Cabri Flashcards
Engine speed limitations
Min - 2585rpm
Normal - 2585 <–> 2700rpm
Max - 2700rpm
Max CHT for shutdown
Main Rotor Speed
Powerplant Description
5.9L Textron Lycoming
4 cylinder, horizontally opposed
Air cooled, naturally aspirated
Max Power
Continuous Power
Up to 5 min
Up to 30kts IAS
Max fuel
Types of Magneto
Bendix Magneto
LSE Plasma, Solid state variable timing
Approved Gas
Automotive fuel permitted - check flight limitations
Max envelope
Max operating temperature
ISA +30°C
Limited to 45°C
Min operating temperature
Negative 20°C
VNE Power On
VNE Power Off
VNE altitude degradation
-2kts per 1000ft pressure altitude
Rotor Speed Limitations Power On
Max - 540rpm
Normal - 515 <–> 540rpm
Min - 515rpm
High NR Horn Rotor Speed
Low NR Horn Rotor Speed
Max Oil Temp
Min Oil Temp before full power
Max Oil Pressure
7.9 bar
Max Oil Pressure For Flight
6.6 bar
Min Oil Pressure for take-off (Clutch light off)
3.8 bar
Min Oil Pressure During Idle
1.7 bar
Max Fuel Pressure
0.55 bar
Min Fuel Pressure
0.02 bar
Oil Sump Capacity
Min Oil for Take-Off
What does the Red Radial Mark indicate on the MLI when displaying PWR?
Shows the 160hp mark
Limit may be exceeded
What does the Red Arch indicate on the MLI when displaying FLO?
Corresponds to full throttle available.
This limit cannot be exceeded.
By doing so the NR will drop.
System Description
4 cylinder, direct drive, horizontally opposed.
Suspended through elastomeric vibration mounts.
Allowed to move slightly to maintain transmission belt tension.
System Description
The clutch tension actuator is fed by engine oil pressure through a four-way distributor controlled by the CLUTCH switch.
It’s regulated by a non-return valve to keep clutch engaged in case of engine oil drop.
A gas spring maintains disengagement during prolonged stoppage.
The CLUTCH light lights off when pressure of the oil is above 3.6 bar.
System Description
Air Induction
Engine air intake is located inside the main gearbox compartment on the right hand side.
The air is ducted down the firewall to an air filter box behind the carburettor.
The air box includes an electrically actuated butterfly valve which controls the carburettor heating and air filter.
System Description
Ignition System
The engine has a dual plug mixed ignition system.
One magneto with constant timing.
One solid state plasma with variable timing.
System is directly fed by the battery.
System Description
Cooling System
The engine is air cooled with an additional air cooler.
Cooling air enters through the upper cowling around the mast and gearbox.
Then gets forced via a squirrel cage blower fan directly around the engine.
Warm air exhausted below the engine.
System Description
Fuel System
Single crash resistant Kevlar fuel tank.
Submerged electric fuel booster pump.
Engine driven pump.
Shutdown valve.
A gascolator.
System Description
Electrical Circuit
Powered by a 12 volt, 25 ampere-hour battery.
13.7 volt, 60 ampere-hour alternator controlled by a voltage regulator.
MASTER switch disconnects all systems except;
-NR (BARC) lights
-PLASMA ignition system
-Doors remote control
-Auxiliary power socket
Max Gross Weight
Speed Limitation with door removal?
No change to normal flight limitations
Exceed Red Arch
Corrective actions?
If in hover - land or depart
If in translation - reduce power
If indication stays in red arch, land ASAP
Oil Temp
Exceed Red Arch
Corrective actions?
If in hover - land or depart
If in translation - reduce power
If indication stays in red arch, land ASAP
Oil Temp
Exceed Yellow Arch
Corrective actions?
Wait to apply full power
Allow to warm up
Oil Pressure
Exceed High Red Arch
Corrective actions?
Cold starting - allow engine to warm up
Flight - reduce power
If indication stays in red arch, land ASAP
Oil Pressure
Exceed High Yellow Arch
Corrective actions?
Normal at cold starting & during engine warm up
Flight - reduce power
If stays in yellow, land ASAP
Oil Pressure
Exceed Low Yellow Arch
Corrective actions?
Normal at idle
Flight - Clutch light should light soon after
Reduce power until light off
If continuous - reduce IAS to 50kts, land ASAP
Oil Pressure
Exceed Low Red Arch
Corrective actions?
Monitor OIL P warning light
Fuel Pressure
Exceed Low Red Arch
Corrective actions?
Check boost pump ON
Reduce power and reach Vy = 50kts
Fuel Pressure
Exceed High Red Arch
Corrective actions?
Switch boost pump OFF
Check a decrease
Low Fuel
EPM Red light (10L)
Corrective actions?
Check with Low Fuel warning light
Battery Charge
Check ALT switch is ON
Battery is not being charged. Turn all non-essential equipment OFF.
Amber Alarm
Corrective actions?
Shut cabin heater OFF
Open vents
Ground/Hover - Change heading
If symptoms of CO poisoning occur
MGB / TGB Chip
EPM Amber Alarm
Corrective actions?
If alarm is accompanied by an indication of a problem such as noise, vibration or MGB temp light - Land IMMEDIATELY
If there is no other indication of problem - Land ASAP
Starter (Stays on)
Amber Alarm
Corrective actions?
Immediately pull the mixture OFF to shut the engine down and switch MASTER OFF
Have system serviced.
Blue Warning Light
Corrective actions?
Control engine/rotor RPM with twist grip
Continue Flight
GOV OFF (blinking)
Blue Warning Light
Corrective actions?
If rotors are desynchronized from engine
Apply collective to resynchronize
If blinking stops
Continue Flight
If rotors are synchronized,
Disengaged the governor
Control engine/rotor rpm with twist grip
Continue Flight
Oil Pressure
Red Alarm Warning Light
Corrective actions?
MGB Temp
Amber Warning Light
Corrective actions?
If alarm is accompanied by an indication of a problem such as noise, vibration or MGB chip light - Land IMMEDIATELY
If there is no other indication of problem - Land ASAP
Low Fuel
Amber Warning Light (12L)
Corrective actions?
If EPM reads <10L - Land IMMEDIATELY
Amber Warning Light
Corrective actions?
Check charge indicator on EPM
If GREEN or WHITE - battery is being charged.
Continue Flight
If yellow - battery is not being charged. Turn all non-essential equip OFF
Amber Warning Light
Corrective actions?
Reduce power until light is off
If continuous - Reduce IAS to 50kts
Be prepared to enter Autorotation.
Rotor starting and stopping limits
40kts including gusts
Top of the height velocity graph?
Steps to allow a person to enter or exit the cabin?
- Less the 20kt wind
- Hold collective down
- Hold cyclic slightly aft
- Maintain RPM steady in green arch
- Watch person in lateral sector and allow by a head sign
Best take-off and climb speed
50kts IAS
Best range speed
80kts IAS
Autorotation speed
50kts IAS
Emergency Procedures
Engine Fire
On the ground
- Shut cabin heater OFF
- Shut fuel valve OFF
When engine quits - Switch all switches OFF
- Pull rotor brake
- Wait for complete stop of rotors before evacuating the cabin
Emergency Procedures
Engine Fire
In flight
Once fire is CONFIRMED
- Shut cabin heat OFF
- Lower collective and enter auto as per procedure
- Shut valve OFF
- Shut fuel pump OFF
- Above 8000AGL increase airspeed to 90kts
- Perform autorotation landing
- Pull rotor brake
- Wait for a complete stop of rotors before evacuating the cabin
Emergency Procedures
Inflight Engine Restart
Only attempt once autorotation is stabilized and on trajectory to landing area.
- Stabilize auto
- Check boost pump ON, fuel valve ON
- Check mixture RICH
- Check both ignition switches ON
- Apply 50% throttle
- Press starter button
Emergency Procedures
- Apply same procedures for landing
- Head equally between the wind and wave direction
- Open doors
- Reduce forward and vertical speed to minimum before contact with water
- Keep collective up after contact to help rotor deceleration
Emergency Procedures
Electrical Fire
- Switch alternator OFF
- Move NR switch to “Backup” position
- Use NR lights to monitor rotor speed
If source is determined, switch the other systems ON
If electrical fire continues - Land IMMEDIATELY
If not Land ASAP
Emergency Procedures
Tail Rotor Failure
- Reduce throttle in order to reduce left yaw rate
- Cushion contact with the ground by applying collective pitch up to high stop if necessary
Emergency Procedures
Tail Rotor Failure
Other Flight Cases
- Switch governor OFF
- Adjust power to maintian 70 - 80 kts
- Reach an appropriate surface for an auto running landing
- Enter auto, roll off throttle. Reduce airspeed as late as you can. Land with as much speed as the surface permits
Emergency Procedures
Yaw Control Failure
- Lower collective slowly enough to land smoothly while rolling off throttle to reduce yawing nose to the right
Emergency Procedures
Yaw Control Failure
Other Flight Cases
- Land ASAP
- Adjust to 70 - 80kts
- Adjust power to minimize sideslip and keep nose to the right
- Reach an appropriate surface for a running landing.
- Carry out cautious landing. Reduce airspeed as late as you can. Land with as much airspeed as the surface permits.
Emergency Procedures
Engine Governor Failure
Detected by
- Rotor/Engine speed not regulated
- Rotor/Engine speed changes in level flight
- If in doubt roll twist grip to see reaction
- GOV light is blinking
When detected
1. Hold twist grip firmly and overtake governor
2. Switch governor OFF
3. Regulate rotor/Engine speed in the green
4. Continue Flight
Emergency Procedures
Complete Loss of EPM
- Land ASAP
- Switch NR switch to backup
- Rotor/Engine speed controlled by governor and checked using high and low NR lights
- Control carburetor heat manually
COLD - High power
HOT - Low power - In this case, if LOW FUEL lights - Land IMMEDIATELY
Emergency Procedures
MLI Failure
Detected by the indication XXX on MLI
- Above 5500ft pressure altitude, you will always be limited to full throttle
Below 5500ft pressure altitude, do not exceed 80kts
Continue Flight
- Make cautious landing not requiring more power than previous take-off
Emergency Procedures
MLI Degraded Mode
Automatically shifts when one of the following is lost
- Engine speed
- Throttle position
- Ambiant air pressure
Signaled by MLI displayed in YELLOW
Continue Flight
Emergency Procedures
EPM CPU Overtemperature Failure
Warning displays thermometer symbol then turns off 30sec later
Refer to loss of EPM display procedure
If conditions change, a restart can be attempted. Switch ALT OFF, then switch MASTER OFF for a short moment then ALT ON again.
Emergency Procedures
Loss of engine speed sensor
Detected by XXX on engine indicator and loss of governor
1. Refer to NR indicator for engine speed
2. Overtake the governor
3. Once NR is in the green switch governor OFF
4. Regulate throttle manually in the green
Continue Flight
Emergency Procedures
Loss of main rotor speed sensor
Detected by XXX on EPM indicator
1. Keep powered flight, no desynchronization
2. Refer to NM indicator for rotor speed indication
Continue Flight
Emergency Procedures
Power Failure
- Use left pedal input to counter yawing to the right
- Cushion landing by raising collective until high pitch stop if necessary
- Once landed, lower collective
Emergency Procedures
Power Failure
During Take-off
- Use left pedal to counter yawing to right
- Use aft cyclic to level the helicopter
- Before having reached 30kts DO NOT LOWER COLLECTIVE
- If above 30kts, slightly pitch up while slightly lowering collective, if needed, to prevent climbing
- When approaching the ground, raise the collective to cushion contact
- Use pedals to minimize ground drift
- Once stopped, lower collective
Emergency Procedures
Power Failure
In Flight
- Lower collective immediately and maintain full down
- Use pedals to control yaw
- Maintain between 30-50kts
- Select landing area and manoeuvre to land into wind
- Adjust collective to centre NR green arc
- When landing is ensure, consider engine restart
- About 60ftAGL, apply aft cyclic to raise helicopter nose smoothly
- As ground closes in, apply forward cyclic while raising the collective to stop sink rate
- Use pedals to minimize ground drift
- Once stopped, lower collective
How can an engine failure be detected?
- Yaw acceleration to the right
- Engine noise level decreases
- Tachometer needles split on EPM
- OIL P warning on EPM and OIL P light come ON
- Plasma Beeper going off
- Rotor speed decreasing and “Low NR” horn audible
How can a primary transmission failure be detected?
- High yaw rate to the right
- Engine noise level increases
- Tachometer needles split on EPM
- Rotor speed decreasing and “Low NR” horn audible
Roll off twist grip ASAP
Best glide ratio for an autorotation?
80kts IAS
Mid yellow arc - 480rpm
Max weight of the hook
Symptoms of Carb icing in a Cabri
Governor mask icing
MLI will change from PWR to FLO and reach 100%
Confine landing power check percentages meaning?
30% - IGE Hover
35% - OGE Hover
40% - Steep Approach
Take Off
30% - Low power op.
35% - Normal take-off
40% - Towering take-off to 50”
Confine landing recon points
In order
Way in
Way out
System Description
Landing gear
2 tubular bows & skids.
Attached via soft elastomeric mounts.
Skids have wear shoes attached to protect against abrasion.
What does the white triangle next to the carb heat bricks represent?
In auto mode only, the white triangle arrow shows when the EPM triggers carb heat valve to open.
Tracker System Timings?
In reception - 15-30sec
Out of reception / satellite - 2min
Left seat removed, luggage bracket weight limitations
Remove dual controls
Cap on cyclic root
Tail Rotor pitch control is controlled through what?
A ball bearing flexible control