATO.
CTO can if necessary for completion of operation.
- Plan with all involved
- Reasonable care to operate without hazard to person or property
- Briefs all involved
TAF area reference size
Within 8km from reference point,
Within 16km for cloud.
Heights are given in what for the following?
Winds are given in what for the following?
AAW - True
TAF - True
METAR - True
ATIS - Magnetic
Canterbury FISCOM frequency
Describe the 3 sections of an AIP
GEN - Administrative & explanatory information
ENR - Information about airspace & its use
AD - Information about aerodromes and their use
AIP Supplement is issued how often?
28 days
AIP Supplements
Supps - temporary changes to the information contained in the AIP
AIC - information that does not qualify for the inclusion in the AIP or NOTAM but relates to flight safety, nav, technical, administrative, or legal matter.
Vol1 - Planning. Contains Gen, En & AD parts
Vol4 - VFR. Contains information from Gen & En that are relevant. AD charts & VFR procedures.
Common chat frequency
CTO Flight Time Limitations
160 hrs in any 30 day period
State requirements for a 135 ops sling load.
Not allowed on ATO
- Goods associated to those onboard
- Complies with part 133
- VFR day only
- Not less than 10% power margin from max power at T/O
Part 133 night operation requirements
Must maintain flight attitude, height and position by external reference
Pax briefing legal requirements
- When smoking is permitted
- Location & operation of doors/emergency exits
- Operation of seat belts
- Stowage of pax equipment
- Location & operation of survival equip.
- Emergency procedures
- Use of portable electronic devices
Requirement for carriage/stowage of carry-on baggage
Ensure all pax baggage is stowed;
- In a locker.
- Under pax seat so long as it can’t slide forward or hinder evacuation in the event of an emergency.
Daily Flight Records required?
Yes to both