Exam question - Revision Flashcards
Date: Treaty of Echota?
What were the terms of the Treaty of Echota?
Gave up 8 million acres and received $5 million
How does Andrew describe Indian dependency on US Gov in money terms?
“proposes to pay the whole expense”
How many Choctaws died in the Indian Removal Act?
1,600 (1/10)
How many Cherokee died?
4000 (1/4)
Jackson –>
“cast off their savage habits and become an interesting, civilised, and Christian community.”
When did Cherokee adopt constitution based on US?
What did the Cherokee replace homes with?
Small stick-and-wattle homes replaced with log, lumber, and brick homes
How long was seminole war?
7 years
How many US soliders marched onto Seminole land?
Land provided in Dawes Act?
160 acres for farming
320 for grazing
Nez Perce reservation by 1910?
15000 Nez Perce
300,000 White settlers
Land decrease of Native Americans?
150 million acres - 90 million acres
John Collier’s view of Dawes Act?
‘principle tool’
How did President Arthur describe the Dawes Act?
“allotment system will have a direct and powerful influence in dissolving the tribal band”